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Graham Walters

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Everything posted by Graham Walters

  1. The boss must be away on holiday and they are trying to shift as much sh*t as they can before he gets back.
  2. I wonder which poor sod at rails got the sack for buying that in !
  3. Best one I've seen in ages was in my local ASDA a special offer on pizzas. Two for £2 or £1 each
  4. Thanks for all the info, my modeling skills aren't up to altering the details yet, but it's still interesting to know how two manufacturers can get things so right and wrong at the same time. My main concern is of course whether it would have been possible to see the two coaches in the same rake, I gather from what has been said that it would have been possible, this makes them both sit in my era, which is good to know.
  5. I'm interested to know which one of these is the "more prototypical" First I have a Bachmann Collett composite coach GWR shirt button I know the blue markings are correct on the bogies, but I'm wondering about the grey roof, and the overall detail on the roof. the reason for the doubt being, I have just taken possession of this, which is supposed to be a Collett Restaurant car, yet we have a different coloured roof, and no colour on the bogies. The restaurant car has been sold to me as a Hornby version, the only markings I can find on the bottom are "Made in Great Britain".
  6. Had a good day myself ! Won this : http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/141429398490?_trksid=p2060778.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT and this http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/151429813000?_trksid=p2060778.m2749.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT Just over £18 for the two inc postage, now I call that a result !
  7. Two more coaches added to the GWR rolling stock

    1. Crisis Rail

      Crisis Rail

      .........said Isambard Brunel circa 1833

    2. Graham Walters

      Graham Walters

      Well in this case it refers to "Grahams Wonderful Railway" !

    3. Crisis Rail
  8. Note to self, "When visiting model shop, stop buying when your head tells you to, this nice shiney things can wait"

    1. Simon Moore

      Simon Moore

      I know that feeling. I'm going to haworth & that bookshop always entices money out of my wallet ; )

    2. MarkC


      Perhaps you need a 'Yorkshire Wallet'...

  9. Looks like that one was discovered in a salt mine !
  10. Surely you mean to the LEFT, one point to the right would push the price to the totally unbelievable !
  11. Waiting for the shed to arrive !

    1. Crisis Rail

      Crisis Rail

      Infernal 66 or Garden?

  12. Waiting for the shed to arrive !

  13. Waiting for the shed to arrive !

  14. When I go back to Ross on Wye I'm always reminded of what used to be the stations area, the old engine shed is a landmark right on the edge of the by-pass, venture onto the industrial estate that now occupies the station area and you can see the old goods shed. When I venture out to where I was brought up, you can still see what was bridge at the bottom of Fernbank road, the rails went through a very short cutting, which was used as landfill as a means of supporting the bridge which had become unstable. In fact almost everywhere you look around what is referred to as the bottom of "Ross" you can see bridge abutments, go out towards Bridstow and Backney and the piers of the Backney bridge still stand like sentinels in the river. Go the other way towards Monouth, there are still the tunnels, walk along the old track bed bed by the river and if you look carefully you can evidence of platelayers huts, and other buildings.
  15. If you read what the RSPB advise, they say not to feed birds in the summer months, when food is abundant, you should only feed in the winter when food is scarce. The theory is that once you start feeding they become dependent on it, and some migrating birds, may even try to overwinter here, when they should be off south for warmer climes.
  16. Bulmers had their own sidings up until the late sixties, which would make a good layout, they were quite spread out over Hereford, and if remember rightly were inside what was called the "Brecon Loop" ( don't quote me on that), Why Bulmers moved to road transport baffled every one. My grandfather used to sell apples to Bulmers, in fact I can remember my father talking about taking the sacks of apples to Stoke Edith station for Bulmers
  17. I can only echo this, having personally known Henry Weston, The chap at the bottom of the steps is very much like him, stocky, ruddy complexion. Westons did indeed cart their cider to Ledbury for distribution, it was also carted to Ross for distribution into the S.Wales area.
  18. According to Butterly, and the RM archives, this TPO was involved, the HPV would have been a separate coach, 30225 is a TPO where mail was being sorted, can't confirm, as I'm not sure, but the only access to the HPV would have been via the TPO.
  19. Some photo's from Butterly earlier this summer : Duchess of Sutherland in Steam for the day Not sure when they will get around to preserving this one, must have been one of eight or nine diesels at Butterly in various forms of degradation. If anyone wondered where she was, well she's in the sidings at Butterly awaiting some TLC Not an engine, but working for Royal Mail I found this TPO very interesting, after doing some checks in the archives, and talking to Butterly we can confirm that this is the TPO was involved in the Great Train Robbery, she's there in a shed complete with the bag catcher, mail bags etc, almost as if she was taken out of service the day after the robbery.
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