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Everything posted by RBAGE

  1. I need to dismantle the unfinished Newton Hall Junction before I can move two miles south to this location. Have you completed your vans? I decided against the batch approach and am on with number 5. Anyway, this amazing track system will probably land at just about the perfect time. I expect it will replicate hand built track formations in a fraction of the time it used to take in the past. It looks like it has the potential to raise the appearance of the trackwork on many an average modeller railway. I'm really looking forward to it.
  2. It's funny you say that because the way I think of it is that when I worked full time, the usual thing to do in the morning was to go to work. With three days a week, the usual thing is not to go to work. Quite a refreshing change of perception, I think. The trouble is, I find that with more time on my hands, my modelling productivity (hour by hour) has diminished. There are, of course, the demands of the domestic authorities (decorating the lounge this weekend) but it's all too easy to tell yourself you'll finish that kit build tomorrow.
  3. They are superb. All the necessary detail for a modeller. Mind you, there is a superb image I found on the internet of the "dive under", taken from the south at ground level. A class 47 on the ECML going south. Very nice detail.
  4. I'm semi-retired. Work three days a week. Tuesday, Wednesday And Thursday (note the potential for oft used abbreviation), so every weekend is like Easter to me. I feel quite bitter this weekend because everyone gets it but nothing extra for me.
  5. Hello John, I received the March 1996 British Railways Illustrated today and you are correct. Many of the photographs are from the Neville Stead collection and credited to G. M. Staddon. They really are super photographs and include two views of the trolley shed with the rear shed panels illustrating Faith, Hope and Charity. I'm over the moon. Thanks, Bob
  6. Easter weekend, I think I'll get myself in the shed to clear the baseboards, ready to received the first delivery. Four left hand and two diamonds to start with, thank you. Bog standard 00 gauge, if you please. Followed by regular weekly instalments for the foreseeable. Do you have a direct debit form?
  7. A bendy bit of wood doesn't seem to adversely effect what Norman Solomon does and I haven't had any problems with that part of the track building process. It's the sort of fundamental planning tools that I understand. Once I've developed the flow of the trackwork, I would then use C&L templates and cut them to match the alignment. Norman Solomon relies solely on his own work. So, it sounds to me that this product lends itself to the stick and panel pin technique but whereas the C&L template would prompt you on the requirements from prototypical geometry, this product doesn't. However, if as Wayne says, good running is achievable without a set that might suite the "average" modeller. The average modellers have long been satisfied by fixed geometry turnouts. Modellers who already strive for smooth, flowing trackwork are probably sold. If this encourages some of those "average" modellers to improve the "look" of their trackwork, it will have been an even bigger success than I already expect. Keep up the good work Wayne and when will the 00 gauge points and crossings be available? Yes, it is possible to improve the appearance of even 00 gauge track.
  8. Once again, I have photographs, in a long dead computer, of a view over the bridge, looking north. You can see a lineside shed with calk drawings, on the shed rear, of three portrait, entitled "Faith, Hope and Charity", as I recall. There's a typical NER water column and in the background you can see the lines to Consett showing the extent of the retaining wall. I can't remember what else is on there but that is the image that stands out in my mind. A large bracket signal, next to the bridge, as I recall. All this p from a photograph. Not memories of the real thing. Wouldn't that be nice?
  9. With regard to Templot, you either get it or you don't. Unfortunately, my head isn't wired to understand any type of CAD programme. To be honest, I'm not sure what it's wired for. With these points/turnouts, it looks as if I can continue to rely on the tried and tested method of a long piece of bendy wood, panelpins and a pencil.
  10. Thanks for the heads up on British Railways Illustrated. I've managed to find a copy and should have it soon. I remember the old bridge and have some photographs. It's a pity they demolished the bridge. Fair enough, it may not have been able to cope with todays traffic but it probably cost more to have it demolished than to maintain it for pedestrian use.
  11. Absolutely agree. Not all modellers want to include every detail but the system looks flexible enough for those who do. You can't satisfy everyone's requirements but these seem to satisfy most. Nicely done. Bob
  12. Where do I send my money Wayne? I hope none of the components are stuck in Suez.
  13. My current railway is nowhere near completion and already I'm planning its replacement. Will I ever complete one? Who knows? I'm not sure that's the intention. Research, planning and trying to get a quart into a pint pot seems to be my preferred pastime. Anyway, I have an eye on Relly Mill Junction, in County Durham, as an interesting location to model. Mid 60s would be the best period for me. East Coast Main Line with lines to Bishop Auckland, Waterhouses and Consett. I could even run iron ore trains on the occasions when the main route through Beamish was closed. There is some information / photographs on the internet but you never have enough, do you? So, I've gathered together what I can. I even have photographs of the afore mentioned ore trains behind Tyne Dock 9Fs at Relly Mill, but they are on a long dead computer. Can anyone help with detail, particularly photographs of the railways at the junction, to include Relly Mill Junction, Bridge House Junction, Deerness Valley Junction and Baxter's Wood Junction? Any information will be gratefully received and put to good use. And who knows, this might be the one I finish. Thanks, Bob
  14. Clean that mess up lad. And if you want to eat sweets in class, make sure you've got enough for everybody.
  15. You just need to order them for us to finish the job. I'll have two sets. I'll see you when I get my new glasses.
  16. Just bought three to make two correct length. So, I'll be keeping an eye on your progress.
  17. Seems like the trail has gone cold on diamonds and slips. Is there not even a whiff of these items. Is it just me or has disappointment turned to frustration for others too? If they are not careful, Peco will be overtaken by the market and we'll all start building Finetrax points, crossings and slips.
  18. If there were only 4 built , looks as if they are all in this train.
  19. Sounds like these people are finally getting to you. Disappointment. It's a life lesson that nobody likes.
  20. I had better win those three on Ebay then
  21. Smashing. Thanks. I've quickly ordered a couple of kits from Ian. Do you think Rich might share details of his modifications?
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