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Matt C

RMweb Gold
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Everything posted by Matt C

  1. Matt C

    EBay madness

    Having watched this I think buyers must be Mad to sell expensive items on Ebay ! Certainly put me off selling (Apologies if its been linked somewhere already)
  2. Matt C

    Panic buying

    https://www.wikihow.life/Use-Vinegar-for-Household-Cleaning Say no more
  3. With a large number of RMweb members possibly self isolating I wonder if its an opportune time for @Andy Y To do one of his gold membership discount offers ? I'm thinking of those who normally go out to buy the hard copy of a magazine who wont be able to, and also all those back issues available to browse while self isolating Go on Andy you know its a good idea
  4. Great to see the information in one place, thanks Andy Just a thought and definately NOT aimed at anyone already posting, it might be worth just checking (if you havent already) that the organisers are happy for info to be released at this time, just in case they are still in the process of informing exhibitors etc Stay safe everyone
  5. Just a thought, have those involved re contacted their local police to inform them that these thieves have targeted multiple shops in different areas ? Maybe even pointing them to this thread for reference ? They may then share the information across multiple forces and coordinate a response. It may up their interest level if they are aware of multiple crimes
  6. Not been injured by a flying Add so far so I'm ok with that, once they start bombarding me for adds about incontinence knickers I might get upset though ! I really dont see why people get so upset about targeted advertising
  7. I've used all of the above 1) DAB Radio 2) Radio via freeview on the tv. . . Good sound but a bit heavy to lug around 3) Radio via my phone. . Pretty rubbish sound unless listened to via good headphones or bluetooth speaker 4) Radio via tablet . . Ok sound but much better through bluetooth speaker 5) Radio via Echo, Dot and echo show, great sound through all three The bluetooth speaker I use is a Bose, not the cheapest but great quality and gives about 14 hours playtime before recharging so outlasts the phone and tablet. Before we got the echo,etc we used to use the DAB radio or bose and tablet anywhere else but the front room to listen to the radio Now we have an Echo in the front room, a dot in the bedroom and an Echo show in the kitchen. The show in the kitchen also links to the bose speaker in the dining room. These are now used pretty much 100% of the time for radio and the old Dab radio has been relegated to my workshop One great thing about the Amazon devices is they can be set up to work individually or in groups so you can set each device to play different things or all devices to play the same station, with one voice command to ANY of the devices Yes they listen to you (but you can set them to not listen with the push of one button) but if they are listening to our prattle they must be really desparate ! The ONLY drawback Is that the Amazon speakers have to be plugged in to work, whereas the Bose speaker and tablet can be used anywhere as long as the batteries last PS just asked Alexa to play Radio Cumbria. . . Worked fine here in Scotland most times it seams to play stations through Tunelin as has been mentioned so doesn't matter where you have settled in the country you can listen to a local station from your old stamping ground HTH
  8. As far as cv29 is concerned I find this calculator invaluable. . .does the hard work for you http://www.2mm.org.uk/articles/cv29 calculator.htm
  9. Just to say you somehow crossed melmersbys quote with my name. . . Thought i didnt remember saying anything about coventry ! but I DID quote him
  10. Been through this flight and the smaller three rise, A fantastic experiance https://canalrivertrust.org.uk/enjoy-the-waterways/walking/canal-trails/bingley-to-saltaire/five-rise-locks
  11. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tuel_Lane_Lock Been down a simular one and its a blurry long way down !
  12. But I've also been through a lock that was much much deeper than the combined depth of of the top and bottom of the canal, so my observation remains perfectly valid
  13. Testing in a lock makes sense I suppose as the lock by its design is probably at least twice as deep as the canal above and below it and you can vary the water level IN the lock, lowering it if the sub were to get in trouble
  14. Just seen this Article in the World of Railways https://www.world-of-railways.co.uk/news/kr-models-resurrects-king-and-shark-for-n-gauge?utm_source=Communicator&utm_medium=Email&utm_content=buttonLink144&utm_campaign=New+announcements+from+Dapol%2c+Sonic+and+KR+Models&_ccCt=vCks4bmNlxDL2mL6JHvq48NQqzJUQHtTbLRPp5JHK4EA_jKxVDJpDc~gqpRqXqVn Is the embargo lifted now Andy ?
  15. The Ads are still there, but at the bottom of the page so at the moment the pages SEAM to be loading faster, but this could simply be because the top of the page loads first and the Ads then carry on loading in the background so by the time you scroll down through the page they have loaded. Nothing in life is free ( I have a free bus pass, so I dont pay, BUT somebody has to pay for, and run the bus !) So why not get pro active ? If you dont want Ads pay for Gold to support the site, If you dont want to or cant afford, then at the end of a session, if you like this current format with unobtrusive Ads at the bottom, click on a few Adds that you are ok with The back room boys will get the best numbers on a format that most like, Google will get thier 'click throughs' and hopefully target you with more relevant Ads based on those you choose ? And as a bonus AYs hair might grow back ! Just a thought
  16. Cheers Andy, just trying to pass on useful information, feel free to use the wife's usual response . . . I just get told to. . . shuddup !!!
  17. Just for information Andy, On 7" Android tablet. . . Reading a topic In Landscape I get the three adverts at the top/ RHS then blank space down the page below the adverts, loses about a third ? Of the available viewing screen. In Portrait I get the topic full width of screen and then the three adverts appear at the BOTTOM of the page, after all posts. My preference would be to put the adverts either at the top, or bottom, before or after the thread posts as in the portrait version so that full viewing screen is available for viewing te actual thread content I'm sure the little backroom tinkerers will get there eventually
  18. Andy Y is probably off on a Jolly somewhere, I'm sure normal (ish) service will resume on his return OYE ANDY ! WAKE UP !!
  19. Ahh I see if you highlight a piece of text you get a little black box with 'quote selected' in it, clicking on that puts it in the reply box. Clever
  20. My bank uses securecode and often when paying, once you click on pay now it goes into 'processing' mode and re directs to the securecode site where I have to enter the random, asked for digits from a previously set up password before it completes the process. I imagine yours will work on the same principal but asking you to enter the aforementioned code sent to your phone ?
  21. Maybe a look through this section https://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/forum/21-power-control-dcc/ And this section https://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/forum/23-dcc-discussion-topics-not-questions/ Might help ?
  22. Actually RmWeB IS still free to Gold members. . . Its all the fancy Goldy stuff, . . . . Members lounge, access to the online BRM collection and large Gold medallion you pay extra for. For the main forum content you get the exact same FREE content and speeds as us muggles
  23. Yeah I'm not a million miles from a couple of them, at least one is being cleared commercially, and the other was torn up by scramble bikes for years so lots of dust waste around . If not I was thinking of grinding some up with a morter and pestle. Just need to drop in as I'm passing sometime and ask for a bucket full Anyway looking forward to the show
  24. If your in Scotland go to the shale bings around west lothian. . . Mountains of red shale waste you could sieve out
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