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Everything posted by NoelG

  1. A beaut. Do you mind me asking was the lining applied as transfers or bow pen? Great result.
  2. Cheers, yes only noticed that yesterday looking at photos, was annoyed and frustrated how did that happen, found an old photo and realised it happened some other time in the past rather than when weathered over the weekend. Wasted hours trying to find the broken pieces that obviously went awol a few years ago. Now will have to fabricate replacements.
  3. Some retailers are pragmatic enough to realise water based acrylics can be safely posted and ignore the daft RM rules and just post the stuff. Suggest find a customer oriented retailer.
  4. A few more recent pics of 182 on the layout. Supertrain livery locos double heading with B&T livery locos was common in the 1970s 182 recently weathered hauling the night mail train 182 with buffer beam detailing it added.
  5. Murphy Models 071 class with details added to buffer beam, valance, coupling hook and three link screw coupling plus array of hoses and cables. 181 class
  6. Unfortunately transfers only work well on gloss varnish. I often spot paint a panel of gloss using a brush, wait 24hr, apply the transfer, and then seal over with a brushed on panel of Matt varnish and it all blends in nicely. PS: I have used Decalfix to assist putting small transfers of matt painted two axle goods wagons
  7. Yes H&S insanity, having to ship 18ml water based acrylics using HASCHEM couriers is Bonkers. Royal Mail won’t ship off the island to even IOM, NI or Isle of Wight.
  8. 182 done this afternoon 088 done on Thursday. A little heavier than I normally do. GM 071 class GM 201 class 229 done today (3200 hp) Buffer beam details added 088 back in traffic after visito to weathering booth
  9. 182 returns to traffic this evening after visit to weathering shop 088 also returned to traffic after her visit to the weathering booth
  10. First make a mess then tidy it up
  11. 182 weathered today. I was more than a little apprehensive as this was the first ever MM loco that I bought (at the Fry Museum in Malahide castle about 14 years ago, and I was worried about making a complete dogs dinner out of the lovely loco that was responsible for bringing me back into the hobby. 182 has a special place in my modelling consciousness despite my dislike of the prototypical super train livery. I normally only very lightly weather locos with just a light dusting, just enough to take the pristine look off them, but this time I went for broke using a mix of powders and airbrush. Felt very scary but I'm moderately pleased with the result. Also added the MM Detailing kit to one cab end which greatly helps the look of the loco head on despite the lack of a coupling for run arounds. Before and after. It almost seemed a shame to touch 182 especially as she was my first MM loco, but I like the way she turned out. Aged and used but not a scrape line candidate. I took the bogies off to avoid overspray on the wheels and pickups. They are snap fit and just pop off. I did 182 lighter than 088 last week, far less airbrush after the weathering powders. Took the bogies off to weather them independently saves paint getting on wheels and pickups. The MM 181 buffer beam detail kit was worth adding but, fiddley flip my eyes and fingers were frazzeled after fitting these tiny pieces using magnifying glasses and small tweezers. Must glue that cab down firmly on the sole bar to get rid of the gap. This really is great fun, and I had a few glitches on the way, airbrush clogging and pulsing, but quickly resolved on the fly. There is nothing as stimulating as learning new stuff. The advantage of water based powders and acrylic airbrush paint is its relatively easy to fix boo-boos. Quite impressed with the MM detailing kit especially the screw link coupling and coupling hook.
  12. Like the look of these and already have a lot of suitable coaches to pair up with a Deltic. Will order one in Q4.
  13. Thanks. Yes I think it was Graham who posted a thread here a number of years ago showing how to fit the valance with a fixed Kadee coupling in a NEM pocket on 141/181 locos (ie NEM pocket fitted directly to loco body rather than bogie). This may work ok with short locos and short rolling stock but likely to cause derailments and buffer lock with longer stock such as 201 locos and mk3 coaches.
  14. If you look closely at the wagon you will see I have fitted two white lanterns not modern LED lamps! Circa 1990ish I guess. Any wagon with air or vacuum brakes is modern era so two lamps it is PS: Now I'm tempted to put two lamps on my 20ton 1960s CIE planked brake van!
  15. Wow, nice job, you've really captured the unique 'duck face' look of the 4xxx class Mk4 CAF DVT and the distinctive humpback whale roof profile over the cab those DVTs have
  16. Ahem the fitted cement pallet wagons ran 20 years after my era! By then two tail lamps were the norm.
  17. To finish up 088 I added the MM detailing pack to one cab end. Some nice bits it has too, as well as the valence to hide the NEM coupling pocket, it has a proper coupling hook with a screw link coupling and all the hoses which are impossible to fit even with the tiniest of tweezers. The detailing pack really does lift the appearance of one cab end but run arounds will no longer possible as coupling only at one and of the loco, but worth it for a few scale like specimens. I really like the three link screw coupling MM provide.
  18. 088 weathered earlier this evening Took the body centre section off as it was easier to apply the weathering powders free of the walkway rails 50% water/ 50% decalfix solution mixed with weathering powders helps define panel lines, rivets, and general grubby look on panel surfaces. Weathering powders dry so masked off windows ready for airbrush phase of weathering. End result on the paint stand which is invaluable.
  19. C'est incredible! Love this photo. I got a parking ticket there. Totally photo realistic. Architectural modelling surpassing anything professional I've ever seen and right up there with movie studio special effects modelling.
  20. Finally got these finished (well almost). 4 x MIR Irish Cement Pallet curtain wagons lightly weathered. Every time I look at a photo of the prototype I see another bit I'd like to add or tweak. There is a time to call a halt. Vacuum pipes and coupling hooks added, kadee couplings in place. The only thing left to do is highlight the curtain strap fasteners/tensioners. Getting the decals into the recessed solebar was fustraighting fun and eye wreaking. Release to traffic on the layout tonight behind B165 Really enjoyed working on these MIR kits despite a two week break in the middle for a family holiday. What next? Sculting a 4xxx CAF DVT look-a-like from some BR Hornby donor DVT, some razor saw cutting and soft balsa fairing may be needed create the distinctive duck face look or IR's mk4 DVT. Alternatively I might try the MIR drop sided pallet wagons to go with these.
  21. Congrats guys. Great choice. Looks like there is hope for Irish Rail CAF Mk4 sets with a DVT in the future. :) At long last the Intercity MM 201s will have something proper to haul or push. :)
  22. That is a most resourceful and fabulous conversion of what was a plastic toy into a really decent looking model. And the shade of yellow looks fabulous, PW, yet nicely weathered and tamed down, unlike typical day-glo yellow plough van models that can look more like fisher price tonka tank toys. A nice PW vehicle one doesn't blind one without sunglasses. Really tasty job Kieran, well done.
  23. Got first undercoat of blue on yesterday before I had to stop to deep clean a badly clogged airbrush
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