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Mad McCann

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Everything posted by Mad McCann

  1. One of the things I really admire about your modelling is that you have proved in a very public way that very high quality models can be produced with basic resources and without recourse to an extensive budget. You are mining the same rich seam as those great pioneers of our hobby in the 1940s and '50s. The results of your ingenuity and creativity bear mighty witness to that. And that's all the smoke I'm blowing today, mate! ;-) Dave.
  2. Jings! Look at all that railway infrastructure!
  3. Didnae know he was in Big Country... ;-)
  4. He's a good lad, Chris. Building his Barclay 0-6-0t just now. Joy to build!
  5. Steve's service is top notch. I ordered some OHL flashes and Caley transfers last week and they were here virtually next day. Best OHL flashes out there, btw. Railtec will be my first port of call should I need any more in future! Dave.
  6. There's a Smellie Bogie on my table!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Londontram


      Its arrived then?

    3. davefrk


      I didn't think bogie's were smellie.

    4. NGT6 1315

      NGT6 1315

      Oh, I'm not so sure with certain punters...

  7. All stations along the way, Steve. It'll come out right at the other end! :-) Dave.
  8. Steve, every time you pop up, you blow us away with something new and amazing. And now a Jumbo! :-) Cheers! Dave.
  9. I've been a poor steward on here of late, lads, so thanks for keeping the fire banked up. Sorry how things have panned out, Jock, but please keep the anecdotes flowing to paper - we all appreciate these personal recollections and they are part of the legend of the route. Incidentally, folks; the latest True Line from the Caley Association has an extended and rather excellent feature on the PPW. A fair few images from Jack Kernahan on it that I haven't seen before. It's quite intriguing to think that here on the thread we have a near direct connection with the man behind my psuedonym!
  10. Weather now officially s***e...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. gridwatcher
    3. Horsetan


      At last, the garden is getting a decent watering. :-)

    4. Welly


      It matches my mood perfectly!

  11. I've no suitable sources to check myself unfortunately, but would 68957 be a J50/3? Thanks. Dave.
  12. I've mastered a wide range of finishes over the last few years from near ex-works to near-withdrawn! Here's a few of my favourites.
  13. For many years now (and under different guise) I've been developing paint and effects skills on models. Ever since my mid teens I'd always looked at models and found them to be little more than nice toys until they'd received some creative touches that brought them to life. Ever since then I've been on that quest to try and create a finished model that actually looks like a full-size piece of equipment hewn from metal or wood. Weathering is an over-used and not always fully understood term and I personally prefer to speak in terms of 'effects'. Various forces begin to play upon a locomotive or indeed any piece of heavy equipment once it leaves the factory and begins its working life. Yes, the weather plays a part; so does the immediate environment. Think steam age loco shed, ironworks or pithead for example. Lubricants, sand and the passage of crew and maintenance staff across the accessible parts all leave their mark. Cargos and the stresses and impacts of rarely gentle use in traffic all take their toll on the finish of goods rolling stock too. Over and above that it's desirable to create the effect of light and shade in order to generate the illusion of depth on what may otherwise be a fairly two-dimensional looking model. With that in mind, I'll let the following images do the talking...
  14. High Level Barclay - much enjoyment! :-)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mad McCann

      Mad McCann

      Aye. Best not take it into the loft or the gable will fall off this f***** house! ;-)

    3. vitalspark


      Bring it down to the club and ruin it on Mr Fs fantastic track..if it spreads it I will buy you a pint for the pure entertainment value!

    4. Mad McCann

      Mad McCann

      I'll hold you to that...

  15. Well, if the SouWest and Clyde Iron versions appear I'll be an immensely happy man! :-)
  16. Pulling the ice axe from my leg I staggered on, spindrift stinging my remaining eye...

    1. Ozexpatriate


      Rough day at the office.

    2. BoD


      it's a ###### isn't it. Especially when you've just eaten the last of your companions.

  17. Mad McCann

    Hornby D16/3

    I've incorporated a flywheel into the Pickersgill '72' 4-4-0 currently passing through works here. It does make a noticeable improvement to the running.
  18. Showed my mate a photo of an O gauge Deltic I'd just done up for a mate. "I can almost see the clag.", he says. Sorry mate, it's Heljan, not f****in' Volkswagen! ;-)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. skipepsi


      Could he feel the noise?

    3. Mad McCann

      Mad McCann

      I didn't know you smoked, Dave... ;-)

    4. davefrk


      See, you didn't even know they were both diesel....

  19. A1 Hauled, Waverley to Tweedbank. Or did I just dream it?

  20. You're right, Mike. Brainfart on my account! Dave.
  21. It's a nice morning here too. Abi has been back to the vet to get her wounds checked. Part isn't healing up as well so she's stuck with the lampshade and dressings for another couple of weeks. Will be back on Saturday for a check up so Expo EM North up the chute. Still, got the A4/Waverley to look forward to on Monday. Still gonna be glad to see the back of this year! Dave.
  22. Or you can always send it here and have a decent job done of it. ;-) Dave.
  23. At midnight tonight as in 1969, the rails in the Gala Valley will lie cold and silent beneath the stars. But tomorrow they will ring in dawn's first light with the first Monday morning passenger service since 30th December 1968...

    1. skipepsi


      Onwards to Carlisle.

    2. Mad McCann

      Mad McCann

      Well, Hawick at least! :-)

    3. Mad McCann

      Mad McCann

      In the meantime it will be fun to visit my mate in Aberdeen by driving up to Tweedbank and getting the train the rest of the way!

  24. "Once upon a time, in a galaxy far, far away; somebody said they'd do a 21/29..." Still talking a good job on this one I see. I fully expect Tony Blair to be elected Pope before any evidence beyond sketchy CADs of this alleged model appears. Bachman, Heljan, Hornby; you are staring at an open goal.
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