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Everything posted by Bogie

  1. Tell me have you ever gone to buy something second hand and thought "Wait a moment I used to own this."?
  2. Having perused your previous threads I gather you are a keen shunter. I accept what a lot of modellers say on this forum about "operational interest' but can I just encourage you to stick with the roundy - at least until you have given it a good try. I have just spent a very enjoyable hour this evening watching five trains round around my layout - admittedly with a glass of red wine in hand - and not once did I need to touch a button/switch/knob. I moved around the room and found different viewing angles and just lost myself in the moment. Ahh the romance of train travel.
  3. Having seen the second attempt I now understand your unhappiness with the first attempt. Suffice to say I have one of those Hornby models (with L&Y livery) - must be 25 years old - and I will not be attempting what you have done, so all credit to you.
  4. Tell me what do the passengers think about passing the door each loop and getting an eyeful (and more) of the photo pinned to the door?
  5. And that was easier than building a brass kit how? That was a pretty amazing step by step transformation. I cannot get over that everything just seems to be floating around in your head and away you go.
  6. You are such a tease keeping us in suspense like this. Allowances should be made for your birthday . . . I guess.
  7. Breaking your own golden rules - you must be getting old! Rules were meant to be broken as they say.
  8. Oh goody you're back and powering ahead - and receiving presents as well.
  9. The more obvious something is the less likely it is to be observed. I think I just made that up!
  10. Bogie

    Little Muddle

    I've finally figured it out - these aren't photos of a model but the real thing. What else could that shed be?! Although having said that, I did not notice any smoke coming from the loco in the video. I obviously need to think on this some more!
  11. Finally for now, in the hipped roof building, there is a 4mm model of the site. I don't suppose anyone knows who built it? You mean it was not you?!
  12. Oh the tribulations of modelling in the UK!. One you have to do it in your front yard and two rain interferes. However, do you guys get anything done?
  13. Not sure what it is but that ain't no cellar/workshop. Good place to hide Easter eggs though. Mind you it might be some years before they are found.
  14. I presume the garden will be all clear for the Easter egg hunt. Have the negotiations relating to the storage of this marvellous creation been satisfactorily concluded? I know if I constructed something like that outside and made a move to bring it inside I would find all the doors suddenly locked.
  15. Love the photo with the swan. How are you at modelling swans?
  16. I do not think you know the meaning of the word "final".
  17. I was going to hit the agree button for Andy's post and then I thought maybe Clive is right. I am genuinely confused. I really hope you are not.
  18. Bogie

    Little Muddle

    Sorry what radio station are you listening to that plays that?!
  19. The good folk of Treheligan are a mighty blasé lot. Stephenson's Rocket pulls in and they cannot even look up from their newspapers!
  20. Bogie

    Silent Hill

    There's a lot of tempting space there.
  21. Bogie

    Little Muddle

    That is some serious modelling with the scarecrow and the crop. If you wear that outfit in Brisbane you will stand out a mile and I will definitely say hello. My daughter (who occasionally looks over my shoulder) thinks you are an artist - she is still talking about your fallen tree and asking when I will do something similar.
  22. Bogie

    Little Muddle

    Not sure I would recognise you if I passed you in the street from that photo - but then again what are the odds you would be walking down a street in Brisbane!
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