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Everything posted by pat141

  1. It's all going on there, lots to do. It looks great, nice to see the Ardglass station reborn.
  2. It was all going so well. i hope the brake fluid doesn't take the etch off the coach.
  3. That colour looks very good. What paint do you use for that?
  4. Very impressive, it must take a long time to build a lay out like that.
  5. Nice pictures, got any more. and the model looks great.
  6. Very nice model, looks great.
  7. That looks really nice. I like the colour, what did you use?
  8. Beautiful pictures. The transition from foreground to background is perfect.
  9. I thought you were going to say it was just sitting on but not soldered. That's a pity. Maybe you might have another go at it.
  10. That's looking good, well done. What's up with the cab, it's got a bit of a slant on it? from that angle anyway.
  11. Brilliant, it's never going to end. Keep her lit.
  12. That looks like a 10,000 piece jig saw, good luck. That's why i went for the oo works j15. A heavy price but all the work is done. it might have taken me a couple of years to build that. but the tender looks good.
  13. This is so rich in detail, i could look at it all day and still see something new.
  14. OK, i think the green should be closer to the C class 231 at DCDR. I have added one picture to go on, you can let me know when you need more. I only have 5 or 6.
  15. Very nice. I have some shots of the green one in Downpatrick if you need them but don't paint it in the light faded colour it is today.
  16. Looking good. A nice model, i will have to get one of these.
  17. It's a great piece of work. I will be getting some of these.
  18. They look very close which looks much better. The original couplings should just pull out or squeeze the ends in with tweezers and pull.
  19. Very nice, I like those flat wagons and i will be getting some soon. I got some number transfers from Railtec yesterday.
  20. Nice job Kirley. I built one of these wagons with timber but one was enough.
  21. Very good, it looks like a good match to the other roof.
  22. Do you print these yourself ? or do shapeways print them ? Did this happen before ? If you have the weights on the middle try a bit of heat from a hair dryer or blow heater, but watch it's not too close.
  23. Very nice machine, great job.
  24. Very nice, it's something different. It's a pity you had to cut one up.
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