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Mad McCann

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Everything posted by Mad McCann


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      Destroy all systems.

    3. muddys-blues


      Have we got a video recorder ?

    4. davefrk


      Should have gone to Radio Rentals...

  2. I'd concur with that; even as a dedicated Caley/SouWest man I can vouch for the superlative quality of the NB's journal and it's invariably a welcome arrival on the doormat. Dave.
  3. Looks like they're starting to replace the local street lights with LEDs. Yay! No more nasty orange glow in the garden and bedrooms!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Poggy1165


      It means people spend more money on their own doorway lighting.

    3. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      Red Sky at Morning

    4. Mad McCann

      Mad McCann

      Still nicer than the grotty orange. Nice dark skies too. Bring em on! :-)

  4. A few images of the WRHA's late production 48DS though admittedly it's a little tattier looking today after five years of Whitrope winters! Dave.
  5. Lovely job, Bob. Funny enough, I'm just about to start a near identical project, courtesy of yourself! Just waiting on the chassis now! ;-) Which gearbox did you use. Loadhauler 108:1? Dave.
  6. That's me tellt; took my soup out the freezer yesterday morning. Ate it today at 2. On its way back out right now! That's one hell of a quick turnaround.Messy too...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. skipepsi


      Hope you are feeling better Dave take the dog another walk and enjoy your sunshine, he says from under a cloud...

    3. Mad McCann

      Mad McCann

      Didn't feel remotely unwell, just gaseous and the rest you can imagine. Quite fine now!

      Just offering folks a chuckle at my expense.

    4. davefrk


      Just don't watch any scary films till you get your bowels under control....

  7. That's me tellt; took my soup out the freezer yesterday morning. Ate it today at 2. On its way back out right now! That's one hell of a quick turnaround.

  8. Any of you guys EM-ed a Hornby Q6 or K1 yet? Or a Bachmann WD/9F? Wondering how scary the job is since I have a couple of victims lined up, Dave.
  9. Looks amazing but please, let me turn that Q7 in a suitable finish! ;-) Dave.
  10. Wondering if it would in fact be easier just to build new EM chassis for RTR locos than to convert them.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ian J.

      Ian J.

      Depends how much effort you want to put in, and what kind of result you'll get.

    3. Bulwell Hall

      Bulwell Hall

      It usually is!

    4. Mad McCann

      Mad McCann

      Easier in many respects than adapting somebody else's work!

  11. FFS! Is there any decent work out there beyond min wage service sector sh*te? Thought not... :-(

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Mallard60022


      hate to say it mac but LGV Drivers are in short supply I'm told, but who wants to be a long distance LGV Driver these days?

    3. highpeakman


      The time (couple of weeks intensive) and cost (couple of thousand) to get an LGV licence makes it very difficult to get into that line of work. Few firms offer training without payment I think.

    4. Ian J.

      Ian J.

      It's not just paying for the training, it's also covering your living costs as well. Most effective training takes more than a couple of weeks though. I reckon for learning a computer language I'm looking at three to six months training, followed by a further six months to a year for practice and portfolio building.

  12. Appears to have two doors so likely an ex-LNER type CCT. Bogie GUVs were not unknown on "Train 52" either. Dave.
  13. Afternoon well spent. Workshop all painted up in cream and maroon. Just the ironwork to do tomorrow and then make a couple of mounts for the finials.

  14. I thought a Fall Plate was what Mark E Smith had his dinner on before I discovered railways...

    1. Barry Ten

      Barry Ten

      It's for the Green-Eyed Loco Man

    2. Mad McCann

      Mad McCann

      Fiery Jack would be a great name for an industrial loco. Watch this space... ;-)

  15. What's needed is a Swiss-style 'Rollbahn'. I imagine HGVs for Ireland pulling off the M6 at Gretna onto carrier wagons then railed right across D&G and up to Cairnryan using the old military line, Straight off the train and onto the boat. Would certainly make the A75 immeasurably safer. Relatively easy gauge enhancements to Dumfries, thereafter even completely new sections could even be engineered if the old route is too difficult or remote. Hell, the Chinese do stuff like this over a weekend these days! Dave.
  16. Looking for an old Dapol J94, kit or RTR. Pref non-runner as I'm going to RT the cr@p out of it!

    1. skipepsi


      I got all the stuff for a P4 one ages ago I have yet to build it..... Robert makes good stuff and is a good bloke.

  17. It was a test run, Paul; such things are intended to identify the bugs in the system. Taken in that context it functioned exactly as it should have. Now you know what needs put right! :-) Cheers. Dave.
  18. Well 1-1 on yer team's first ever Premiership games not bad.

    1. davefrk


      And the Accies weren't even trying....

    2. Mad McCann

      Mad McCann

      The Jags won though! :-)

  19. So want to do CSB but I can't get my head round the maths-based approach of CLAG...

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. davefrk


      Double what he said, but I don't know why I'm agreeing wi Porcy cause he still owes me a pint!!!

    3. Porcy Mane

      Porcy Mane

      DO I??? I always pays me debts. Can't remember this on though. I thought it was the other way round.

    4. Captain Kernow

      Captain Kernow

      Porcy - easiest way is to get someone cleverer to do it for you! You'll know the guy when you see him, he'll be wearing a white lab coat, have fuzzy hair either side of his bald pate and 'Professor Boffin' on his lapel badge.

  20. Nice wall decorations too, Paul! :-) Enjoying watching the layout develop. Dave.
  21. My morale has flatlined...

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Mallard60022


      I'm told New Zealand is OK. Also some parts Of Canada and the Isle of Man.

    3. skipepsi


      A bothy in southern Scotland no internet no news and only sheep and deer for company?

    4. Mad McCann

      Mad McCann

      I know one. Yes. :-)

  22. Look, cooking from scratch and liking to use fancy ingredients does NOT make me middle feckin class. I'm on £7 an hour, FFS!

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. davefrk


      Well you do live in a posh hoose well above the river....

    3. Ryde-on-time


      Sounds upper class to me?

    4. 60159


      You're safe - middle class is then inviting round your friends, inflicting it on them and boring them to death about where it was sourced etc.

  23. No addiction there at all; he could give it up any time he wants. Really...
  24. Hornby's shade is pretty much bob on to my eyes. Oxford's markings look a bit better but they are lost in the pale grey.
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