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Everything posted by Deano747

  1. Hello All This is a very interesting thread, as I recently bought quite a few point kits from C&L (before they moved) and of course the crossing V's are made to 32/1.75. I've ordered some 31.5/1.5 gauges from Debs and will be looking to adjust the V's accordingly as and when I get round to building them. It looks very much like 31.5 is highly favoured. Of course this is still a very personal choice and I respect all the arguments for and against, but looking at Martyns (3 Link) excellent track work I appreciate the difference. Anybody want some cheap 32/1.75 gauges!! Regards, Deano.
  2. .... or even an old Hornby catalogue?! Regards, Deano.
  3. Excellent work Pete. I do like to see detailed pipework!! Regards, Deano
  4. Carrs, (now sold through Phoenix) 100deg solder. Works well but as usual, clean, clean and clean, both before and after!! (No connection, just a happy customer.) Regards, Deano.
  5. Hi All, note the red banner at the top of the page, problem is being looked into. Soon, I hope as I really enjoy following these builds as all my stuff is packed away pending a house move this coming week!! (Finally!!) Keep up the good work!! Regards, Deano.
  6. Hi Steve Congratulations on the Model Rail feature!! Well deserved. For interest, a friend sent me this link. You've probably seen it, but from my point of view, from and engineering background, a fascinating video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sy70knz4n9M Regards, Deano.
  7. I would suggest aero modellers 'Liteply'?? Comes in various thicknesses from 1/16" upwards. The thickest I've used (and come across) is 1/4" and is very nice to work with. Regards, Deano.
  8. My experience with Slaters is excellent too; next day delivery always!! (so far!) No connection, just a happy customer! Telegraph pole looks impressive! Keep up the good work! Regards, Deano.
  9. Pleased to help, Richard. As mentioned, I have one of these, so following your build with interest. Regards, Deano.
  10. Nice work so far!! I'm sure you have plenty of reference material, but thought I'd post these anyway. Sorry I couldn't get a full side on pic!! Regards, Deano.
  11. Fantastic job!! Is it the camera, or is the smokebox number plate leaning slightly?! Regards, Deano.
  12. Effective, but possibly a little too coarse?! Regards, Deano.
  13. I'm the same!! My good lady always comments on my face when I find little parcels when I get home!!! I have friends in the military though, and they have very limited access, even for text messages! Regards, Deano.
  14. Outstanding workmanship, as always, Peter!! Regards, Deano.
  15. Sung by Chris Thompson, a friend at school!!! Classic musical/ stage show!! Regards, Deano.
  16. Wishing you all the best!! Regards, Deano.
  17. Hi Paul/ All Excellent work so far!! I'm following this very carefully for when I (eventually) get round to building mine. I plan to use the correct wheels also! IIRC it was David LO Smith mentioned trimming the flanges slightly and maybe someone else?! A small job in the lathe. Regards, Deano.
  18. .......and I thought my work pattern (not that there is a pattern!) was tough!!! Regards, Deano.
  19. SORRY Peter!!! As soon as we viewed this house, it ticked all the boxes for my good lady! Of course I didn't object when she wanted to make an offer......... Regards, Deano.
  20. Hi George My trouble is I like big!! Once we've settled into our new house I've got a 24' x 12' workshop to fill!!! (...and another one 12' x 10' but that will be for the radio controlled planes and lathe, mill and pillar drill!!) Regards, Deano.
  21. Start him young, eh?!! Regards, Deano.
  22. I've been following your thread for some time, and there's some excellent work going on. An interesting subject. ......and what a fantastic little wagon!! Regards, Deano.
  23. Excellent weathering and 'growth' on the roof!! Regards, Deano.
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