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Mallard60022 last won the day on June 12 2015

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    A small island.
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  1. With huge respect, could the Status Updates be separated from the PM facility. It's getting silly.


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Tony Teague

      Tony Teague

      I doubt it would be missed if it was removed.

    3. Mallard60022


      It is also a What's on your mind feature in another choice that comes up!

      I know it's petty, but recently someone slagged off Andy and it was on there for all to see. Andy doesn't need any more crap to deal with when he is monitoring me 24/7.

      I suppose it means a change to the website but on Profiles the two need some sort of 'Warning Notice'.

      Like; this one's Private and this (other) one is PUBLIC for all to see.

    4. Dungrange


      Well if you type in the 'What's on your mind' box, it doesn't highlight that it's a public message (but one would assume that no-one thinks it's private), but if you go to someone else's feed to post a message to them, the box does clearly state that it's a public message, but it doesn't stop some people using it to post something that really should be private.  I think the problem is that it's the more obvious contact option and some people either don't read the word private, or alternatively they don't care.

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