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Everything posted by RBAGE

  1. Give my compliments to the chef. I want one.
  2. Hello John, What is the source of the trestrol, behind the J27? Bob
  3. Plenty coverage of what goes up the bank but what of the products from the steelworks? With the exception of two partial shots of a loaded bogie bolster, there's no sight of a loaded train from the works. I expect the recent shots of Bradwell single bolsters might be a sign that we'll soon see them fulfilling their intended role. Can't wait. However, does anyone have any photographs of original train loads from Consett Steelworks? This is not an idle enquiry. Any information would be very valuable. Bob
  4. Maybe I should start a pressure group to see if I can get my paint room back.
  5. I did have a separate room for painting but it was annexed by the authorities for the purpose of dog grooming. Painting has now been integrated into the general work area. Far too congested.
  6. I'm not the most structured or disciplined of modellers and my workspace generally resembles a battlefield. I do have regular "re-jigging" sessions and it looks smashing until I start work. The trick will be to get the RSU out of the box, immediately after a re-jig so that fallout from a modelling session will have to arrange itself around the RSU.
  7. Thanks Dave, I have an RSU ,but it's one of those things that never seems to make it to the workspace. Bob
  8. Thanks very much. Superglue. Leaves no solder trail. Thankfully, Ian leaves few rivets/bolt heads to be formed. I used a George Watt rivet press. Fortunately, most of what needs forming a quite bit on the prototype anyway, because I thought what I was producing were quite wide and squat. I've since ordered a drop type machine from London Road Models to see if it will produce something a bit finer. Until very recently, I was using the point of my finest broach and a small hammer. Only five more to go and then I'll see if Ian produces more.
  9. Ian, the lack of visible solder genuinely down to the kit design. The door handle recess rims are soldered. It was quite tricky. I might use superglue for the rest. I'm lead to believe that superglue doesn't leave a solder trail. The Dickens.
  10. A word of warning. If any one of you kit builders decides to ignore Ian's good advice and solders the vacuum pipes instead of using contact adhesive, make sure you do this before you've attached the printed axleboxes. The axleboxes don't like soldering irons. Only a minor loss of detail. Could have been worse. Contact adhesive next time.
  11. Hello Ian, I started doing full shifts at work this week. First time in seven years. Up until then, work was more like a drop in centre. So, it's been very tiring with not much time for modelling. Anyhow, I've finished the body of the first van and I have to say, it's gone together beautifully. I'm really enjoying the build. Lovely kit. Thanks for producing it. Bob
  12. Strange. I would have expected yours to be massive and you would have amasses a mass of massive machines. Mind you, small is becoming the new big.
  13. Here, here. I can't wait. This has got me really excited about the start of my layout build. I might even go for 00fs. Bob
  14. Well, 23 quid is still an extremely good price and all the work is done for you. I was just wondering whether my railway should be ready to lay points or hand made. This is the perfect solution, somewhere in between. Bob
  15. About the same price as N scale, you say? Ye have to be jokin', bonny lad. I'll have a sack full, please.
  16. Keith, Didn't know whether to say thanks or agree. So, both. Large radius turnouts and matching diamonds, please. How strange, it doesn't seem long ago that I was looking forward to Peco bullhead points. They'll now be consigned to the fiddle yard for my next layout. Bob
  17. Hello, This is great stuff and comes with perfect timing. When do you expect 00 gauge product to come to market? Do you have a planned product range and when each will be available? Points are of limited use without diamonds. When will diamonds be available? Have you fixed a price yet? Bob
  18. A pair of horses might be OK for a "goat show" but what about dogs and cats and chicken shows? Oh! And model railway exhibitions?
  19. The Oxford offering would be unsuitable for 65894 without surgery. Wrong dome. Chimney looks a bit iffy.
  20. Great news. I can't wait to for the constant stream of blue and green diesels through the junction. How about the first board up has legs at each end, all subsequent boards are "piggy-backed" with only one pair of legs at the outside edge. Keep us posted. Bob
  21. I think you're putting too much responsibility on the shoulders of an old man with a white beard and a preference for red clothes. The poor fellow has little influence over such matters. Nor, it would seem, does Oxford Rail. So maybe your reliance on the workings of the old gentleman in red will pay dividends. Write it down on a piece of paper, send it up the chimney and see what happens. Worth a try.
  22. MC. How are you? Well, I suppose if you spend your life cruising the seven seas, it's a small price to pay for being on perpetual holiday. Tongue firmly in cheek. All the best bonny lad.
  23. Aye! But just think, it's not like getting a wagon out of a box and sticking it on the track, you've also got the enjoyment of building them from what looks like a smashing kit. And when you're finished, these wagons will be yours. I'm starting with 6. The chances are that more will follow. This is the look I'm going for. How many can you count? I just hope the loco doesn't meet the guards van on my roundy-roundy. I must apologise. There is absolutely no need for me to repeat myself.
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