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Everything posted by RBAGE

  1. I can think of 30 reasons for Accurascale not to produce them. The number of conversion components sets I have that nobody seems to be interested in.
  2. Fredo, I can't imagine there would be much call for this experimental, 75mph suspension version. However, if you would like to modify the Accurascale Met Camm version into a Gloucester version, I have etched and printed parts for such a conversion. Appropriate suspension parts are available from Wizard Models. Quite a simple change.
  3. Yes, if you have details of the modification, I'm sure someone would love to have a go. Edit: Just thinking, is this the unique suspension trial? Second edit: Yes, see Paul Bartlett's site for photographs of the vehicle and close up of the suspension.
  4. I accept that PECO are making a business decision and that's as it should be, but to suggest that they are a benevolent organisation, dedicated to the "British hobby" is a mistake. Being a cynical old individual, might I suggest that their priorities, quite rightly, are not driven now, as they have not been driven in seven decades, by the "British hobby". Why do you suppose it has taken seven decades to provide a product designed for the "British hobby"? I suspect that their priorities are driven, quite rightly, by other markets, most notably the American hobby. PECO do know what they are doing, and they have been doing it for seven decades. Apparently.
  5. I would suggest that you take a walk on the wild side and have a look at these kits. It looks like the range will develop a lot quicker than PECO bullhead range and you might enjoy the assembly. The point bases can be adjusted to produce curved points. Diamonds and slips are in the plan and the prices are considerably lower than PECO bullhead. I started building with PECO bullhead and I am sick of waiting for diamonds. I am aware that there has been a pandemic and that PECO have redirected their production to support but these crossings were promised long before COVID-19. Yes, it's not the end of the world but it's not surprising that people were frustrated about delays, long before the current issues. Although the linked product is compatible with PECO bullhead, I have lifted all my PECO points, with some losses. I plan to replace with Finetrax product because of their ability to be used to produce "flowing" formations relatively easily, because the lead times for new products is expected to be better than PECO and because of the price. I already have 6 and they looks superb. Don't take my word for it. Have a look.
  6. The Bradwell kit is a remarkably easy build. Give one a go. You’ll certainly enjoy it.
  7. Ah! Knew you were coming so tidied everything up and went to the Isle of Wight for the eclipse. Wrong end of the kingdom. What’s the going rate for a second hand Bradwell J27 kit? Slightly soiled. Can I say soiled?
  8. Porcy, Hallelujah indeed, but Mr. Bradwell also satisfies your second paragraph. He can provide all manner of beautifully cast brass components to correct the mistakes of others who might produce a J27. I’m sure you know that already but others might not. Think I would still rather have a complete kit though.
  9. I raised the head code issue with Bachmann when it was first released. They washed their hands of it, saying it was the client who did the research for the release.
  10. Bin day is my biggest fear. not the most appropriate place to share this but as you mentioned postage, I thought I would share. I’m on holiday at the moment and bought something on a well known auction site. A Deltic, as it happens, but not the same scale as Accurascale sell. I received confirmation of shipping by parcel force and that it would be delivered on Friday (tomorrow). I won’t be there so I went on to their site and changed the day to Monday. They promptly sent me an email confirming Monday as the day. Today I received a confirmation email from Parcel Force to say it had been delivered. No idea where that one is going to be.
  11. Thanks Andy, I would have checked before putting my foot in my mouth but I’m not at home. Bob
  12. I’m fairly sure the 2mm finescale association already produce cast crossings for the kits they already supply to members. I have kits for a long planned 2mm layout that will probably never come to fruition. 2mm finescale easitrac system have components that peg in place. Assuming you are planning to sell to 2mm finescale modellers (obvs), and assuming these modellers are association members, and also assuming they buy from the association, there may not be much of a market. Unless you are selling to the association, as you do to the EMGS. will it be possible to put a slight curve into your 00 gauge diamonds or does the geometry make that impossible?
  13. Lovely job. Where can I get one? which chassis is it on? Bob
  14. Much has happened since this Topic was started, 2 years and 4 months ago, that in normal business practise would warrant some form of explanation. It seems that we should accept this without question. I think I’ll go ahead and by another Bradwell kit.
  15. Thanks for the advice. I’ll have a look.
  16. Can anyone advise on methods of turnout actuation on a structure where there will be very limited access and limited space for a normal, slow action point motor? One option would be to have dummy points but that will be a last resort. My layout will be DCC and my preferred motor is a tortoise, so would be impossible to fit in the viaduct. However, the crossover on the viaduct would be rarely used so could be on a separate, analogue control, using solenoids, I suppose. Does anyone have any experience of this problem. Any advice would be gratefully received. Thanks. Bob
  17. Aye! I’m just keeping the ball rolling. Yes, Wayne has a lot of work on his hands and, yes, he deserves a break. The Imogey was intended to suggest that my tongue was firmly in my cheek. I was attempting to keep the product in the public eye and encourage success. It seems my intentions were not clear. How do you spell imogey?
  18. Does no news mean good news? I've already ripped up a good section of layout in the anticipation of 1:7 diamonds. Don't do a PECO bullhead on me.
  19. Best of luck. I failed to learn enough to use it to anywhere near what it's capable of and I've had it since the days when you had to pay for it. Old dogs, new tricks.
  20. Thanks for the good advice. I wondered about removing some of the timbering from the kit, as necessary, and replacing them with C&L full length timbers, so no need for splicing. Bob
  21. What a cracking idea. Replace some of the timbering with C&L product. Thanks very much. Any idea which thickness of timbering would match the Finetrax turnouts? Bob
  22. I'll order them piecemeal so that the wife doesn't notice. The last order will be for diamonds. I'll need about 7. Then start construction. They really do look the business and crying out for some nice, flowing formations. Are the points designed to give "Peco" track spacing or something a bit more prototypical? No need to ask this question, really, as they look infinitely more suitable for such modifications than ready to lay track.
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