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Matt C

RMweb Gold
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Everything posted by Matt C

  1. I'm beginning to wonder if the government should adopt a new policy. All these numpties who think its ok to congregate on a beach, crowd out beauty spots or gather at barbeques etc (insert your own gathering of choice) Round em up, ship em off to a deserted Island somewhere, Airdrop supplies once a week and let 'nature' thin the gene pool for a year
  2. From what I read I believe any staff who LEAVE Wetherspoons and get a job elsewhere will be given priority for jobs if they re apply to join Wetherspoons, so no they wouldn't be getting a government subsidy for one employer and getting paid by another. If they are NOT getting paid by Wetherspoons until the government subsidy comes through, some may go now, to get a wage ?
  3. I know folk are getting a bit hot under the collar and dissecting what has been said to come up with a zillion interpretations, but I think the underlying message is very clear. If you need to walk the dog, do so but :- DONT INTERACT WITH OTHER PEOPLE If you NEED to exercise do so but :- DONT INTERACT WITH OTHER PEOPLE If your work isnt essential to someone's wellbeing or in a critical or crucial sector and you cant do it from home DONT GO INTO WORK Try to keep food shopping trips to as few as possible and :- KEEP CONTACT TO A MINIMUM DONT visit family unless its absolutely ESSENTIAL to their wellbeing Not rocket science, more common sense in the current circumstances.
  4. Matt C

    Panic buying

    You know all these numpties hoarding tins makes me want to become a burglar. . . Break in, remove all the labels, mix em all up and then nick the tin opener if they have one. Oh and a liberal sprinkle of chilli powder over the loo roll mountain Scenes from open all hours and the unlabelled tins playing out all over the country
  5. Its possible its a friend or bogus account being used, put in a high bid wait until interest has gone away, then cancel the high bid so the much lower one gets it. Those who may have been interested would have seen the high bid and gone looking elsewhere. If it happened to me I would cancel and if ebay question it give the reason ''suspicious bidding activity'
  6. Matt C

    Panic buying

    But in most cases now they booked a delivery 2 or 3 weeks ago so are you happy to wait outside the Supermarket for 2 weeks while the staff pick orders placed 2 weeks ago ?
  7. If your pc has bluetooth then you connect via that https://www.techjunkie.com/play-music-pc-amazon-echo/ If not you can connect via the headphone socket with an Aux cable https://smarthomestarter.com/does-amazon-echo-have-an-aux-input/ In both cases once set up you play the music on your computer and hear it on the echo dot. Using bluetooth the echo dot just needs to be in range. If using the Aux cable the dot would need to be next to the computer BUT If you then get another dot, you can create a group, and playing via the group the same music will be heard through any and all bluetooth devices in that group
  8. Matt C

    Panic buying

    At the moment all the speculation is being carried out by Armchair theorists.and SHOT DOWN JUST AS FAST BY OTHERS. you shut down all social media and all us old farts will get up off our chairs and gather in groups outside to pass on our gems of wisdom. You think thats a good idea ? Oh and at the same time all those conspiracy theorists will go into major panic mode lol
  9. On a positive note I think the upturn in footfall the local shops are seeing could bode well for them in the future as new customers keep using them going forward, and I like what I hear about them keeping stock in reserve for those regular customers who most need it
  10. Yes 'Deep cleaned' please dont put out inaccurate replies to peoples posts. Other posters above have given the correct advice re times it remains active. It appears to be The harder the surface the longer it lingers. Yes there will be staff off, but there will also be staff who would normally be on other duties, freed up as there are less passengers, and less trains running, who could be roped in on cleaning duties. At times like this most will be happy to muck in where needed There are a lot of idiots around but far more people who quietly step up at times like this.
  11. Na I have it on good Authority @Andy Y is moonlighting down at the local Tescos as Security. They admired his ability to boot idiots up the Orifice sending them over great distances, from a standing start.
  12. I would assume that as they are running less trains, parking some up, these can be deep cleaned while parked one day and then swapped overnight for one used during that day, so THAT unit can then be dropped out of service and deep cleaned ? The usual quick wipe over wont be enough to ensure CV isnt present so it makes sense
  13. Matt C

    Panic buying

    But the ones in the supermarkets are normally treated to slow that process and a few eyes are ok. . . Just rub them off. If checked and stored properly they can last some time, im not saying the quality is as good as fresh ones but better than not having any. Im NOT condoning the panic buying but just pointing out why buying them isn't as insane as people think
  14. I think all those being told items are OOS for a delivery 3 weeks away should find an email address and complain. The supermarkets are saying there is no shortage, its panic buying that is emptying the shelves so how can they justify putting stock daily on the shelves to be 'panic bought' and not arange to supply the store with items to fulfil orders to be delivered 3 weeks away ! I understand they may reduce numbers if you over order, but telling you out of stock 3 weeks before delivery really isnt on. It sounds like they need to adjust computer systems to allow items to be pending and then allocate stock when the delivery date aproaches Rant over lol
  15. Matt C

    Panic buying

    Used to be my job as a 14- 16 yo before school to collect the chicken, duck and goose eggs for the veg van man on his small holding, test any doubtful ones in a bucket of blurry freezing cold water drawn out of the rainwater barrels, he would let out and stake out the goats, well away from the growing veg and load his van with the days produce for his round. Pay was a pittance but we never went short of fresh produce which for a very large family was a godsend. Saturdays was a part time job in the butchers, again low pay but a big bag of 'goodies' the end of my half day . All us kids had various wee jobs to help the family survive and give us a bit of pocket money
  16. Matt C

    Panic buying

    Eggs can last up to three weeks after the best before date, Potatoes and Onions will last for months if stored properly. We used to often buy a 25kg sack of potatoes , of onions and a couple of trays of fresh eggs direct from the farm
  17. Please your worshipfullness he dont know who hes meant to be worshipipipipiping. I think you need bigger boots to kick him up the orifiss wiv Sir, your worshipfullness Sir
  18. Just a silly thought, if anyone lots of miles away from someone elderly in central Scotland who needs a bit of help, shopping or techey support to get skype sorted before we get lock down, drop me a pm
  19. Hehehe completely missed it But surely that should be at the top up in the clouds !
  20. Wonderfull map but as with most, sadly out of date. Where is the Golden (members) temple of worship !
  21. The Station: trouble on the tracks STV (ITV as well maybe ?) right now. . . Covering among other things Birmingham new Street. Looks like it will certainly show why HS2 is needed
  22. Matt C

    Panic buying

    https://www.thenappylady.co.uk/trainer-pants/bright-bots-trainer-pants.html Or you could do nothing and in a few days you may STILL have nothing
  23. Matt C

    Panic buying

    Or you could use cloth nappies and wash them . . . Old school . . . We now live in a 'disposable' world
  24. Matt C

    Panic buying

    Maybe the supermarkets should adopt a different tactic for selfish over buying. Instead of BOGOF , BOGOD buy two get the second one at double the price, buy three at tripple the price for each etc, and put the excess money to help those struggling, oh and no refund on any extras purchased
  25. Matt C

    Panic buying

    We are lucky, At the end of our lane on the main road is a cafe/ farm shop. Does b@#$%r all farm shop stuff really as the cafe has proved to be the main business. What they DO have though is fresh farm eggs and daily baked fresh bread. So scrambled egg on toast, boiled eggs with toast , eggy bread (crack an egg over frying bread ) oh and a good population of escaped grouse live in the woodland on the lane. we will survive Edit to Add, the Mrs is always complaining that she has to dodge the grouse on the lane heading out to work in the morning. . . Ive told her to stop dodging
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