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The Blue Streak

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Everything posted by The Blue Streak

  1. I don't know Colin, I've got a pretty big pair of nuts........ Regards Ted P.S. I strongly advise that you DO NOT google "Big nuts"
  2. I haven't seen the program in question, but I watch a bit of Jenny Kirk's Youtube stuff. Not only does she do model train reviews but the occasional "know your beer" video ( not seen one of those for a while), her top 1000 Vinyl albums of all time series and then there was the video about her Lee Enfield .303 rifle. She doesn't claim to be an expert in any particular field but is a real fan of Pre grouping stuff, however she seems to have an interest in all era's and regions, so usually gets around to something might be of interest to most people. Here's one of her recent vid's about the Birdcage coaches https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C7j3JGMVUlg
  3. The Blue MN looks very sharp I thought. Would look very nice on a rake of Pullmans. As For the Milk tankers - problem solved
  4. A few items for the LNER modellers Gilbert, including a green A4 finally (Not counting that strange gloss version from the Gresley set of four last year). But as you say nothing Eastern post 1948. More astounding is the complete absence of an A3 or Gresley A1 in any form (even in Railroad). I can't remember the last time that was the case ! (I was hoping quietly for an Express Blue version). Perhaps they have finally retired the tooling whilst they sort out the ski ramp front ends that have been evident in the last few years. Phil however, might have to rob the bank of England or something Regards Ted
  5. I was excited enough with the V2 news. If any of those happen Gilbert, I shall be quite beside myself.
  6. :yahoo: New tooling for V2 at last , everyone in Eastern land should be happy about those (the old ones just looked "off") Seems Southern types have some nice things too. Pity the Western chaps didn't get their XXXX's Did I mention the V2
  7. Then I have achieved Much. Because nobody has done less than I did last year. 2018 will be different as I hope to progress beyond the baseboard stage before cracking the whatsits and demolishing it again. It has now been 20 years and two house moves since I had to dismantle My last (completed?) permanent layout and the procrastination that has existed with half ar$ed efforts since has been quite something (or nothing). You blokes who whip up layouts in the blink of an eye (less than 5 years) have my enduring admiration.
  8. Of course then there were occasions, like the time a young second man jumped down to set a set of cheeseknob* points and started to proceed the propelling train into some sidings. Unfortunately this set of points was notorious for their ability to stick a little, but the young bloke forgot on this one occasion. He looked back in time to realise that the points had split , 6 wagons had gone left and the rest were trying to go right. By the time he'd got onto the radio to call the driver to stop, the whole lot went over into the middle. His next act was to sit and eat a pie, as far away from the driver as he could get. Until the Area Manager arrived to rescue him!! He said that the subsequent investigation, issuing of a "blister" (punishment in writing) and 3 months shed. Was small fry compared to the deluge of profanity heaped upon him by his Driver. Some of those old timers were scary bu&&ers. * Do they have Cheeseknob point handles in the UK still ?
  9. There's nothing you wrote in that topic that would warrant banning Phil. If I got away with some of the stuff I said to one obnoxious pratt in a topic a few months ago (following it up with a scathing PM to said individual), you should be fine. I could join in with you over there, but I reckon I would get banned. (I shall ponder the idea whilst I am at Gym doing my Physio stuff) Chin up Cobber, don't let the bas##rds grind you down.
  10. That looks like a fine effort at reproducing the picture Gilbert. Congratulations on PN making the Final few up for vote in the British Model railway Awards.
  11. Water tank built in 1892 and still standing along the old railway route at Cunderdin West Oz. The newer route went through in 1966 a few kilometers further North.
  12. Who's a good boy then...........
  13. Rats are one of natures creations too. I'm glad he's getting a good feed during the cold spell. Although being fat, in tip top condition and now on the missing list, perhaps He's become part of the circle of life and is now contributing to an Owl, Hawk or Pussy cats tip top condition Our Magpie's are back looking for water and bacon rinds. Which they got both !!!
  14. While I was looking at You tube videos of Spams to post on Phil's topic - SOS Jct .. I happened across this little Jewel at PN, It's a few years after Gilbert's timeline but instantly recognisable as We scoot under the bridge and into the station itself. Although I think the film has been sped up a little. I hope it's of some interest. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KI8HCmy_6fg Regards Ted
  15. Produce Fireworks indeed Phil, I Just finished reading about some of the 100mph plus runs made by some of the MN's right at the death knock in the late 60's including one occasion Where 35003 was timed at at 106mph and then 105 mph two days later. Another occasion when one ran the 83 miles from Salisbury to Waterloo on the ACE in 72 minutes ( that's an average of 69 mph if my sums are right), all in the twilight of steam on normal services. Not bad for a bunch of supposedly clapped out old engines that were due for imminent retirement because they were old technology and no longer suitable for the BR corporate image. I wish I was around to see it. It would have been quite something.I think.
  16. Good Moaning Chaps. Here's another little video I found whilst perusing the Interweb. Not as Suvvern orientated as the last, but the odd Spam makes an appearance. There's a fairly sizable wheelslip between the 3 and 15 second mark, check out the sparks off the rear drivers at 12 secs https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oYdwuHjsm0Q Cheers Ted
  17. Some more Spamalicious Video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wfwFMQZvtQ8 Cheers Ted
  18. I might have spoken too soon, the site being blocked issue is back.
  19. I have used Norton for as long as I have had a home PC. I have heard that it does actually use up a lot of memory and can be "overaggressive" . However I can also say that I have never had a threat or a virus get through, so am reluctant to change it. Although I feel most antivirus are pretty effective nowadays. Although I've never before had an issue accessing the Hattons website with Norton or Firefox, the glitch I had the other day has now sorted itself and by next week I'll have forgotten all about it. I think however that if my Antivirus wasn't so "aggressive" and a threat did get through one day and cause havoc, I would remember that much longer. I hear what you are saying however and I am aware most computer savvy people including professional programmers are not fans of Norton due to its ability to use so much memory and slow things down. But for Me being virtually clueless in most things IT. The product I use (along with Millions of others) is virtually idiot proof which suits me fine, I can live with the odd short term hiccup as long as it continues to be on the cautious side. Hope the Op of this topic thread has found the problem has sorted itself out now like mine has. Edit - spoke to soon, see below
  20. I must admit It would turn My head seeing a big engine like this, pulling a mere handful of coaches. However I probably wouldn't bat an eyelid at the sight of one running light engine somewhere. I suppose it makes perfect sense to use it on some sort of revenue paying service while the engine movement was taking place. It probably looks a little odd as you just don't see it that often anymore (although I have take as little as 6 empty grain wagons behind a 3300 hp locomotive, running back light engine for the purpose of getting them to maintenance). Most people wouldn't think to model an A4 pulling a handful of stock like that. Which is why I like this topic, Gilbert. You always seem to find the unusual to show us and there always a prototypical scenario for it, which is not only entertaining but educational. It's not just the pictures (although I do enjoy them) it's the snippets of information that you give us with them that makes PN such a standout topic. Regards Ted
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