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Hroth last won the day on August 14

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About Hroth

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    Hither and yon

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  1. I know the shops are putting out the Xmas merch, but we seem to be channeling the cracker jokes too... Aarghhhh!!!! 🤪
  2. One of our local Aldi shops has problems with restaurant customers filling their carpark, so they have a console for customers to enter their registration number and compares it with the ANPR camera at the entrance. If a parker has been identified and has not supplied a reg number then the parking company that polices the scheme sends the registered owner a parking "fine".
  3. But he'd always get to the front of whatever he wanted to see, very quickly...
  4. You could always go incognito as one of those blokes who don't wash if you run out of time!
  5. Standing On The Corner - Dean Martin
  6. Perhaps Ivor was a one-off, commisioned by the M&LRTC from Sentinel in Shrewsbury? Only just over the border! (paid for by cheques and postal orders...)
  7. That was the problem then. The iceberg wasn't displaying the correct navigation lights!
  8. To port or starboard? Just askin'..... (sorry for repeating all the other port/starboard jokes, but I'd gone to bed when it all kicked off...)
  9. Well, I ordered a copy of the "complete" DVD immediately after pre-ordering an Ivor... 🙃 It may well be that after referring to that source material and a bit of scribbling on pieces of paper and fiddling with Anyrail, my Ivor layout (thinking R1 curves and that curious arrangement of points to the engine shed) will be ready well before Ivor arrives!
  10. Only in public! I crumbled instantly and put in a preorder for the Ivor pack, but not the rolling stock pack, which I may possibly regret* a few years hence... * I wish I'd bought a couple of the Hornby carriages to go with the live-steam Rocket, but they're far too expensive now!
  11. Hurrah!!! It was only about 10 minutes late.
  12. Daring to speak of things that run on parallel strips of steel, I see that Rapido are doing "Ivor the Engine". With or without sound. And the sound version sounds are sourced from the original films. Rule 1, here I come....
  13. Something like that would be nicer, Holyhead-Cardiff isn't the natural stomping ground for an A4! But beggars can't be choosers.... Just seen the clock, time to get out to catch a train to see a train! 🤪
  14. Mornin' All! Seeing as I've not seen a moving kettle all summer*, I'm off to Chester General this morning, to watch Sir Nigel Gresley pass through on a railtour from Holyhead to Cardiff. Blink and its gone! * Its still technically Summer, the equinox is still a few days off....
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