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The Blue Streak

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Everything posted by The Blue Streak

  1. Just to Share something that was quite big news here in West Oz, but may not be so well known Elsewhere, was the Bravery shown by this young girl in Kalgoorlie WA. Last year this young lady whose name was Hayley Garlett put herself in Harms way when she stood between a handful of Police officers and a large number of rioting protesters who were "going to town". One of the Gutsiest things I've ever seen or heard of, just wanted to share it.
  2. You'll have none left, Toy's / Models or otherwise, if you keep tossing them out of your pram with your mock outrage at not being able to get your new ones the next day. Cheer up Brother !
  3. Colin. You have singled out one line from My post and removed the context in which it was given. A) Please observe Smiley Face B) They are little versions of 1:1 subjects and We play with them for relaxation or fun, they are in fact toys. This does not belittle them any more than when My motorcycle or other such niceties are referred to as toys. I am secure in the knowledge that what I work with day to day are Trains, but what I like to mess around with in My down time are Toys, it doesn't matter if it's Model Railways, Motorcycles or records The point I was trying to make is that people are getting there knickers in a knot about not being able to get their models / toys / trains the following day and really it's getting a bit tiring hearing the same old moans over and over when perfectly good explanations have been made as to why this is currently not the case.
  4. Xt's are still sitting in Avon Yard on the last remaining road in the East End NG yard. They were hired out to CBH for a while, but due to a lack of maintenance over the last few years they are more problems than they are worth. They got a run last year due to the size of the harvest statewide, but I doubt if they will get a run this year, being as the Geraldton area and in fact most of the North End of the wheat belt has a smaller tonnage than usual predicted. Plus the fact that the XT's are having cracking issues, mainly in the torsion boxes. But who knows, weirder stuff happens. DBZ's are apparently a CBH purchase so if anything they 'll pop up with CBH signage. The rumour says 2 Million for 10 loco's, as is where is, so a bit of a bargain.
  5. Hatton's Dave did post here a few pages back, the reasons that next day delivery had been suspended for the short term. They seemed fairly reasonable to Me. I CBA looking for it now to give a direct link, but it's there somewhere. From what I understand, it will be reinstated when things have all been sorted out soon. A workmates 10 year old daughter is on the transplant list waiting for a kidney. But sadly it appears next day delivery has been unavailable for her for quite sometime. I think at this point She would be happy with a next month delivery. I'm Not having a shot at anybody, just trying to put a bit of perspective back into the thread. It's just Toy Trains Gents, nothing to get wound up about.
  6. All You need is Love - The Beatles
  7. Hey Pat, Re the HX Wagon. I remember when My Mate and I went halves in one of those (it was about a $1100 if I recall). It had a 4.2 litre V8 that was so choked with emission control gear, that it would have struggled to pull a sailor off My Sister It did however have an electric tailgate, with which one could wind the rearmost window down with the flick of a switch (very High Tech) but which left us both with an enormous headache as it sucked in all the fumes from the tailpipe, on our Maiden voyage from Armadale to the Sunday Session* at the Leisure Inn (AKA The Pleasure Bin) in Rockingham. Good Times * Sunday Session was when the pubs were allowed to open between the Hours of 5 and 9pm on a Sunday.
  8. Crikey Smithy, that's a bit of a kick in the guts (the latest health news). Moving closer to family will be exciting tho' and even if there's no room for "the big layout" that you have been enjoying, a little 'un can be just as much fun ! P.S. I love the Bimmer, at 50 I'm starting to think that I might be ready for a proper grown up's bike instead of the "back breaker" Japper and a BMW looks like it's a good option for Oz, something that is able to eat up those miles in relative comfort but still has an adequate reserve of Oomph!
  9. No way of catching the train either, apparently the Kincardine line closed for passenger traffic in the 30's. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kincardine_Line#/media/File:Kincardine_line.png Edit - TBH I've no idea why I even bothered to look that up - He's got into My head
  10. SOS Jct. - A rich tapestry, that can be interpreted from many perspectives.
  11. So You're not Clint Eastwood then? I'm just slightly disappointed Still a very cool story however, so thanks for that and just to throw my hat into the ring - I think the SR71 is about the sexiest aeroplane ever, it's like the Catherine Zeta Jones of the aircraft world
  12. I learned French from the Girl next door in 1978. One day I hope to pick up some of the language.
  13. Given a chance to settle in to any team, I think Hartley will surprise a few people. He is quick, but if he can thrive in the Piranha tank that is F1 remains to be seen. It's a far cry from the more relaxed atmosphere of WEC. If He can get his head around all the politics and BS, He'll do ok.
  14. Mike, I think "beat ups" of the railways has been a bit of a favourite activity of fighter pilots since the invention of the aeroplane. http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/124063-tall-tales/?p=2773096
  15. He's actually Clint Eastwood and when the Police found it only to be the latest Mig, they let him off with a warning
  16. Rumour throughout the industry is that CBH have purchased 10 DBZ's from Aurizon. These are restricted to 19t lines and can't be used on several of the Grain lines which are 16t axle load. It has been speculated that the Albany area is looking at a bumper grain season which Albany Port cannot handle so the DBZ's will be used to bring grain trains up the GSR to Kwinana port. How many will go into service and How many are to kept for spare parts remain to be seen. I believe Much of the old WAGR /Aurizon Steel bodied Narrow gauge grain rolling stock has already gone for Scrap, with the Aluminium XU fleet being regauged to standard and sent East (following the handful regauged XW's that went a few years ago) The Ex WAGR standard gauge Grainy's providing the bogies and wheel sets for the conversions - the actual wagons themselves (which would have been out of gauge over East) are sitting at Aurizon's Avon Yard on stands. Speaking of Avon Yard, nearly all of the roads at the East end of the n/g yard have been ripped out, apparently to go sent to Kwinana to extend the roads in the Aurizon yard there.
  17. Where does that leave Me then ? As not only do I not hand build My own track, but am now outed as someone who doesn't scratch build their own Soup All is not lost however, as I do open all My own boxes without any assistance These skills must skip a generation as My Father was a scratchbuilder of brass locomotives (and soups) of some note. However I do have lovely soft fingers and hands that have no burn marks !!!!
  18. Peter, thanks for showing us those, a nice cross selection on show. From old Ariels to 2 stroke 500 Yamahas (I would have killed for one of those or the RG 500 Suzuki in my youth, but it's very probable the bikes would may well have killed Me with their lightswitch power delivery ) I did have a little Froth over the Norton's, I have always had a soft spot for them despite their shortcomings (We liked to describe it as charm). As for the Suzi 750, I for one can appreciate the idea that it may be over restored in the eyes of Many. It may have well transcended the functional and become a piece of Art. Personally I would rather ride it regularly and once you get to the stage that it looks like that, you'd be terrified of putting a Mark on it. I have to admit that it sure is pretty and I can Appreciate the work that has gone into it, a real labour of love. It's a bit like Model trains, if we all followed the same path, it would be a very boring hobby Cheers Gents, have a good Sunday !
  19. Rumour had it that you could balance a 50p piece on one of those Norton Wankel Rotary's when they were running, they were that smooth.
  20. Well it is for Me, except Antarctica and I'd be very surprised to find anyone down there with a train set or even wot posts on this fine topic
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