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Everything posted by ISW

  1. Further to my previous posts regarding the (potentially Cricut Explore Air) I gave it a go today cutting some black 0.020" (0.5mm) styrene sheet. It took a bit of fiddling to get a 'custom material' set with a high enough force and multiple passes, but it did work [1]. [1] - by 'work' I mean that the cut was clearly visible on the back of the styrene, but not 100% through. The cut was complete by pressing with a fingernail to 'snap' one edge, then the rest came out easily. I was cutting a large square (5 x 5cm), so I hope it will be just a successful on smaller bits for modifying 00-gauge models. I found that 'designs' prepared in Xara Designer Pro (my 'go to' drawing / drafting package) can be saved as an SVG file. This file was then imported into the Cricut design software (web based) where it was still the correct size - which was a bit of a bonus. Ian
  2. Just as a comparison (and an attempt to avoid going ) the Cricut Explore Air can (but I've not checked, obviously) cut the list of materials in the image below (sorry it's a bit loooooong). I have included a PDF version for those who want to interrogate it further. I'll have to select a few for checking, with some thin and thick materials. The one that caught my eye was 'heavy leather - 2mm', which it sets to cut 5-times. If it'll cut 2mm leather, then I stand a good chance with 2mm card, or even 1mm & 1.5mm styrene. 2018 - Cricut Custom Materials.pdf Ian
  3. Martyn I like the trick for moving the bogie pivot points. Very clever. Ian
  4. Martyn I found the only way to get SEF flushglaze to fit properly on my Lima coaches was to open out the window openings slightly using a dremel (only on the inside face). That and sometimes installing the upper and lower glazing separately. Then once in place i run some deluxe magic plastic cement around the glazing inside the coach. Capillary action takes care of the distribution. Ian
  5. John, The 56xx series numbers was already allocated to MkIId TSOs so that bit isn't right ... The Harris 'British Rail Mark 2 Coaches' book says that by 1989 the majority of the MkIId FOs (Diagram AD105) were surplus. An appendix shows several (not all) were converted to SOs in 1989 to the 62xx series (Diagram AC217) and fitted with 2+2 seating (although the Airfix windows are so dark that I don't think anyone will notice the 2+1 seating inside!). Wikipedia says that in 1989, 36 Mk2d coaches were converted to Second Open 6200-6235 TSO. I 'think' they would still be in BR blue & grey at that time. If you want to go 'mad', one of the AC217's was repainted into Stagecoach livery for the Aberdeen to London overnight service ... Ian
  6. Just as a comparison (and to help others with Kadee couplers) here are a few photos of Kadee's fitted to Lima BR1 and B4 bogies. This first photo shows the general principle of a styrene 'packer' to obtain the correct coupling height, and also to 'offset' the coupler away from the bogie centre. Simple No.0 self-tappers are used. I did try every glue I had, but none of them seem to work on the 'soapy' plastic that Lima used on their bogies. There is 'just' enough width in the Lima bogie headstock moulding for the screwhole (~1mm dia). All this is after the original coupler has been cut away. This is the view of a Lima BR1 bogie with Kadee #156 (whisker) installed. This is the view of a Lima B4 bogie with Kadee #156 (whisker) installed, and with the bogie correctly turned around. And this is what it looks like when you couple them together. Not a 'close' as Martyn manages, but if I get it much closer I can't get it to work on radius 4 curves. Ian
  7. ISW

    Pleye Wood

    That photo of D9502 has been bugging me. I knew I'd seen it before .... Yep, it's in the 'Rail 10 Portfolio' 1989 book 'The WR Diesel-Hydraulics' compiled by Hugh Dady. Ian
  8. To 'properly' clarify what the SEF flushglaze windows look like, please see below photos of a Lima Mk.I buffet coach so modified (and with Replica commonwealth bogies, and Kadee couplings. The 'small' windows are the worst, but as has been said in a previous post, no one is going to notice as the train passes by. Ian
  9. Martyn, Have sent you a PM with the cover(s) of the 1974, 1976, & 1977 RCTS books. To the best of my knowledge, the earliest Coaching Stock book was the RCTS 1972 version, which I don't have, but which a friend of mine had at the time (~1973). Ian
  10. John, Grrrr. My typing needs 'improvement'. Quite right, "... it does NOT look 'that' bad ..." Ian
  11. I've just installed SEF glazing on a Lima Mk.I buffet car. Just note that in the SEF package is a slip of paper that states "With the vax form-ing process, it is not possible to get a really good result with a very small window opening. An alternative is a Product called Crystal Glaze". Having said that, it does look 'that' bad to my eyes. I wish I'd know that some Mk.I Buffet Restaurants had BR1 bogies! It took me ages to get commonwealths fitted into a Lima chassis. According to my RCTS coaching stock book of 1974, they all had commonwealths by that year (although your Sc1723 had been scrapped by then). But the parkin Mark 1 Coaches book does include a photo of S1730 (from 1962) with BR1 bogies though. Ian
  12. Why use a nut & bolt? The bogie is plastic (judging by the pivot moulding), and you can simply use self-tapping screws. For my Kadees I use No.0 x 6.4mm Philips countersunk BZP self-tappers from ModelFixings.com (just a satisfied customer). It just needs a ~1mm hole drilled before screwing in the self-tapper. If the thread is too long, a quick snip with the cutters solves that problem. In fact, with my Lima bogies the self-tapper solution seems to be only way to go (glue just will not work long term - I tried!). Ian
  13. Not sure if this classifies as but Hobbycraft currently has £40 off the Cricut Explore Air (now £200). You also get 15% off a further purchase made in the next month when you join their club (free). I got the Cricut, and plan to use the 15% discount to buy the 'extended blade'. Should make cutting up to 1mm thick card 'possible'. I also want it to cut styrene, so fingers crossed on that one. Ian
  14. I have a similar situation planned, but with the majority of the tracks on a gradient, and only the adjacent sidings on the level. I was therefore thinking of building the entire baseboard section on the gradient (relatively easy) and 'build-up' the area required to be level (also should be straight-forward). Maybe that's an option for you? Ian
  15. Phil, But who goes zooming in to 'that' degree? Even with my eyesight I don't 'need' to zoom to the high factors you describe. Just shows though, after using Xara for ~20-years I still never knew about the tiny maths error. Ian
  16. Phil, The 'snapping' would be a little clearer if the line ends were 'butt' not 'round'. Ian
  17. You may find the Cricut has a greater cutting force. From articles I've seen on the interweb, it 'can' cut 2mm card. Ian
  18. Phil, Nice font that 'technical', but why use it when there are so many other fonts already in Xara? Ian
  19. Yep, 'Explore Air' (or even the 'Explore Air 2' - faster, but more expensive). In the UK they are only (?) available through Hobbycraft, but you can get 15% off if you take out their free membership. I also like the double holder, so you can use a pen and a cutter together (or a scriber and a cutter). Ian
  20. Robin, The Cricut software (online only - so need an internet connection all the time) accepts 'any' SVG file. I've already tried, and it imported a drawing file exported from Xara Designer Pro without objection. If I recall, I even got the scale right! Okay, I don't have a machine to 'prove' it will cut the file, but I see no reason why it wont - unless someone knows different?. What draws me to the Cricut machine is the cutting force of ~1kg, about 4-times that of the Silhouette machines, so capable of cutting up to 2mm card. Ian
  21. I am looking at buying the Cricut machine (Air Express), but not using their (entirely web based) software as I can't be bothered to learn it! I already have / use a 'drawing package' (Xara Designer Pro). From what I can see, all these cutters use the SVG file format for the cutting. Thankfully, this seems to be fairly 'standard' and my existing software will export the SVG format. So I can see why many people use the 'two software' solution to cutting. Using what you already know makes perfect sense. Also, the cutter software is, generally, not as good as separately developed drawing packages. Ian
  22. Phil, Have you any information regarding the capabilities of Xara for exporting SVG files for Cricut / Silhouette cutting machines? Have you heard of anyone successfully getting this to work? Getting a Cricut cutting machine is on my 'list of things to buy', so getting it to work with Xara would be a great help. Ian
  23. Phil, The XAR file imports fine, bus does report a few 'errors' due to me 'only' using Designer Pro X10. I guess you are using a '365' version? I'm assuming these are trivial issues that I can ignore. One question; how did you create curves of a specific radius? Have you drawn a circle and then 'cropped' it to the desired angle of turn? I've been using 3rdPlanIt to draw a layout, but as I'm a dare sight more experienced with Xara, I'm tempted to give it a go - although I can't see how I'll be able to get Xara to create curves with transition curves! Ian
  24. Phil, I've used Xara since the mid '90s. I went to get Xara Studio, only to find Xara had been bought out by Corel so my first program was CorelXara. I had CorelXara 2 and then X, X1, Xtreme, and now Designer Pro - although I'm still on version 10 (a little out of date). So, I've absolutely no objection to you 'pushing' Xara ... If you want to avoid the 'limit lines' on turnouts, then I suggest using a different colour for the turnouts (as most layout software seems to do). Personally, I like to see the 'junctions' as those are parts for which the geometry is fixed. Straight and curved track can be adjusted, but not ladders of turnouts / diamonds. Ian
  25. Phil, Well, that explains why your knowledge of Xara is better than mine. Hopefully, it's available for 'picking' now and then. Ian
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