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Mad McCann

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Everything posted by Mad McCann

  1. Certainly looks nice. That grey though; looks awful pale for the NB shade to my mind. Might need to ask Alan Goodwillie for his thoughts. Dave.
  2. Aye, looks like it will be the same here. Not my favourite kit as I mentioned but you can still make a decent model from it. Dave.
  3. I appear to own two Q6s...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. 60159


      Sell, sell .... live off the proceeds

    3. Mad McCann

      Mad McCann

      Neither in bits.



    4. Tim Hall

      Tim Hall

      Is Spike Milligan around?

  4. Hopefully, the responses to this model's faults will persuade Oxford to pay a bit more attention to their pre-production research. Whilst I agree it shouldn't be necessary, the remedial work required here isn't massive and shouldn't give an experienced builder/basher major problems. Of course there is also the Parkside kit but being an older Westykits tooling I didn't find it one of their more enjoyable kits. A little fiddly and tricky to get square. Hopefully Parkside will re-tool it one day though I guess this model will reduce that likelihood somewhat.
  5. Voyagers. Absolutely the worst long-distance rail travel experience in these islands!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Ruffnut Thorston

      Ruffnut Thorston

      On a Class 142, even Crewe to Chester is too long distance! ;)

    3. BoD


      142s. You should try travelling from the Durham coast to Carlisle on one. Especially one that still has the old bus type bench seating.

    4. Horsetan


      The Voyager: the Pacer for the 21st century.

  6. Voyagers. Absolutely the worst long-distance rail travel experience in these islands!

  7. Voyagers. Absolutely the worst long-distance rail travel experience in these islands!

  8. Should I be buying shares in popcorn..?

    1. Mallard60022


      I'm going to wake up in a minute and will all have been a rather weird dream.............

    2. HeeleyBridge


      The Russian Betty dream again?

    3. Mad McCann

      Mad McCann

      Gonna be a long hot summer, peeps! ;-)

  9. Anybody selling a boat?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The Blue Streak

      The Blue Streak

      Could the last one out of the UK please turn the lights off

    3. Horsetan


      Walking....with a boat!?

    4. Mad McCann

      Mad McCann

      Iknow a couple of remote crossing points...

  10. I'm glad it's all over...

    1. vitalspark


      Greast vid..hillman imps and dolly mixtures.

    2. 60159


      Trouble is, it isn't yet ..... and neither is the footie - England get arguably the weakest team left in the competition. Can we vote on that too?

  11. I'm being pelted with tubes of expoxy, I'm going to DEVCON1!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Tim Dubya
    3. John B

      John B

      Fight back, man. Get in touch with the NRA, they'll fix you up with an Araldite AR-15 ;)

    4. HeeleyBridge


      ahmgoointtutfootorar tairs

  12. I'm being pelted with tubes of expoxy, I'm going to DEVCON1!

    1. skipepsi


      No point in sticking around.

  13. Well, considering how doomed up I felt on Friday, that was a much better weekend than it looked like then. Got the front and back gardens sorted out, a bit of cooking and started tarting up three Oxford 7-plankers for a wee NCB layout project I'm starting to brew up!Cheers, Mallard, you were right!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mad McCann
    3. skipepsi


      great news!


    4. davefrk


      Glad you've chased off the Black Dog, see you soon.

  14. Well, considering how doomed up I felt on Friday, that was a much better weekend than it looked like then. Got the front and back gardens sorted out, a bit of cooking and started tarting up three Oxford 7-plankers for a wee NCB layout project I'm starting to brew up!Cheers, Mallard, you were right!

  15. Well, considering how doomed up I felt on Friday, that was a much better weekend than it looked like then. Got the front and back gardens sorted out, a bit of cooking and started tarting up three Oxford 7-plankers for a wee NCB layout project I'm starting to brew up!

  16. Liking the ashplant. Looks much like the set up at Kingmoor and Upperby. Dave.
  17. Dave. Thames-Forth/ Waverley formations from the book; 1954 - B3/C3/C3/C3/C3/C3/R3/C1/CC/B3 1960 - B2/02/02/02/R1/C1/CC/CC/B2 In both cases, the bun truck was an LMS 12 wheeler. Otherwise solid Mk1. Guess the 1960 formation is closest match for you. Dave.
  18. Find myself shadowed by the black dog today.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. skipepsi


      Going for a MRI scan soon they are looking for my brain and a spine no chance.

    3. Mad McCann

      Mad McCann

      Hope all turns out well.

    4. skipepsi


      Thanks. Do you think you have a touch of survivor guilt?

  19. If split frames/axles are the answer it must have been a f***ing stupid question...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Horsetan


      Plastic axles are the future ;-)

    3. Mad McCann

      Mad McCann

      I'll stick with garlic bread, thanks... ;-)

    4. Tim Dubya

      Tim Dubya

      I often dream of trains when I'm alone

      I ride on them into another zone

      I dream of them constantly

      Heading for paradise

      Or Basingstoke

      Or Reading

      I often dream of trains when I'm awake

      They ride along beside a frozen lake

      And there in the buffet car

      I wait for eternity

      Or Basingstoke

      Or Reading

      I often dream of trains till it gets light

      The summer turns to winter overnight

      The leaves fall so suddenly

      The sun se...

  20. It's incredible how many different ways cancer can manifest itself. My dad and his brothers all succumbed to various cancers - admittedly my oldest uncle had visited Nagasaki in late 1945 though his appeared to be asbestos-related. I suspect asbestos may have had some bearing on my dad's too as he was a mechanic but smoked most of his days too. In my case, I only found out about mine through my brother having a diagnosis of prostate cancer in 2014. Fortunately, his was treated with radical surgery which took care of matters. After he insisted I get a PSA, it turned out my readings were borderline. An MRI and subsequent biopsy in March 2015 revealed I had a T2b, fortunately still contained inside the prostate. While the news was disappointing, the prognosis was good and I opted for radical surgery, being operated on in early May at the Freeman in Newcastle. The procedure was a fairly new technique - keyhole surgery via remotely controlled Da Vinci robot and was completely successful in removing the offending tumour. I'm very grateful that no follow-up treatments were required and ten weeks later I was back at work. One of the side effects of surgery has been impotence but such was the accuracy of the surgeon's operation of the robot that the nerve bundles were largely preserved and over time the 'equipment' has returned to a satisfactory state of function. Apart from the discomfort of the first few days-the worst part being the post-op constipation(!) and the week of wearing a catheter, I consider myself to have had an easy ride. OK, I spent 9 months stuffing tena pads in my boxers but to be fair, that was a pretty minor inconvenience. The main thing about prostate cancer is that if you catch it early enough, it can be well and truly nobbled. I was only 50 when I got my diagnosis and had no real symptoms apart from peeing a lot (which as a professional tea drinker never appeared unusual!), so even if you're only in your 40s it's worth getting a PSA if there's a family history. Lucky can barely begin to describe how I feel.
  21. New NCB decals out now. My sets arrived this morning with some other items required. Top notch quality and service as I've come to accept as standard from Steve. You deserve to be highly successful, sir!
  22. Rangers must be spinning in their grave at that result. ;-)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Mad McCann

      Mad McCann

      Guess it was the sectarian singing that started it.

    3. Lowlander


      60159. I wouldn't say that to big Al Kellock

    4. davefrk


      Aye and Glasgow Warriors 'was robbed' at the rugby, even the commentators said the penalty was awarded to the wrong side.

  23. Rangers must be spinning in their grave at that result. ;-)

  24. Wee heads-up, folks. The June Rail Express has a review sample of this wagon, suggesting it's not far away. Didn't get a chance to read it in depth as the owner nicked his magazine back (!) but I read the overall feel of the review as being positive. Dave.
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