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Everything posted by ndg910

  1. Great choice Oxford. Count me in for a couple. Also a lucky escape as I was about to buy a brass etched kit of one of these. Order changed to a road van!
  2. Fantastic news but are we to presume this heralds a retirement of the trusty M7 from the Hornby range? I cant see two Southern 0-4-4s surviving alongside each other. Did anyone also notice that the Engine Blog states at the end... "whilst at the wonderful Bluebell Railway last year, we couldn’t resist taking some snaps of other pieces of railway history as well, but let’s save that for another time shall we?" That's almost worthy of starting a new thread speculating on what else they had or have in mind but maybe that for another day. For now, I'm delighted with the announcement. Well done Hornby!
  3. Hattons have changed one of the pictures in their forthcoming releases section for each class to show a decorated sample rather than the CAD image. Looking good! Still reporting Nov/Dec 16 delivery so no change there.
  4. Simple economics am afraid. A BR Standard can only be correctly produced in BR livery. A big 4 loco has that livery as well and ok there may be detail variations such as tender or top feed but it appeals to a wider market. The post nationalisation market is by far the largest but if the tooling can be stretched a bit further then the bean counters are pleased. The 43xx also has the R.O.D. Livery. I'm not a 7mm modeller but as the blue boys don't look like reworking the old Mainline version any time soon, this has the potential to be a good investment if the CAD can be scaled down.
  5. On the flyer released today confirming the DMU's there's also confirmation of the GWR Churchward Mogul. Is this in O Gauge or OO Gauge?
  6. There is a brief reference on the Railway Modeller FB page that this months issue has news of the Heljan OO9 locos. My copy has not yet arrived so in the meantime could anyone be of assistance as there is nothing on Heljan's website or FB page. Thanks
  7. Thought this was an interesting post by the Dapol administrator on the Dapol Digest when asked a direct question about the possibility of a parcels version. Can't wait for these to appear but No 17 really would be magnificent. Don't wait too long Dapol, you have a definite order here! Richard Dapol #8.1 Richard Dapol commented 5 days ago Hi, Yes we are considering making no. 17 at a later date, as you rightly say new side slides will be required. Also new interior, glazing and roof modifications will be tooled. ..
  8. A different Dapol thread on here suggests there is to be an update on all products being developed. As the last website update was June 2013 that would be welcome. It would also be useful to understand the liveries as some box shifters (but not all) say there are to be three GWR versions wuth three different numbered railcars and liveries. The website only says two. I'm not interested in BR liveries but there may be expansion there too. Anyhow, despite my ramblings, has anyone seen the update as not on the website or FB as far as I can see.
  9. Good for Kernow - meeting the Danish lot head on with a similar photographic grey offering. I fear though it has limited appeal and so if Kernow feel they need to widen the range, how about a different numbered loco in 'Great Western' livery? - or is that planned for the second batch?
  10. I'm unaware of the B4 ever being turned out in SR green although am happy to proved wrong. Any thoughts from anyone?
  11. Kernow have posted a photo of the new tooling for the gate stock in HK on their Facebook page. Am quietly confident that good progress is being made. Well done Kernow for keeping us up to date.
  12. Delivery Update!!! Hornby's website has changed with delivery now expected from 4/2/16 to 11/3/16 depending which model and colour you want. I thought end of January was a touch unrealistic but as mere mortals we can only go on the information published. I'll see if I can find my crystal ball at the back of the cupboard and give an update when I feel the force!
  13. I can't tell you when she was fitted with roller bearings but I went with my father behind Sarah to Portsmouth Harbour and again to the Romney Hythe & Dymchurch in the 1980s and the crew were extremely worried about her bearings and had a drum of oil in the rear cab that they poured over her bearings at every stop. On one trip we set off the hot box detectors near Christs Hospital station and stopped for quite a while. I think her running gear was then refurbished before Steam on the Met in the 90s.
  14. Bit disappointed they've left the teaser for the 2017 range still unresolved. I think most have identified the roof as that from an H class but would be nice to know. Roll on 2016 and more of the same from Engine Shed as in my view it's very informative and becoming an excellent marketing resource. The boys with blue boxes could easily do something similar which would be welcome.
  15. There may be some credibility to this being the roof the H Class but here is a picture of the same roof during the recent overhaul. I remain to be convinced...... http://www.bluebell-railway.co.uk/bluebell/loco_news/oh_263.html Look at photo near the bottom for January 2010.
  16. Isn't there a Manor at Steam at the moment marshalled next to or near the railcar. That would fit nicely with Hornby's Grange and Hall and stick two fingers up at the blue team at the same time, after all, a retooled Manor is long overdue! Afraid I'm no expert on the detail on the edge of the Manors cab roof!
  17. If it was at Steam, how about a retooled Dean Goods?
  18. I'm only interested in the GWR versions so this comment doesn't affect me but hadn't the railcars lost the skirt panels over the bogies by BR days. I need to dig out my wild swan book to be sure. Am quietly hopeful Dapol will do No 17 eventually. They have the roof, driving cabs and chassis. The side panels are easy in comparison. Happy to wait though.
  19. An earlier thread suggested delivery before the 1366. Is that right? Also any news on numbers or liveries?
  20. Am looking forward to this one but was there any word on prices, numbers/liveries and realistic delivery dates.
  21. Was there any word on 1. Delivery dates 2. Numbers and liveries, as last I heard the GW green version was to be 1363 - ie same as Kernows. That seemed a bit of an own goal to me!
  22. Roll on Warley. Hoping for substantial progress to be released on this one although I suspect a release might be some way off yet with the LNER Tango O2, 1366 and 1361 plus the OO9 L&B tanks in the queue ahead of them.
  23. For those awaiting the southern green version, the Hamburg Express ship with models on board passed through the Suez Canal early this morning. A 26november arrival in Southampton looks feasible.
  24. Did anyone go to the Dapol open day as I have seen a shot of the railcar in the background but nothing up close. Does anyone have any photos? N.
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