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Black 5 Bear

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Everything posted by Black 5 Bear

  1. Hopefully Gilloverland's experience is an isolated problem, confined to that particular batch. Considering how long this loco has taken to come to sale and the retail price it commands, it should be 100% in all respects.
  2. Definitely worth the wait I think most folk will agree. Can anyone confirm whether or not this loco has sprung buffers ? The reason I ask is Hornby magazine says it does, whilst RM says otherwise.
  3. A full review of this model is available in todays release of the March edition of Hornby magazine. The wait is nearly over !
  4. If anyone is still after a peckett tank, buoy's toys and models in Louden Rd Cromer have all three versions in stock. They are on sale for £87.99.
  5. I've never known Hornby to increase their price on a pre-order, however they recently revised their T and Cs and appear to no longer guarantee the RRP advertised.I think it is a case of watch this space.
  6. In all probability an announcement will be forthcoming on the Engine Shed today.
  7. Try derails.co.uk.They have all three versions on order for under £98.00 inclusive of post and packing. First class customer service from this outlet !
  8. Channel packet and Clan line are reviewed in detail. I must say the 35028 looks particularly stunning.
  9. Full review of the M/N in February edition Hornby magazine. The waiting is nearly over!
  10. I've got a feeling we will see the final production variants of this loco in it's various guises on Friday when the next engine shed news page is released.
  11. Maybe I should have been more specific when I mentioned the type 4. My post was meant to relate to the EE type 4, this in later life became the Class 40 under the TOPs system !
  12. Excellent news about the Stanier Mogul and the Coal tank being very near to release. An early green liveried type 4 with disc headcodes would have been the icing on the cake. Never mind, perhaps my wish will be granted in 2018 ???
  13. I personally buy very little from Hatton's these days.Keener prices and better customer service are available from Derails, which I thoroughly recommend.
  14. Les, I think you will find the batch which arrived before Christmas, with some variants now being difficult to source were flown in by Hornby pre-holiday period. I think someone mentioned the 17th or 18th of January for further supplies to reach these shores. I wouldn't worry unduly about replacements.
  15. And a very Merry Christmas to you Rob, nice to see you back on post. Loved the article in the current HM by the way.
  16. Derails can be summed up in one word, Superb !
  17. General Steam Navigation with a cut down tender and late crest would be nice Hornby.
  18. Many retailers apart from Derails and Rails of Sheffield to their credit, have put the price of this loco up though. This happened recently when Hornby increased the RRP of these items. No one is saying there are going to be major shortages, however Hornby have made it abundantly clear that there won't be the amount produced as before. If you want a particular loco, to ensure you get it you will have to pre-order or take a chance. You could always wait and see if that particular item is unpopular and subject to major discounting.
  19. Jason, Take a look at the Hornby website, this clearly shows that they are sold out to pre-orders. The M/N's may be available at other retailers, but be aware that a couple of years back, some model shops didn't receive their allocations of the A4 Bittern and the West County Exeter. If folk genuinely want one pre-order, otherwise you're likely to be disappointed.
  20. Interestingly enough, Merchant Navy Clan Line is already shown as sold out, so it looks as if Hornby's threat to reduce/restrict production is a reality.
  21. Talk about "Raising the Bar". This loco is absolutely stunning. Early and Late crest hopefully coming my way soon.
  22. Did anyone manage to get a photograph of the late preserved version ???
  23. Supposed delivery stock dates for the M/N are posted on the Hornby website. The two SR variants are first scheduled to arrive mid Jan, whilst Clan Line and the TTS loco are early to mid Feb.
  24. The Merchant Navy class in the video footage of the H class looks absolutely stunning !
  25. A full review of this loco is in the December issue of Hornby magazine. Looking like another superb addition to their range.
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