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Everything posted by RBAGE

  1. So, what you're saying is, to justify getting a large number on the basis of optimising packaging space, I have to order them before Tuesday?
  2. 6 arrived today and I hadn't anticipated how big the box was going to be. Tip for self, buy more next time so that the box is full. They do look lovely but I will have to restrain myself and wait until I have somewhere to put them once built. Don't want to build one and then find that it should have been curved.
  3. Hello Phil, Hinges on the sides of the boards. Front and back. Bob
  4. How about hinges with removable pins? I have a box full somewhere. Yours if they are any use. Just postage. Heavy box. If I can find them.
  5. Phil, Might be worth considering Finetracks pointwork kits. Easy to build, can be curved to suit and make flowing formations and build to the same height as PECO. Good luck. Bob
  6. Wayne, Sounds like 00 gauge items might be very popular. Everyone is in their starting blocks. I know you mentioned that 00 kits will be launched in the next week or so. Will that be turnouts only, at this stage? If that is the case, when to you expect matching diamond crossings? Thanks, Bob
  7. Sad, but satisfying. My first sight of Abbotswood was on this channel, when things go wrong, or something along those lines. I loved every video and it was a privilege to have operated it, just once, in Colwall. Sorry to see it go but really looking forward to "Son of Abbotswood". Thanks, Bob Had a grey moment. Not this channel. More likely YouTube.
  8. Will you be limiting orders for 00 gauge turnouts from the initial production run? I expect they will sell like hot cakes. Let me know when you expect the 00 gauge items to hit the market so that I can make sure I'm near a computer.
  9. Thanks Bonny Lad, This looks much later than my period but it gives a good impression of how they weathered. So, if I can come up with a restrained version of this it my reflect the late 1960s. They haven't done a very good job on this one. You can seeall the brush strokes.
  10. If I do that, you'll see all the wobbly bits and realise how bad I am at this game. From a distance, with poor photography, I can maintain my coveted "less than average modeller" status.
  11. It's a thing to laugh at Mick. I was hoping for more of a response than a snigger. I was expecting a "stand easy Bage", "it'll be on my Blog, very soon". Whatever a blog is.
  12. To whom it may concern, I finally have my six vans built and painted. Next job is to apply decals and then decide the condition they will run in. Any images I can find have them shining like the proverbial toilet door, circa 1964. I wonder how they faired in terms of upkeep? Did they very quickly weather to a more pleasing condition? What we need is someone with experience in the cement industry and who now makes wagons dirty for a living. Do we know anyone who fits that MO? Ha'way Mick, get them built and let's see how you weather them.
  13. This has probably been discussed previously and I've missed it but is the product designed so that the top of the rail aligns with any existing suppliers flexitrack track making products? What is the height from the base to the top of the rail? Not something that's insurmountable, but it would be useful if the points were are direct fit.
  14. My point is that the vast majority of 00 gauge modellers never consider course scale or finescale. They would consider that getting replacement wheels as an unnecessary and unexpected expense. As you say, that part of the hobby is catered for. This majority of modellers would never consider checking back to back dimension, thinking the industry will have taken care of that. Not an unreasonable assumption. If it is considered necessary for 00-FS, as some well positioned contributors assert, why is that if measurement and adjustment is not necessary? My comments are not based solely on the advice of the great and the good but that advice isout there. Anyway, this is not the place to discuss gauge standards. Apologies to Wayne.
  15. Mostly from comment on this website from people who know considerably more about track standards than I do. I assume you don't understand my comment about "messing around". I actually meant checking stock back-to-back dimensions and taking action to reduce the variation experience on product from RTR manufacturers. Something which might be best practise for standard 00 gauge but which is more critical for 16.2mm and reduced flangeways. My point was, that the vast majority of railway modellers don't do this because the standard 00 gauge will accommodate most of this variation. What is more important, the majority of modellers don't expect to have to undertake checks or make adjustments.
  16. The EM market is tiny and the 00-FS probably less so. Standard 00 is by far the most popular gauge for modelling and frankly, that's where new products should be targeted if you want to at least recoup any investment. Any possibility to develop product for the less popular gauges will be on the back of standard 00. 00-SF will never be a popular gauge because the vast majority of 00 modellers do not want to start messing around with their stock. As I suggested in an earlier post, some modellers who currently get all of their track out of a box, ready made, are likely to try their hand and if the kits build as easily and reliably as it sounds, they are likely to stay and maybe recommend the product. The transfer of out of the box modellers to a new product like this will be slow, very slow. So, to a very great extent, the product will sell to people who already make or have made their own. Or to people who have modified out of the box to something more realistic. Still, a very small market but enough to keep this product going. The discussion over set or not to set is pointless (sorry) for this product. It can be built with a set and the people who want to build this way most likely already know what they are doing. The people who don't, most likely don't care. For the few might change, what's the problem with answering the same question from time to time. Have a look through any topic you choose. It happens all the time. It looks as though the bloke has come up with a fantastic product, why complain about the lack of comment in the instructions about a bent bit of rail. I'd rather talk about when I'm going to get my hands on it and how the range will expand.
  17. We need to accept that all we are doing is building an impression of a railway. Even in S4 there are compromises. We have to constantly suspend disbelief. If you product allows us to produce convincing track component which operate reliably so that we can convince ourselves we have a railway and are built in a fraction of the time of to build from scratch, most people will be more than happy to get on board. You can't please everyone all the time. I always apply a set to points and if the kits allow this, great. If not, I won't lose any sleep. Thanks for your efforts. Can't wait.
  18. I was under the impression that the set was on the curved rail while, in the case of the GWR, a goggle was on the straight rail. I suppose they both do the same job but in a different way and at different parts of the turnout.
  19. A pair of pliers will do the trick. Mark the position of the end of the switch blade, hold the pliers at that position and give the rail a gentle tweek. The first tweek is generally too much so just put the bend in the jaws of the pliers and gentle squeeze as if you are trying to straighten the bend. Just continue squeeze and check until you get a good closure with the switch blade.
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