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Everything posted by Reorte

  1. A good point, since they rose in Bolton - looks like they might just be at or past the peak there though (https://coronavirus.data.gov.uk/details/healthcare?areaType=nhsTrust&areaName=Bolton NHS Foundation Trust).
  2. The latest figures for hospital admissions says it's completely unchanged, although I've also noticed that it's from a week ago whilst the other figures are more recent. Deaths percentage changes aren't something to get worked up about because, as has been said, the numbers are so low. To take an extreme for the sake of illustration a week with zero followed by a week with one would be an infinite change, and 1 to 2 100%, but won't be significant. We've pushed a rapid vaccination programme to deal with exactly this sort of scenario. IMO to get significantly worried is to play in to the anti-vaxxers hands by claiming that they're not going to protect us from Covid.
  3. Sounds like it's time to call electrics "dodgems."
  4. That the first places to increase again are now falling (Bolton is too) that's quite an encouraging sign - hopefully means anywhere else that goes up will go down as fast, just lagging a bit. Looking at the demographics numbers on the Covid dashboard it looks like cases are very much lower in the over 60s, who should've all been double jabbed by now, and there's little evidence of any increase in hospitilisations or deaths (the deaths number has gone up but it's at a level where a few random cases can make a big difference to the percentage change, i.e. it's heavily affected by noise). So it all points to the likelihood that anyone who does catch it now is very unlikely to be seriously affected. Not zero chance - nothing's ever perfect, but I don't think there's any cause for alarm right now, as disappointing as the numbers are.
  5. In appearance too, those on the road have considerably more orange in them than the ones on the railway. The reds and greens are more similar though, I once started to slow down (in poor weather, in the dark) for a red light that turned out to be from a signal on the railway running parallel to the road.
  6. I'd guess because they'll never deal with just the bit of glass alone, it'll always come packaged with a filament (OK probably not nowadays), connections etc. How do they differ between the entire item (including light source, housing, lens, possibly battery etc.) and just the light source itself?
  7. I always understood that as in the lamp was the entire device (sometimes qualified further as you point out), with a bulb as a component of it if one's used (probably just the bit of glass containing a filament in the incandescent electric type).
  8. Reorte

    On Cats

    Bowl of water - will often turn her nose up at it unless it's very fresh. Muddy puddle, stagnant pond? Fine! My cat's got the habit of dragging the water bowl across the floor (often spilling a fair amount in the process). I'd never seen a cat do that before but apparently some do, apparently it helps them judge where the surface is because their close-up vision isn't great.
  9. The Open Shell XP-style structured menu is still better (personally speaking), not being arbitrarily constrained in height, and allowing for sub-menus. For all I know that might be adjustable though, I'm only forced to use it at work, where they've decided in their infinite wisdom to make as many things unadjustable as possible.
  10. I find the romance has long gone from rail too, at least generally; there's the odd exception. On the plane, they were doing 20 minute flights on one (de Havilland Dragon Rapide) years ago at Duxford (might still be, well, pandemic notwithstanding, for all I know). Enjoyed that.
  11. Elite: Dangerous's latest update, Odyssey, has come with all sorts of problems and received a pretty negative reaction as a result. Most of the complaints are reasonable (although as usual sometimes blown out of all proportion, but it's fair to say that it shouldn't have been released in the state it was in). But I'm getting very fed up of all the people who are now complaining that space is too black. For heaven's sake! Can't stand the cheesy cartoonish colourful "space" some things go in for, and whilst Elite was never that bad it still had a horribly over-bright Milky Way, and other features barely visible at best to the eye standing out brightly. Now we at least get crescents of planets and moons rather than clear black circles with a lit edge against a grey background. I'd expect it from people who have lived in cities all their lives and got most of their impressions of space from long exposure photos, but some claim to have experience of looking at the sky from dark locations.
  12. I find it hard to believe that anyone doesn't know they shouldn't drink and drive (I suppose there are the "only had a couple so I should be OK" cases). Telling people how they should behave doesn't help if they already know it but don't care.
  13. I'm some way in to 2 now. The changes are (unsurprisingly) less obvious. Just be a bit careful with it, I've had it crash out a few times (aim + AI hacking seems to crash every time I use it).
  14. Going back to Bolton the numbers yesterday for Bolton actually show a drop, although the surrounding areas are now on the rise. But it does suggest that cases can be stamped on fairly quickly. Previously cases started out with the young but then spread to older age groups, there's no sign of this happening to any significant degree there either, which is a big plus for vaccination.
  15. An eye-rolling story for someone like me who'd prefer a car without any chips in it at all (OK slight exaggeration, I suppose it's needed for electronic ignition).
  16. After years of being sat in the dust and the cold it's probably knackered. There's the possibility that it might've recorded recoverable information (low probability, but non-zero), but as Edwin-m suggested anything capable of visiting it would be in the future and probably more capable. Although difference in time snapshots are useful.
  17. Another vaccine approved, the Janssen single dose one this time. Good news I'd say! https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-57283837
  18. They're pretty confident about what happened to Beagle now - the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter managed to image it well enough to see that it had landed successfully but one of the panels didn't deploy properly, which left it blocking communications.
  19. Ingenuity's sixth flight went slightly awry: https://mars.nasa.gov/technology/helicopter/status/305/surviving-an-in-flight-anomaly-what-happened-on-ingenuitys-sixth-flight/ Although a bit worrying-sounding that it survived the glitch probably makes it a good demonstration, more useful as a test than a perfect flight, especially since it survived. These are the sorts of events you learn from.
  20. Looking at the cases by age heatmaps on the official coronavirus dashboard site it's telling just how biased cases are towards the young (unvaccinated) end of the scale. Not 100% there, there have been some slipping through, as has been reported for Bolton, but it's telling compared with previous peaks. Although there have been justifiable concerns with vaccine take-up there there's still been enough to have a very noticeable impact: https://coronavirus.data.gov.uk/details/cases?areaType=ltla&areaName=Bolton
  21. The deaths number is so low now that a bit of normal random variation can move it either way. I wouldn't be worried about that at present, although neither would I be complacent about it. AFAICT the rise in cases is down to the localised outbreaks, so it's still really down to just how localised they stay. There's some evidence that the numbers in Bolton might be peaking - the earliest worst-hit parts of it only showed a slight rise on yesterday's numbers. So I wouldn't say that we're heading for a third wave, but it's best not to assume we're just having a temporary blip either.
  22. I've done both several times. I find him dull and Ashley grating at times (Kaidan improves in 3 IIRC). From a gameplay perspective I'd argue that Kaidan's the more useful character, more useful powers. From a roleplay point of view (not that it actually matters how things play out, but this was my reasoning the first time I played and why he survived my first ever playthrough) I put him on the bomb, being the more technical character, and since the bomb is the mission that's the place I rush back to defend.
  23. I've never been all that persuaded that fares do smooth out peaks in demand. Who travels on a busy train if they can travel on a quiet one? It might put some people who have to travel at busy times off using the train altogether though.
  24. I'm quite curious to see what that'll look like, since all the electronic bells and whistles seem to be as much a part of the appeal for Tesla owners as them being electric, and as much technology as possible appears to be Tesla's position too. Arguably looking to the other end of the market will have to be as big a shift in culture for Tesla as the VW example (although a considerably less expensive one).
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