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Everything posted by 73c

  1. Hi Dave Unusual stock movement in J9265, any ideas what it was about. Maybe an open day somewhere?
  2. Hi Simon Sorry to say but you lost me round about ''You can do this whilst in program mode by getting the Arduino to feed back the position to the computer'' I've no idea how to do this sort of thing or write a routine. Phil
  3. Hi all. Well, I've decided to give this one last go before writing it off as an expensive mistake. So far no matter what numbers I've played with in trying to get the deck to arrive at 2 positions has succeeded . I've tried to shortened the programme so that one command sends the deck to the first position and the second to the next point required and then back again, no luck. What I'd like to achieve is simply this. ( base the turntable as a clock face for description purposes ) The deck sits at 6 'o' clock, which is the 'on' road and the head is at 12. Enter command to move. Deck rotates, either direction, until the head is at the 7 on the clock face. This is the off road. Enter command to move back to the 6 'o' clock position, either direction, clockwise or anti-clockwise, ready for the next loco. I don't mind having to 'reset' the deck each time to accept another loco, as long as it does just these 2 positions. So far nothing it seems I've tried will achieve this. So, I'm asking for any assistance in reaching my goal of an operating turntable, anyone's input is gratefully accepted and my thanks in advance for your help in resolving this matter.
  4. Think the TPO section on Thursday's 'Full Steam Ahead' was rather good.
  5. Hi David Love seeing the photo's of the Manningtree to Harwich line, great memories. As a youngster catching the 'little train' from Manningtree to Dovercourt to see my grandparents
  6. Hi Nice talking to you guy's over the weekend, lot's of info and some friendly banter. Think I'll be a new customer very soon. Many thanks
  7. Great photo's Dave. Had grandparents that lived at Dovercourt, a trip up to see them was always a treat if we went by train. Managed to get a cab ride in a 37 from Liverpool St to Manningtree one time and occasionally saw an 08 on the steep incline down to Mistley quay, waiting to join the branch. Great memories of that line.
  8. hi amdaley I haven't yet but looking at it, it's just more expense. May have to re-think the layout, which is a shame as the main part is the loco shed and the rest is just starting to come together nicely.
  9. Giving up on mine. With the motor whine and the added challenge of the dcc shorting, think might be easier to try something else
  10. After another 2 days of trying various fixes, still not able to log in on my laptop, so I'll just stick to using my pc
  11. Hi Andy Cleared cookies and passwords, restarted but still no luck. Will keep trying
  12. Hi all I've just upgraded my laptop from windows 7 to 10 but I am unable to log in from it, just reports username/password incorrect. No problems using my pc. Can anyone help please
  13. Hi Ian Thanks for your reply. If that's the case then I guess something else must be causing it to whine. Might have to pick your brains again if I get stuck if that's ok
  14. Hi all After quite sometime of building the rest of the layout, I'm back to the turntable and ready to set up the programming. luciansima80 mentions use of a servo motor brake to stop the stepper motor from making a whining noise when not in use, he refers to some code in luce001 ( page 7 post #155 code line 34 ) programme. I've so far not been able to find the full code for this on the Arduino web site. Any help would be greatly appreciated Thanks
  15. Thanks for that bluebottle.
  16. Oops! When and where was that incident?
  17. Doesn't that mean it reset's it's self each time you turn it back on?
  18. Blimey! Is it that bad? Was looking at getting one
  19. Hi NinOz. I've not been working on the TT for past couple of days, other jobs have kept me busy on the layout. Need to spend a good few hours trying to sort it out fairly soon.
  20. Hi luciansima80 Does that mean not using a stepper motor and changing the drive to a servo or an electric motor with a gear train?
  21. Hi Simond & Ray Thanks both of you for your replies. The TT runs fine when not powered. so I don't think it's tight or dry surfaces etc so it may well be, that it's not sitting at a null position. Writing any code would be beyond my capabilities, I'll have a play around with the settings and see if I can at least get it to stop where I'd like it to for now.
  22. Hi. If either Ray or gz3xzf would like the brass kit for the Dapol / Airfix kit, I can have a look and if I find it, post it on ( just cover the cost of the postage )
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