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Everything posted by RBAGE

  1. Hello John, I've started laying timbers for Castle Junction which is quite therapeutic one you start. Once done, and before adding rails, I need to think about isolations. Had you given it any thought in your planning. I don't know if I might be over thinking it but I plan to isolate each diamond from each other, then have four isolated section in each diamond. Any thoughts? Anyone? The next conundrum will be operation.
  2. Yes. Rain. We don’t want anything that resembles water.
  3. Hello Belgique, I think the map I'm using is the one you refer to and is the one we are having trouble with Templot. When it is enlarged the detail becomes quite indistinct so that applying trackwork is a bit approximate. But as I said earlier, it will be an impression of Newcastle so for me approximate is good enough. The operational interest is more important to me than absolute integrity. Thanks, Bob
  4. I bought a map from the NLS, enlarged it to about 4mm scale and intend to use it with the bendy stick and pencil method. Once drawn, I'll then have to work out the isolations for the crossings. Imagine that after quite a bit less than 10 pints of Broon.
  5. Were you able to get anything of reasonable resolution of Newcastle to import? I can’t. By comparison, I was looking at a Wellingborough map for Templot and it was so good you could read the NW in the corner of the paving slabs.
  6. Having failed to master Templot, I had decided to go back to a bendy stick and a pencil. Any help would be gratefully received. I wondered about trying to produce all the necessary templates and using Templot function to have track bases 3D printed.
  7. The fish dock and platforms 1, 2 and 3 were taken out, to become a carpark. The diamonds were about halved in number. Still complex and loads of operational interest. I know it's a cop out but although the layout will be post '83, I'll be running a circa 1970 operation. Ha'way lads, we can only ever produce an impression of a railway.
  8. The diamonds will be difficult enough with the remodelled layout. The original 22 would be far too daunting. Plus, with space limitations the loss of 4 bay platforms makes it much more manageable.
  9. All enjoyable research and I'm happy that I got your juices flowing. Thanks again for your help.
  10. John, It's like a vision. Manna from heaven. Would you be prepared to share your work, I've struggled with Templot and given up trying to produce templates for the crossings. If you are prepared to share, would it be too much of a cheek to ask for the post 1983 layout. The prospect of producing the whole, pre 83 junction is far too daunting for me. Great work. Bob
  11. That would be great. If you PM your email address I’ll send details tomorrow. However, the next signal being built by Absolute Aspects is a gantry with two searchlight, position and theatre signals at the end of the bay platforms at the west end of the station. Thanks, Bob
  12. Hell Paul, That's very kind but it's the signal number I am trying to track down. I can recreate the signal details, as best as I can, from photographs but the images, more often than not, lack the clarity necessary to read the signal number. I have been in touch with the S-R-S and have had a signal number confirmed for one that I have already had built (N67). Ultimately, I'll need details of all signalsin the station environs at about 1970. Regards, Bob
  13. Hello Mike, Thanks for the advise. Do you have an address for the site? It might be worth becoming a member if the info is there. Worth a look. Bob
  14. Hello, Can anyone help with the identification numbers of signals at Newcastle Central Station, in the late 60s/early 70s period? I am attempting to build a model of the station and I'm having some of the signals build by Absolute Aspects. It would be pleasing if the signals could be correctly identified. I'd be very grateful if anyone can help. I already have signal N167 built (the up slow / avoiding line, protecting the crossings) seen in so many photographs taken from the castle. Thank you in anticipation. Bob
  15. Don't worry guys, there's always secret Santa. Whoever you are.
  16. That might be the provider of my green version, fye (not the troublesome one). I've also not had any contact from them.
  17. Hello Fran, As I posted my last message, the phone rang from my chosen retailer telling me that she had spoken to the boss who said they were getting 2 sound fitted models today and that I could have first refusal. Sounds like a retailer issue. My response was thanks, but no thanks. Details still available, if you need them.
  18. Just had an email from my preferred outlet and am told that they are not being supplied with any sound fitted models. I was offered analogue or whatever other sound option I preferred. I preferred to cancel the order. How strange. Is the word out on me? Don't sell to that man. So, I'm the little boy that Santa Claus forgot.
  19. My retailer of choice tell me that they are having trouble getting any kind of firm information and have to rely on the grapevine.
  20. I wasn't referring to the ease of fit. The edge of the door moulding is radiused (for manufacturing reasons) and I expect the adjacent body edge is also radiused, for the same reason. Consequently, the gap between door and body looks huge. I think doors moulded as part of the body, with a feature line, would have been better.
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