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Michael Hodgson

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Everything posted by Michael Hodgson

  1. Sounds just like my back trouble. The problem is getting it off my bed.
  2. The best thing since sliced bread is ..... bread made with all sorts of stuff that doesn't belong in a bread recipe? I'm going to carry on putting wholemeal flour into my bread machine.
  3. Not trusting the Frogs is official Foreign Office policy
  4. Not all of the convicts got quite that far. There was a Bristol ship's captain who took a cargo of prisoners sentenced to "transportation" who fulfilled his contract by dumping them on Lundy Island (10 miles off the Devon coast), as it didn't say Australia - merely "overseas".
  5. Probably OK. although O gauge locos usually draw a bit more current thant OO. A don't know how much the Dapol 121 draws, but I'd be surpised if its more than 1A, especially since they don't usually have to haul anything else. There have been a lot of controllers over the years. Controller should have stamped on a rating plate or moulded into the plastic either a maximum current or power consumption. If that is at least 1 Amp (=12 VA or 12 Watts at 12v) it should cope
  6. There is no such thing as a justice system. What we have got is a legal system. Justice is not at all systematic - it only happens if and when they get it right. And if they reach the right conclusion in a reasonable length of time. That applies both to the guilty getting off and to innocent people like all those submasters who've had their lives destroyed - all this time later nobody's even been charged with perverting the course of justice. But the police can't prosecute, they have to pass the buck to the CPS who drop some of the cases. That's if the higher-ups even let a case go as far as the CPS. The lawyers then confuse juries (when there is a jury). Their objective is not to get a fair result in the interest of victim vs accused and the public interest generally but rather to win against the other side of the case. They call expert witnesses to say this villain's not an evil bastard, he just came from a broken home, the balance of his mind was disturbed so he's ill and needs treatment. Even with a guilty verdict the pompous twerp wearing a ludicrous powdered wig isn't allowed the discretion to lock him up and throw away the key when that's what's warranted - he's constrained by sentencing guidelines. And if somebody does end up in chokey, he won't have to finish doing his porridge. He's just got to tell them he's caught religion and they'll let him out early to do it again. On the contrary.
  7. Anzacs were fully justified in this by the conduct of the Gallipoli campaign.
  8. Getting one on a contract removed that problem, but you would also have to keep it electrically charged. We bought a mobile for my mother when Dad died, in case she broke down and needed to call the AA while driving on country roads to town. She kept it in the car, but never remembered to bring it in and put it on charge.
  9. I agree a preserved NER loco would be nice.... https://victorianweb.org/technology/railways/locomotives/5.html
  10. Simple fact of life that the natives of places whose local economy depends on tourism can't stand the bl**dy tourists. Rather like US troops during WW2 - overpaid, overfed, oversexed and over here,
  11. As it happens I went through Brampton yesterday - on my way to Abbots Ripton of all places, to pick up a lawn mower. That's the one near Huntingdon. I've always thought Brampton Town Station would make an interesting model - the original horse-worked version on the Earl of Carlisle's Waggonway, later reopened as a steam worked operation once the NER took it over (closed 1923). Good place to run those chauldron wagons. https://jbarchive.co.uk/products/cu-631-brampton-town-railway-station-cumberland-cumbria
  12. Where you'll be criticised for spelling it without a capital T! But it it the right place for advice on that software.
  13. The only person who's going to model this full length is Pete Waterman! Your fiddle yard isn't big enough? My credit card limit won't be big enough !
  14. I don't usually bother with the reviews in Sam's trains and haven't watched his first review of the Black five, but his critiscisms of the repalcement of one that had to be returned struck me as fair comment, erring if anything on the charitable side. it seems to be a nice looking model, but unreliable out of the box and he really shouldn't have to muck about with it to get it running, so not very good value for money.
  15. Looks much the same as a GUV to me. Is that steam escaping from the middle of the chassis? Why would scenery need to be steam heated? Perhaps it's for the comfort of the elephants. They of course provide their own "scenery".
  16. Cue more lobbying of Scottish politicians. Who at the moment are probably more interested in who's still going to have a job tomorrow.
  17. The green livery is very pretty but I think I prefer the post-war black version they're doing, without the side valances.
  18. Whitby (after removal of Platforms 3&4 to build the Co-op). If you call it a branch? Was reduced to one platform but now has a Platfrom 2 again, used by NYMR trains
  19. So it's not yet been reviewed by Sam's Trains .
  20. Not the only Welsh song of the Thatcher era ...
  21. Yes, the mugs who had been buying Hornby are now buying from the new entrants to the market!
  22. We just don't know what this stock is, or even which of the group's brands. For all we know it might be a million diecast Sinclair C5's !
  23. Yes, the grockles have taken over Cornwall, so we'll charge Cornishmen extra to commute to work from Devon.
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