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Black 5 Bear

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Everything posted by Black 5 Bear

  1. Don't want to disappoint folk but I think the D16's maybe delayed again. The Hornby 7MT's are now scheduled for the 15th of December when they should have been mid July. It seems the production delays are still with us unfortunately but I think it will be worth the wait !!!!
  2. Yet again Callum, you've spoilt us with another brilliant video review. Thank you and keep them coming !!!!
  3. I totally agree with Olive green,it appears the more self righteous and opinionated amongst us do not like others to have a different opinion/point of view. Can we now drop this and get on with what we do best,railway modelling.
  4. I fully agree with you about the "Exeter Fiasco",it wasn't a good business model to follow.What I find strange is that you make no mention of the lack of updates on the Stanier 5MT, 24(1) etc save to say they are at drawing dept stage. The next time I go and purchase a motor vehicle or another expensive item and pay for it in full, should I expect the dealer to increase the purchase price ??? I don't think so. I respect your point of view, please respect my opinion and that of others who are like minded.
  5. I have paid up in full in the past on pre-orders, however the retailer cannot afford to take the hit and I would be the last one to expect this. They inform me (genuinely I believe) that they are getting really fed up having their profit margins cut to the bone, having to explain to customers the reasoning behind substantial price hits and delays. I think Bachmann will lose independent retailers as a result or is that the end game I wonder ???
  6. Apart from the Wife, I'm in the same boat, lol
  7. Bachmann will in all probability only make a limited number of some of the more popular models and then head for the stars with their current pricing strategy, quoting supply and demand..
  8. What is rather interesting Craig comes directly from the trade, I'm quite friendly with a number of suppliers and they are thinking of ending their Bachmann franchise because as one chap put it "They are just too expensive for what they are". They agree wholeheartidly that they don't want models that they can't sell gathering dust on shelves. I understand fully that Bachmann are a business and need to make money to pay staff, their suppliers, pay dividends to shareholders etc, however there is a ceiling at what most folk will pay and I feel this company are very near to the top of it. Hornby on the other hand, honour the pre-order price of items however long it takes them to get on the market where Bachmann do not. Is it reasonable to pre-order an item and wait 3 yrs plus for it to surface only to find it has gone up by at least 50% ????
  9. Not according to some of the more opinionated folk on here. Yes it is everyone's right to spend their money how they wish and I have chosen not to as have others. Are people not allowed to comment now and express their own opinions ????
  10. I have the right like others to my own opinion and I'm not crying about the prices as you suggest. I just refuse to pay Bachmann's inflated prices, is that so wrong ???? That is my personal preference and I'm sticking to it !!!!
  11. Who in their right mind would pay £68.95 for a GWR Autocoach ????? I'm really miffed now that I sold my mint Airfix version which still had the original price on the box of £5.95. Bachmann are now starting to take the the "P" big style, if folk keep buying stock at these prices this will not stop but escalate year by year, they know the "die hards" will always stump up the cash . Yes I can afford to spend this kind of money before anyone asks, but I choose not to on a point of principal. My other hobby is motorcycling with a new bike purchase every three years, Triumph's costs/servicing do not go up 15% in a year, yet Bachmann's go up in some cases over 100%. It will serve them right if they are stuck with loads of unsold stock, which they will then after a period of time be forced to discount!!!
  12. Hi, both are now due on the same date unfortunately according to Derails supplier. Although both models are shown on Hornby.com as May delivery this is incorrect, they just haven't got round to changing the dates.
  13. Black 5 Bear

    Hornby K1

    Agreed, it is basically a lovely model (without the weathering in this case) and must be one of Hornby's best in my humble opinion. FYI, when I lived in Germany I had occasion to return a model to Hornby in similar circumstances, I was refunded in full plus my return postage, despite rumours to the contrary I've always found them pretty fair. Good luck with your new project.
  14. Black 5 Bear

    Hornby K1

    Hi Leen, why didn't you return it if it's that bad ???
  15. Just had notification from Derails that the late crest version has again been put back until late July. I certainly hope that we won't be disappointed when it eventually arrives, lol......
  16. It will be really funny should Bachmann not announce an air smoothed M/N on Monday considering all the froth and rumour emanating from this subject....
  17. I suppose it depends on who gets the finished product on the shelves first. With Bachmann we are still waiting for locos announced nearly three years ago (5MT, Class 24s etc) without so much as an update from them.
  18. If it is a unrebuilt M/N I for one will be delighted, however let us hope that Bachmann have not had the same idea !!!!
  19. Black 5 Bear

    Hornby K1

    Fine, if people are prepared to receive shoddy/defective goods then that is their lookout, it's not as though Hornby are giving them away at £130 a throw! In the last three months alone, I have returned 2 K1s due to the running plate being misaligned and glue on the bodywork. If people don't complain and return faulty products to the manufacturers they are never going to sit up and take notice. This will only happen when it starts affecting company profits !!!
  20. Black 5 Bear

    Hornby K1

    I would rather buy the pristine version and send it to Grimy times or the like. This is positively dreadful, I hope someone at Hornby is looking at their current weathered locomotives/rolling stock !!!
  21. Don't seem to able to get into that thread, any tips please ???
  22. Can we look forward to an early review of this loco in BRM if they are producing an article on conversion to the later version ???
  23. And fingers crossed, not too much longer to wait before both versions are released. I was told the Crosti's were being run on the Hornby layout at last weekends exhibition in Scotland. Does anyone have any photo's or video footage ???
  24. Thanks for confirming that Mal, did Hornby mention any other delays,in particular the Crosti 9f ?????
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