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Everything posted by Bogie

  1. If you were going to mass produce I was going to ask for curtains to be fitted to mine before dispatch.
  2. Are you planning to mass produce these? I hope so as I'll have one.
  3. That is mighty impressive. What are you like at real plumbing?
  4. Wait a minute - am I right in thinking that you did not scratch build the Midland pattern fencing? Why ever not? Surely the manufacturer's product cannot be up to your precise standards?
  5. I was a bit perturbed to see a Land Rover just dumped in the background of one of the Waiting Room photos but presume that is the Oxford version not your handcrafted effort.
  6. I just wish I could sit down next to the chap with the hat and soak up the atmosphere.
  7. Great stuff! I trust that pipe passing overhead in one of your photos is not going to spring a leak and do a Willsbridge.
  8. My parents have just returned from a trip to Canada which included a trip on the Rocky Mountaineer. Unfortunately during the trip there was a derailment that basically ruined the trip as there were long delays, bus transfers and then parts of the trip (when the views would have been spectacular) took place at night. My parents are still complaining. The poor PR guy apparently coped a barrage of complaints from all the foreign passengers when as compensation passengers were offered a free trip at the end of the 2018 season! I just kept saying the joys of train travel. Needless to say I won't be showing my parents your fantastic photos.
  9. Greater love hath no man than this, that a man give up his layout for his wife. Not too sure I could follow your example. Hopefully in my case the choice will never have to be made. Anyway good luck with the move.
  10. I wish you hadn't mentioned curtains. I am likely to get into trouble with Andy P again if I comment further. I appreciate the inversion in post #1671 for those of us down under - all makes perfect sense now. Keep up the good work (I wish I could write that upside down).
  11. What did you do that for? I was understanding it up until then!
  12. You are being too modest. It is not just the bits being available but the knowledge/expertise of how to use those various bits that matters. You never cease to amaze.
  13. Those are pretty fluffy slippers that woman is wearing on the platform.
  14. My jaw is on the floor at the moment. That is just so clever.
  15. All makes perfect sense to me - if only I could apply it to my layout! You really have stuck to your creed and the result speaks for itself.
  16. I wanted to hit the "Like" button - but then thought you might think I was taking delight in your back problem. So leaving that aside I do like the two (2) photos.
  17. I am dying to know how the bridge is going - any progress? It has given me an idea - not sure if it will ever be realised but one can dream.
  18. The things you learn on RMweb - amazing!! Some of you seem to have very good - one could almost say intimate - knowledge about this.
  19. That's just insane - insanely good! You must have very steady hands. What are you like at real buildings?
  20. I hardly think anything built in 2 mm square styrene rod can be described as robust . . . but leaving that aside this is absolutely amazing.
  21. This just keeps getting better and better.
  22. Damn I thought you were going to keep folding until it ended up no bigger than an iPad. You are not as talented as I thought you were.
  23. Before you start another layout why don't you go around finishing off all your followers' layouts for them. At the rate you work everyone would be finished in next to no time.
  24. You are a brave man setting up in the kitchen. I cannot begin to tell you why that would not work at my house.
  25. I know some members prefer a staged approach to showing off layouts, but me I love an "almost there" project - especially one as good as this. So keep the photos coming.
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