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Mad McCann

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Everything posted by Mad McCann

  1. "Once upon a time, in a galaxy far, far away; somebody said they'd do a 21/29..." Still talking a good job on this one I see. I fully expect Tony Blair to be elected Pope before any evidence beyond sketchy CADs of this alleged model appears. Bachman, Heljan, Hornby; you are staring at an open goal.
  2. "...never hear...surf music again..."

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mad McCann
    3. waggy


      My kids played the Smurfs music. I'll get me coat.

    4. Tim V

      Tim V

      Could always buy "Pet Sounds" by the Beach Boys.....

  3. NS 756183...

    1. cbeagleowner


      Is that a grid reference?

    2. BoD


      Could be his hobby.

  4. Ah, Very nice to see my test track up on here at last! ;-) Time I was booking another 'slot'! Dave.
  5. Couplings installed safely. Weather going wrong. That was either a big rumble of thunder or Dave Frk dropping his wallet...

    1. BoD


      We heard it over here - so it's probably the wallet.

    2. davefrk


      Yes it was my wallet, it's got 'liquid lead' in it to stop it floating away... So there.

    3. Mad McCann
  6. Well guys I'm going to spend a couple of hours sorting out link couplings for wagons. If you don't hear from me by 8 please contact the North Cumbria Mental Health Crisis Team... ??

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Horsetan


      If you have been affected by any of the issues in this status update, please call the National Counselling Helpline on....

    3. davefrk


      Crisis what crisis?

      Signed, Davy 3-link.

    4. vitalspark


      ..the name says it all..bundle the lot up and send them to Davy!


  7. Well guys I'm going to spend a couple of hours sorting out link couplings for wagons. If you don't hear from me by 8 please contact the North Cumbria Mental Health Crisis Team... ??

  8. ...But I am Jack.From a burning ring. And my face is slack. And I think think think...

    1. skipepsi


      Pride comes before the.....

    2. gridwatcher


      The MIGHTY Fall!

  9. Caley blue ropes even? Well; every day's a school day right enough! :-)
  10. Cheers Mike. That phrase is getting locked into the memory vault for future (ab)use. ;-)
  11. One thing to maybe consider is perhaps producing various brick course styles; English, Scottish and Flemish for example are all very distinct and from observation of Caledonian signal boxes just to quote a personal example, the brickwork is almost entirely Scottish bond. Just a suggestion. Dave.
  12. Despite requests, Dave will not be sporting last year's 'short back and slap' look at this year's expo.
  13. Carefully applied paint will address these issues quite readily...
  14. What are the depths on the chart, Mike? Looks a little shallow round there to be playing with submarines if those depths are in Metres! Dave.
  15. Not one to crack when you're having a catheter removed... Dave.
  16. Thoughts to all undergoing these trials at the moment and I hope Flavio's procedure goes well. Already been out with Abi today but only a short walk as she was in full on 'stop and examine' mode this morning. Guess we'll have the biggie at teatime when I get back after the Wigton run. Going to do a bit of spraying as well for a friend who wants half a dozen TEA tanks and a pair of Claytons done. Weather OK so far but I'm about to hang out some washing (edited to avoid accusations of money laundering...) so I expect the worst... :-) Have a good day folks. Dave.
  17. Morning, gents. Just giving Abi her morning constitutional and by default myself. Think I'll have a run up to Whitrope afterwards as I've not seen the guys for a couple of weeks. Vegetable curry was superb last night though I failed to account for the volcanic side effects. Haven't had a blow through like that since my pre-op enema! Hope you've all finished breakfast btw! ;-) Dave.
  18. There's a track on Peter Handford's Trains in the Night which features a station scene on a Thundery night in the Slovenian mountains. The shunting recorded is equally thunderous! Worth a listen. I believe the album is downloadable; I got mine from Amazon 3-4 years back. Dave.
  19. Aye, Gordon. Sorry to hear of your loss; it's never easy. :-( Whilst up here in the north we've not been having the furnace-like conditions seen elsewhere in Europe, we did have a pleasant 21c here today. Gave Abi an early walk then gave MiL assistance with navigation and manhandling of a wedding cake she'd produced for a customer. It needed delivered to the venue in the Eden Valley so I provided the required assistance. On the way back we visited a local produce market. Some nice veg, duck eggs and some Crofton cheese left with me. Kinda set the tone for the day; got some old crap off down to the dump, tidied both gardens, washed mine and the mutt's bedding, sorted out some ride height issues on my 72 class 4-4-0 and knocked up a rather nice veg curry which I'm necking as I type this. Some days you just become the Duracell bunny! Phew! Dave.
  20. Mate of mine thinks he's got a bangin' new business idea; transparent coffins. Will it catch on? Remains to be seen...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Londontram
    3. Satan's Goldfish
    4. davefrk


      If it was a musician you could watch them de-composing LOL

      Got me coat but don't wear hats....

  21. Now, these are welcome developments. I'm up for both, especially the Barclay. Cheers. Dave.
  22. Hope everyone's coping with their day as well as. I know Tony is but I fear Aditi may have to carry him back to the hotel goi g by his recent FB posts. ;-) Dual run went fairly seamlessly today in spite of a couple of urgent late deliveries at Wigton. Still managed a good finish so home briefly for a shower and brew in the garden (well only the latter lest I get any more attention from the authorities than I suspect I already do! :-) ) then off to collect Abi. Strange weather in these parts today. Extremely still but with episodes of very warm sunshine amid swirly pink/grey cloud. Must bid well for some elemental pyrotechnics later. Dave.
  23. Yep. History is invariably written by the victors. There are on all sides, some bad guys among the ranks but invariably very few good guys among the leadership. Only people who benefit from war are the guys who flog the weapons and those who dine out on the achievements of those they Lord over. On a lighter note we survived the walk and the 300 is looking a lot more like it's meant to now. The 72 build running in parallel is about to have more work done on the tender. I really should know better than to try and run two loco projects at once! Another hour in here then it's Rooibos time. Biggest day of the week tomorrow as I combine both my rounds (Wigton and Silloth) on a Friday. Start at 8.30 - 9.00 but if the run's good I can be done for 2.00-2.30. If I don't report in in the morning have a good one, folks! Dave.
  24. After 4 x 6' drivers for a Glen in 4mm/EM. Hard to get online.

    1. Londontram


      sounds like it will be a nice project though


    2. vitalspark


      There might be Romfords at the club..any use?

      I also have some here but not sure of the sizes..your welcome to them.

      I passed a Gem Glen to one of the boys last week along with a load of other kits that came my way..quite a few Gem and Ks kits although many not Scottish outline..Southern Wainright anmd I think some NE etc.

      Again if your interested they can be passed ob to yourself four rehoming.

      Good to talk..hope to see you at Glasgow sometime.



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