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Everything posted by brigo

  1. Western Whisper - Davy Spillane
  2. Nice Guys Finish Last - Green Day
  3. If I Ever Lose My Faith In You - Sting
  4. As an aside,I remember DJH acquired the "foreign" colours from Rail Match and they promptly became unavailable. I presume DJH simply used them for their own products. Brian
  5. I use one like this for checking locos, which I bought with a starter set (only bought for the loco, cheaper in the set than buying separate). http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Roco-10788-240v-18v-DC-Controller-adaptor-Hornby-R8250-alternative-NEW-UNBOXED-/292046954631?epid=1461367125&hash=item43ff5ae087:g:DLQAAOSwa~BYTR6n It uses the LM317 voltage regulator as Crosland suggests. The output voltage goes up in small steps as the control knob operates a wiper on a set of contacts rather than a potentiometer. Brian
  6. Some DC controllers require AC inputs to work, such as those that use thyristors, or some use the 50 Hertz to generate pulsed outputs. From a safety standpoint I'd much prefer a simple transformer with a split winding bobbin than a switch mode power supply of dodgy far eastern origin. I've had a few power supplies for computers and accessories go down in the last couple of years, even from companies like WD and Fujitsu. Brian
  7. I remember at school the custard being made with sterilised milk, definitely an acquired taste. Brian
  8. And of course that list today doesn't include the around 100 directors, controllers, etc who are on over £150,000 http://www.bbc.co.uk/corporate2/insidethebbc/managementstructure/biographies/ Brian
  9. J10297 Interesting to see the ex DR coach on the left. I think 1989 was the last year they were in common usage although a few remain as "museum" stock. Brian
  10. Many years ago when I was modelling German N gauge, I experimented with handbuilt track and found code 55 to be the best. The flanges can be up to 0.9mm (0.035") deep, which means on code 40 flat bottom rail they can touch the base of the rail. Even with code 55 soldered construction is needed, not rail spikes. Brian
  11. I noticed from Horsetan's comment that he refered to the museum edition of the loco. This was previously available as 43579. http://www.roco.cc/doc/ET/1/DE/43579_9145.pdf For this model the steps are available in packs of 2 http://www.roco.cc/en/service/spareparts/index.html?p=y&ssp=100066 Brian
  12. RhB No 11 known as "Heidi" moved to the BOB in the 1970's Has since moved back to the RhB as part of Club 1889 Brian
  13. Original number for your loco was 04192A or maybe C, some confusion there. This became 43509. PDF here http://www.roco.cc/doc/ET/1/DE/43509_9091.pdf Part you need (I think) is item 3 on page 2, 4170A-109 Auftritt/step. This has been renumbered as 93099 http://www.roco.cc/en/service/spareparts/index.html?p=y&ssp=93099 Discontinued, but still available for Euro 1.30 HTH, Brian
  14. How about suggesting to DJ Models to approach his suppliers for "spare" motors as used in his models. Brian
  15. On Google Earth at the top of the screen is a row of symbols. Near the middle is one of the earth with a green arrow going anti clockwise. Click on it and it changes to a clock and underneath a horizontal slider appears. The slider will take you back to earlier times, the earliest normally being black and white aerial photos from the 1940's Brian
  16. Shadow, The block of houses referred to as No 4 (there actually is no No 4 in McKean Road) in this picture https://www.genealogyforum.co.uk/forum/gallery/image_page.php?album_id=14&image_id=1242 is this on streetview https://www.google.co.uk/maps/place/Sandwell+%26+Dudley+Station/@52.5057868,-2.0124144,3a,75y,33.14h,74.98t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sDuKtDVp_Yvl_ieM9779cuA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!4m5!3m4!1s0x4870978c64c82fb9:0xaf1ea0ded7850454!8m2!3d52.508755!4d-2.012459 The other picture https://www.genealogyforum.co.uk/forum/gallery/image_page.php?album_id=14&image_id=1686 if you look carefully the terraced houses on the OP's photo are at the end of the street and in streetview are replaced by the new building https://www.google.co.uk/maps/place/Sandwell+%26+Dudley+Station/@52.506387,-2.0124695,3a,75y,14.5h,91.29t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1silW8BRTdr8fPG6RV7c8myg!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!4m5!3m4!1s0x4870978c64c82fb9:0xaf1ea0ded7850454!8m2!3d52.508755!4d-2.012459 Brian
  17. Possibly the property which I suggested the picture was taken from belonged to a relation or friend. The 1911 census shows that no 53 McKean Road was occupied by Joseph Jones, his wife Fanny, their 6 children and 4 nephews and nieces of the Bate family. Talk about overcrowding. In 1939 the house was still occupied by a Joseph Jones (son of the earlier one) and one of the Bate's. Maybe your brother-in-law will find a connection. Hopefully a picture of the original station building will emerge at some point. Brian
  18. I think this is the basic layout, apologies for the rubbish drawing, but position of station and goods shed taken from the maps. X marks where the ladies were. Brian
  19. Could this be the view ? https://www.google.co.uk/maps/place/Sandwell+%26+Dudley+Station/@52.5080839,-2.0117984,3a,75y,17.63h,75.02t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1skrZ4Y7TDujMzcMVXF8H-VQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!4m5!3m4!1s0x4870978c64c82fb9:0xaf1ea0ded7850454!8m2!3d52.508755!4d-2.012459 This is looking towards Oldbury & Bromford Lane station from McKean Road. On a 1919 map on Old Maps there were 2 rows of terraced houses on the left with a small gap between. These houses were built after the date of the NLS maps. https://www.old-maps.co.uk/#/Map/399294/289984/12/101147 In fact if you use Google Earth and wind the view back to 1999 or 2001 the houses are still there. The large building on the top right could be the goods shed in the station yard. I get the impression the lens on the camera used had a small telephoto effect. About the rings, which aren't very clear to me, some people wear family rings, parents possibly, on their right hand. Brian Edited for spellin, etc
  20. Richard, I don't dispute that ECML made a loss in year 2014/2015, but you stated DOR had made the loss, which is not true. DOR ran East Coast for 11 months and returned a profit of £11 million and paid £215.7 million to the DfT (DOR's owner). My link above to DOR's accounts. ECML's loss is down to what their new owner had to pay out in the first month of operation or it may be 2 months as Stagecoach's financial year ends 30 April rather than 31 March of DOR. Brian
  21. Actually that joke doesn't work. So Long is not How Long's brother. In Chinese the Surname comes first. Brian
  22. Well, that link doesn't work The "loss" were payments that Stagecoach/Virgin had to make in their first month of operation in the form of a refundable deposit, asset writedown and franchise premium. The "loss" was not of DOR's making. Brian
  23. I'm a little bit puzzled by that "canal" it seems to be going uphill. If you enlarge the photo and look carefully the water seems to go over the ladies dress. I wonder if the original photo was taken through glass and we are seeing a reflection or if the photo is in a glass frame and a camera used rather than a scanner. Brian
  24. That doesn't seem to be reflected in their annual accounts. They still made a profit and paid £215.7 million to the DfT as a franchise premium. http://webarchive.nationalarchives.gov.uk/20151215172524/http://www.directlyoperatedrailways.co.uk/PDF/DORReportAccounts2015.pdf Brian
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