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Everything posted by sb67

  1. Very nice running with the 48DS, can you share any tips on such smooth running, are your points electrofrog?
  2. I like the idea of a small parcels depot, you've made a good start @Ragtag looking forward to seeing it grow. 👍
  3. Ok, thanks Luke, I like the idea of the clip as opposed to a screw clamp.
  4. Thanks guys, I could add some posts to the backscene to use some spots but I do like the strip lights, I'll have to get my thinking head on. @luke the train spotter what is the spotlight in that image?
  5. So a while back I was coaxed into exhibiting at my first ever show! As it is the only thing that fits in the car Ruston Sidings was selected. This is the state of play so far, not much has changed and I'd like to add some more detail in the yard and maybe at the front, not too much though. Decide on which stock to use. somehow make the running bulletproof, maybe use DCC, in which case I'll need some small decoders. I don't think lighting is essential for the show but I might try and rig something up, the main thing is deciding on stock and devising some sort of operation to keep me going for a few hours, I only ever run it for 30 mins or so at home! Hopefully some better photo's as I get round to adding and weathering stuff.
  6. I wanted to use up stuff that I already had on this but for future projects Lazerglaze would def be on my shopping list, I've used it on an old Bachmann 03 and it is good.
  7. @LDM34046 Can I ask which decoders have you put in the Pecketts, I noticed they are 4 pin and only Hornby make that type of decoder, unless you adapt another make?
  8. Ok, good luck with 08, I'll look forward to the outcome, I know in the end it will look great.
  9. That 31 looks great! Was the underframe dealt with in the same way? It's a shame you've had no luck with the 08, I have the exact same loco and I'm not sure what I to do with it. I think brush painting can be very difficult especially on loco's. There is a guy on here who has brush painted an 08 in O gauge, have you seen it?
  10. Thanks Steve, I can't help getting tempted by the military modelling videos and all the new weathering products that appear! The latest being oil brushers, I want to try dot fading.
  11. Both, I've done some wagons but not yet braved a new loco. I've just re painted a Lima class 31 so may have a go at that, I like the way you've weathered your blue diesels so I'll be reading back through your threads. My problem is there are so many methods, I look at them all and get overwhelmed with it! I also have trouble looking at photo's and working out how to replicate it. I've a couple of industrial loco's I could start with too.
  12. Look forward to seeing your new purchases fade, weather and rust! 08835 is a nice example. I'm really trying to pluck up the courage to have a go at some stuff!
  13. You've done well with that point, the siding looks fine, perfect for keeping a brake van out of the way and in the words of the immortal Eric Morcambe, "you cant see the join" 👍
  14. Ta Stu enjoying doing it and I'm now starting on a Lima 47! Should really be getting the layout up to scratch!
  15. I'm doing a bit of research for another project, upgrading a Lima class 47. I was wondering if anybody makes 4mm scale marker lights, the type that replaced the domino headcodes around the mid 80's on some locos? The type seen in this photo of 47 485. Cant take credit for the photo. Many thanks.
  16. Very nice project and coming along nicely. I always admire the way some people can build a micro layout based on a real location or photo's. Something I wish I could do, looking forward to seeing the layout grow 👍
  17. I ventured out of Essex on Sunday to the show and well done to all involved in what was a very nice exhibition. The first one I've been to for a while, it's a nice a spacious venue and had a good mix of layouts and trade, plenty of 2nd hand bargains too. I had the pleasure of assisting with Sheepcroft and it was good to see Lancaster lane in the flesh as well, all in all a very good day.
  18. Love the video Luke, the layout is superb! I like the use of view blockers and the presentation, all good stuff!
  19. They are looking good, what colours have you used?
  20. A few photo's from the Longfield show on Sunday, I had the pleasure of being a "guest" operator for the day 😉 A very fine layout to operate/play, those Hornby OAA's look mighty good too.
  21. Thanks @LDM34046 I'll have to try something similar on my Peckett. Here's a few pics of the layout taken on Sunday, you're Dad mentioned you might be doing the Billericay show?
  22. Had the pleasure of seeing your layout on Sunday, it looks every bit as good in the flesh as it does in the photo's. I was really impressed with the running and the diesel exhaust on the class 25. I'd like to know about the cv settings you're using as I need to improve the running of my stock and use the same NCE system you have, the pecketts were very nice and smooth too! All great stuff 👍
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