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Matt C

RMweb Gold
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Everything posted by Matt C

  1. I'm assuming there will be the free vintage bus between the train station and exhibition again this year, A great service ! Hoping to be there on the Saturday
  2. I can only reiterate some of the points given above, I have had the same problem in the past with the wifi sign in the App showing the Z21 being offline. First make sure you have plugged the supplied network cable into one of the Orange lan ports on the back of the router (NOT the wan port) Next make sure you have plugged the network cable in to the LAN port on the back of the Z21 (NOT the CAN port) (Been there done that ) Although this is a wireless system the actual Z21 box is NOT and needs the physical cable connection to the router. As the Z21 has a physical connection to the router you should not need to put in the password for the router. Make sure you have connected your power leads from Z21 to track. Now switch on and after a short startup time you should see a power light on the router and also a yellow light indicating that one of the lan ports is connected to something. And a nice steady blue light on the Z21 if no fault on the track connection etc. Next on your phone or tablet, MAKE SURE the App is closed then open wifi settings, look for the router (mine comes up as Z21_ 2756 or sommat like that) and connect, you WILL need to put in the password from the label on the bottom of the router. Now finally open the App and see if it connects (make sure to use the new black App not the old blue one as I think some things are starting to not work in the old App) Come back and let us know if this doesn't work and we can look to see if re setting the router has jiggered the settings and it needs re configuring Hope this helps Matt
  3. Just remember if left unattended stuff WILL get nicked, It always seams a fun joke when folk are drunk, even though they KNOW its all on camera I would try for a combination of the above suggestions ? Put in place permanent dual gauge tracks (with rockery ) Invite volunteers to run your trains on a Saturday or bring their own trains to run , then once a month invite local or other clubs to come along for a weekend running session (all weather permitting of course) You could include live steam events and of course nothing to stop you having a ride on train on these monthly events as well, why not go the whole hog ? Put in an RC racing track through the rockery as well ? You could then have RC racing events on every OTHER weekend. A shallow pond for RC boats ? Depends on just how much space you have to use Good luck with your new venture
  4. But Josh being a poor student is GOOD. It means you cant afford all those shinies to distract you from your studies. Studying hard will get you GOOD grades which means when you Graduate you will be able to get a GOOD job and then be able to buy all those expensive shinies ! But please while you are studying, do drop in and give us your pearls of wisdom as it gives us old *Beep* holes something to laugh at, and at the same time improves your communication skills so you don't come across as such a young *Beep* head Back to Bachmann
  5. A Y wore it out, he's waiting for a new industrial strength one to be installed
  6. Andy I'm quite happy to be used as a lab rat. . . I'm used to being ignored at home !
  7. Then try your power supply on his Z21 ? Eliminates any possilble fault on his Z21 first
  8. Hmmm dont think you could describe him as 'Mint' or 'BNIB' More like 'well worn' 'A few knocks and dents as expected on something this age' ' Ok runner but could do with a good service ' Dont think he's quite at the 'Good scrap yard project' just yet
  9. About as relevant as your query about the relevance but this is RmWeb, the readers expect, nay DEMAND a topic wander at LEAST three times per page
  10. I think there IS a difference though. If Jo blogs models places an order with Hornby for 30 Rockets and then invites pre orders, and i am number 19 who DOES express an interest then. . . If they get 20, I get one, if they get 10 I dont. . If they get 20 and I dont buy one, number 21 on the list gets mine. If Jo blogs COMMISSIONS a Rocket from Hornby, takes a deposit from 100 people and orders 100 then those 100 would expect to get their model or lose the deposit if they choose not to take it. Surely the first one is an expression of interest and the other is a pre order ? I think Hornby must have had these on order for some time to be able to ship for a February release date so numbers will have been estimated, maybe on the conservative side, who knows ? Reading between the lines its quite possible that shops are putting in initial high orders, being told allocations may be cut, and this information is causing potential buyers to place orders with multiple sellers, fuelling even more speculation about shortages as sellers scrabble to find stock to satisfy even higher perceived demand ! From Hornbies stock ordering point of view, they are damned if they do and damned if they dont order too much/ not enough stock, but I'm sure they will have worked out a quantity that will cover development costs, make a good return on the investment made and leave them with new tooling that can satisfy any shortcoming by a re issue next year or the year after at a much reduced cost = greater profit from the next run
  11. Then a step back to Andrews previous post quoted above as this will help him diagnose your problem ? If your not sure what he means by the different modes in decoder pro setup then someone can point you in the right direction
  12. And why not ? Its worked for Lego. They took a basic range that had been around for Donkeys years and started adding themed kits. Look how vast and varied the range is now, but all based around the Original. Following on from the success of the GMRC show and the interest it stirred up, Hornby have an opportunity, at low cost, to tap in to a new market and trial something different. Que the howls from the NIMBY brigade, but look just how successful GMRC was and the NON MODEL RAILWAY audience it tapped into ? I've seen loads of comments in here from various members saying "it's terrible... It's not true Steampunk" etc, well guess what ? Until this cropped up , I had never heard of steampunk and wouldn't have a scooby how many cogs, levers and whirly bits go to make up Steampunk. But I looked at what Hormby are offering and kinda like it ! I've sent the link to various friends and family who have no interest in Railway Modelling (and never heard of Steampunk) but had watched the GMRC show, and guess what ? They like it too !! In fact a couple want to know when it will be launched IF. . and its a big IF, Steampunk proves successful then Hornby could take a cheap, robust chassis with themed resin body, in a starter pack with Track, controller etc and adapt it to any theme or commercial tie up they wish, Then also do kits with a resin body (as in the quote above, with holes in) and add-on packs, so you can make your own (kitbashing ?) Nothing to also stop them launching some Airfix kits in the chosen theme at the same time. Its about hitting a DIFFERENT target audience and I think getting it into the right outlets along with Advertising and Marketing will be crucial to its success I wish them all the best
  13. *Random quote picked* I'm feeling Deja vu . . . . Arguments over APTs
  14. Steady on now young Andrew, no need for language like that !!!
  15. Ok I'm thinking that the OP wanted to complain about his Hornby product, went into the trade and products zone and for some reason the Site wouldn't let him select products / Hornby, so he went into the next section down, model shops to make his post ? Sort of makes sense, ISH To the OP (Original Poster). . .I would suggest you would be far better to drop Hornby an email with your complaint/rant where it might be seen by them ?, rather than in a random spot on RMWeb. It's Probably NOT a good idea to come in and make your first post a random rant about a manufacturer/ Ebay purchase, in the wrong area, as all this has done is bring you under AY's beady eye. He will be adding you to his 'troublesome truck ' list and his size eleven boot will be twitching I would suggest popping into the new members topic and say Hi, tell us a bit about yourself, and what your modelling interests are.
  16. "Think out of the box" Simon has been spending time on The Bay and has realised how much empty boxes go for, So from now on all new Locos will be supplied "out of the box" as he's flogged em all ! Hat Coat Gone
  17. Definately reward the Honesty
  18. I was always warned against yellow snow Centenary packs throughout the year starting with Rocket and wagons, then a steamy pack, bittern ? Flying Scotsman etc ? With Hornby 100 years headboard, then an ultra modern thingy in Hornby colours with Hornby 100 years emblazoned on the side, All in Hornby ltd edition retro packaging with certificate. Sold in the new outlets they are targeting, marketed by a full sized beasty traveling the country in full Hornby livery, stopping at every station and luring in new youngsters with VR stuff whilst lifting sovs from the parents in return for starter packs Sorted
  19. Plastic picnic knives from Poundland. Also picked up the cheapest 21 pin dcc ready loco from hattons (damaged body) which lives with its top off and is used purely to test and pre program decoders before they go near a new loco. I have a 21 pin to 8 pin plug in adaptor so I can test them as well. My new year project is to butcher an old lima chassis with lights to add a block of lever connectors so I can clip in loose wire decoders for testing before fitting. Yeah I could buy a decoder tester but wheres the fun in that ?
  20. According to SWMBO I leave deposits and SHE gets quite abrasive Hardboard, rough or smooth side depending on state of track and a drop of IPA, used here as well, Not used the track rubber since using this combo and definately less track cleaning needed even though its in a cold damp workshop
  21. Well, popped into the Peterborough show from Scotland today, ok that's not STRICTLY true. Was down in London yesderday with SWMBO and the brother and sister in law for a bit of culture, OK it was the Harry Potter show, but it's a show, at a theatre, so that's counts as culture, right ? And today, Sunday I had the choice, Go with that lot to the Tutankhamun exhibition to see a mummyfied old fossil, or go to the National Festival of model railway exhibition and see . . . . ANDY Y. No contest. . . But they only had three tickets for King TuT So I got stuck with his Lordship . . . . You know what guys ? All that way. . . And. . . . No cake. Yup not a piece, not a crumb. . Not even the essence of cake. According to Mr A Y. That b&!@@y Phill ( scoff the lot) Parker had eaten it all and scarpered ! Anyway the show, well not as big or busy as the main Scottish show in Glasgow in February ( go on visit, you know you want to , it's WELL worth it) At Peterborough there seamed to be more traders than layouts exhibiting, but and its a big BUT,. What a lovely friendly bunch they are ! I had a wonderful, all too brief time wandering and chatting to exhibitors, traders, demontrators and those great guys building a charity layout for kids, and witnessed an awful lot of helpful advice being given, and time taken on almost all the layouts, to families with children, many being given opertunities to actually run trains. Guys and Gals I applaud you all ! Keep up the great work, you are all great Ambasadors for our Hobby Next time though Andy,. MORE CAKE !!!!!!!
  22. Thank you so much for starting this topic. I was so concerned I did of course go imediately to the offending site and carry out an extensive field investigation. . . SHOCKING!!! I have bookmarked said offending site and will re visit regularly to see if the content improves at all and report back to AY so he can take a good look and 'tweak' whatever neccessary to ensure such suitable content is always targeted at RM web members yours, disgusted, of Titfelt, Warmbush, Snickering Muchly
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