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Everything posted by sb67

  1. Thanks Mike, that is exactly what I'm doing, I filled in the front footsteps too. I think the roof exhausts could be incorrect though. I couldn't find any decent photos.
  2. Just found your new thread Steve, always good to see your work, I've got a few locos to work on, so I'll be looking for some inspiration. Regarding the class 20, I want to try knocking back paintwork using oil paints, what was it that didn't work for you, did you apply a coat of matt varnish first at all? Steve.
  3. Painted the yellow ends. I'm pleased for my first attempt, there are still some flaws I have managed to miss though. I think spraying the blue will be a bit daunting as I don't think my airbrush is quite big enough for a full respray.
  4. Thanks for the advice everyone, the yellow ends have been duly done.
  5. Def give them a coat of matt varnish, that way any powders will have something to adhere too, be careful not to put too much at once on though, I've always put on a couple of light coats from a rattle can or I've brush painted it on. That's how these buildings were finished. I used watercolour pencils as well as powders to weather.
  6. Looks like an interesting project Ian, I'll be watching this with interest. 👍
  7. I'm going to start painting my class 31 in br blue with full yellow ends. I will paint the yellow first and was wondering if I should mask them off or leave any masking until they're done and I put the blue on? hope that makes sense. Many thanks.
  8. A fine couple of photos there Alan, a very happy Christmas to you and a great new year. 👍
  9. James, when you remove the numbers like that do you apply the new ones over the factory finish or put a coat of varnish down first?
  10. A very Merry Christmas Adrian and a Happy New Year o you and your family 😃
  11. I've never heard of doing that, I've used ash for other areas on the layouts, but I really just sieve it straight over the top of paint etc. I'll have to try that process 👍
  12. The Whole Towns Laughing at Me - Teddy Pendergrass
  13. Hi @saxman1530 I guess it depends on the look you're after. I would say generally OO scale ballast could be too big so maybe the N scale stuff would be better, or even a mix of the 2, but you could always use fine sand or something like chinchilla dust. I'm no expert but I guess on a narrow gauge line the ballast would be a lower grade or could even be any material they could get at the time of laying the track. Hope that gives you food for thought.
  14. I saw Templegate at Shenfield, Friday bridge is good, I also like Weslo Steels. Those 6 wheelers would look good on a layout like Hepton Wharf, I was looking at the BR Crimson ones, but they won't be around for a while. I know Hornby do them, but they look more Southern Region in origin. It certainly would, and I have a Bachmann diesel maintenance shed in my cupboard somewhere, that's got me thinking!
  15. I saw Templegate at Shenfield, Friday bridge is good, I also like Weslo Steels. Those 6 wheelers would look good on a layout like Hepton Wharf, I was looking at the BR Crimson ones, but they won't be around for a while. I know Hornby do them, but they look more Southern Region in origin.
  16. The brake fluid was 4 dot and fresh. The Mr Muscle was new as well, I've just covered it in it again and I'll see how it goes this weekend.
  17. Thanks Mike, that's handy to know, I will look for them but I'll have a go myself first.
  18. Thanks Rob, it was indoors, and I have left it alone to fully harden now so I'll see what it's like, it seemed fine on the plastic body though. I have a bit of cleaning up to do around the grill so I'll have to spray it again.
  19. Thanks Grahame, those vans always seemed to carry a dirty brown patina on them, and you've captured that very well 👍
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