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Status Updates posted by MatthewEWS

  1. GCSE's are over, 23 exams done, time for summer!

  2. GCSE's are over, 23 exams done, roll on summer!

  3. GCSE's are over, 23 exams done, roll on summer!

  4. Got an A grade in GCSE Core Science - PLEASED!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. TheIntercityhst


      Nice one Matthew, you just wait for additional!

    3. MatthewEWS


      Got Further Additional to do after that...



    4. M.I.B


      Train as an engineer. By the time you are 25 you'll be a rare breed and earn more than a doctor or a plastic surgeon.

  5. First day of the final year at school today

    1. WD0-6-0


      Good luck mate, it won't feel real until you put your pen down at the end of the final exam, and then into the longest holiday of your life

    2. Bon Accord

      Bon Accord

      Enjoy it, as trust me you'll miss it all when it's gone!


  6. How do you change the title of one of your topics?

    1. Guest


      Click edit on the first post.

    2. MatthewEWS
  7. Respryed 37, tamper, GUV, resprayed coach and two network rail IOA's for

    1. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Tried to, but I don't think my browser is modern enough... best of luck with it, anyway.

    2. naturol


      Found it on my iPad. Good luck with it, looking forward to you filling up the gallery with images.....ttfn

  8. Hattons selling 'Pre Owned' Hornby FGW Mk3s for

    1. Stevelewis


      Why not send Hattons a message on their Chat Line facility and let them know, the last time this occured they reduced their prices advantageously

  9. Bargain to start the new year - Bachmann HHA Hopper -

  10. Imagine if we were part of Gods model railway....

    1. Trainshed Terry

      Trainshed Terry

      I would be in heaven.

  11. Yes! Rosberg on pole

  12. Good places to get wagons weathered?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Barry O

      Barry O

      erm what do you want doing??

    3. naturol


      Brian Tucker. Does work for a well regarded cardiff model shop. Also weathered all my stock. Plenty of pictures on my threads. Contact him via his layout. Abercynon fach, last months model rail mag layout.

    4. rs4


      I'd seriously have a go yourself.

      Far cheaper and often far far better than any service out there.

  13. What a great new Take That song!

    1. trisonic


      Is that possible?

    2. Trebor


      Hang your head in Shame MatthewEWS, TakeThat, really ! on this forum.....

  14. S&T - does it stand for Signals and Telecomunications?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MatthewEWS
    3. Danemouth


      Wasn't it "Telegraphs" at one time?

    4. St. Simon

      St. Simon

      it used to be! but now that Telegraphs aren't used any more, it's changed :)

  15. Curling Season starts today!

  16. Steam Trains on the Met Line tomorrow! Right past my house

    1. St. Simon

      St. Simon

      Will be up there taking piccies hopefully!

  17. First Code 3 model completed!

  18. New Network Rail landrover has arrived

  19. New Network Rail landrover has arrived

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