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Neils WRX

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  • Location
    Near Glasgow
  • Interests
    Mainly European Trains, especially noisy diesel ones!!

    HO Scale models of Balkan, Belgian, Danish and Czech prototypes.

    Also have a passing interest in Scottish 1990’s era layouts as well....

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  1. Signals!! At last the signals have arrived :-) Just need to make them work now. The plug straight into the DCC bus just need to work out how to change the address!!! Have Google translated the instructions will have a play when I get some spare time. Thanks, Neil
  2. Bit of consumer research …. About a year ago REE advertised a model of a CFL 851 in a number of different livery variations. I ordered one from a well know German Modelshop, and it arrived this week. I still have a couple Roco versions of the same type but these were understood to really just be repaints of the SNCF 63000 models. They did however have the exhaust stacks on the long hood which the French versions didn’t have. One advantage of the REE model is it’s fitted with sound which isn’t fitted to either of the Roco versions. Anyway here are some comparison photos, the REE model is the lighter red. Thanks, Neil
  3. Having completed the exhibition at Elderslie with Belgian MPD (see other thread if you are interested) the next outing for one of my layouts is this one at Paisley in December. Since the last update I have actually undertaken a bit of scenic work on the layout. The timber loading siding now has a load of stuff on the floor. This is something you see in reality but I don’t recall seeing it modelled very often. I started with putting some bits of cork on the ground which was then topped with some bits of bark from the garden. All stuck down with my current favourite glue (Ballast Bond). I’m quite pleased with the overall effect. Cork first: Now bark bits The saga of the Czech signals will hopefully be getting a happy ending. I eventually persuaded the Czech manufacturer to let me pay by bank transfer, and for him to send them to a friend in Poland. (As he won’t ship to the U.K. anymore). You wouldn’t believe the amount of messages to and fro to get this to happen. The signals have now arrived safely in Poland. My Polish friend has a friend who is coming to the U.K. later in the month and he will post them to Scotland. I just hope they are worth it after all this hassle!!!! The key thing for me is to have working signals that I can wire into the DCC system. As the construction/ finishing is coming to an end on this layout (although I can always improve stuff) I’m wondering what next. I have a half an idea to build a fiddle yard at the rear to operate the layout as an oval. This fiddle yard would also be available for Belgian MPD and any future projects. The only issue is I have nowhere at home to assemble the layout in this form and one think I like doing is running the odd train after work. The ideal of the oval would really be for exhibition use only, although I’m not even sure where to store the boards at home as the garage has a MG in it. The MG only comes out on dry days so leaving it outside in the Scottish weather isn’t really an option. Another possibility is build the Danish Ferry Terminal, although I have learnt from last time that a 5x2 board is too long/heavy. So it will be 4x2 and reuse my fiddle yard board of the same length. Will need to work out how to build a dockside and add water effects. Just a random picture to finish off with!! Thanks, Neil
  4. I went yesterday and thought it was a good show, for me I liked the small French layout (but that’s just me). Trader wise I brought a few scenic bits and bobs and that was it. Got tempted with a Czech 753 but it had CSD logos so didn’t bother!!! Thanks, Neil
  5. I use a Roco Z21 WiFi controller. Great bit of kit in my opinion as you have a nice wheel to turn!!! Thanks, Neil
  6. I’ve been to similar establishments!!! Shoe in a cage hoisted up to the ceiling. Never stollen a glass myself, the supermarkets were normally a good place to find them with a bottle and a glass. You just had to be careful getting them home on Eurostar!!
  7. I did the boat trains from both Calais and Boulogne, on both occasions they were hauled by pairs of 67/4’s which went right though to Gare du Nord. The coaching stock is a bit more of a mystery I’m afraid!!!
  8. Elderslie Review Thought it would be worth a quick write up on the Elderslie Show. The exhibition was held in the Renfrewshire Model Railway Clubs premises in Elderslie as part of the Gala Day. Personally it wasn’t the best preparation for the show as I caught Covid the previous weekend but was lucky pretty clear of it before show day. So my prep was limited to just cleaning wheels and track. This was my first one day show so loaded the layout up in the morning. Despite taking less stock the car was still quite full. Longer term I’d like to find a better solution to the A-Frames as they just take up too much space in the car, but are excellent for supporting the layout. I did need assistance getting the layout board out the car as it’s too big for me to easily move on my own. Set up took longer as it was just me but I was soon up and running. I ran the layout at 120cm track height which seemed a reasonable compromise although small children did need to be picked up to see in. I was running the late 1990’s and took 19 locomotives with me and operated 15 of them. Everything ran well and again my toolbox wasn’t opened. Only slight issue was with the Roco class 20 pantograph became a bit bent after it got caught on the first test of the Ohle run off (which I have to assemble each time after set up). I also ran the Van Biervliet 5404 with smoke for the first time which a lot of people spotted. Loads of positive comments including from someone from Aalst who thought it looked just right for Belgium!! I managed a few pictures: I also tried to label all the plastic sleeves this time to make things easier when packing away. The show closed at 1700 and I was in the car and away by 1745. Put the layout back up at home, ran a loco to test it and had a suitable beer to celebrate. I have no more shows booked for the layout so if anyone wants a Belgian Depot layout for their exhibition please send me a PM. Thanks, Neil
  9. If you are at a loose end on Saturday why not pop along to the Elderslie Show, only £1 to get in!!! One arrival to report is another LS Models 27 from C&M Models just over the border in Carlisle. I also have a 12 and a 21 still to come. One observation is the sound file is different as the start up has a lot more “electronic sounds” than my other 27. Thanks, Neil
  10. Less than 2 weeks until the Elderslie Show. That’s the only booking the layout has. I’m planning to operate the late 1990’s / early 2000’s at that show. One gimmick I might operate is 5404 with smoke on: One update LS Models 1306 now has sound, this is by DLOC567. One second hand addition 8217 by Piko, I brought the loco as it was a number I didn’t have. The locomotive came DCC fitted, but the lights didn’t work, so opened it up, only to find the previous owner had removed the circuit board and cut all the cables and hard wired the DCC chip!!! Oh well guess it won’t have any lights…. Thanks, Neil
  11. Not much actual modelling has taken place recently….. I have redone the pavement around the flats. Still trying to get hold of the signals having a long winded debate over Google translate. Hopefully I will achieve in the end otherwise I’m back to trying to build the kits and make them operational. Anyway here is the 498 passing through the station (the stopping before running out of baseboard). Thanks, Neil
  12. I didn’t know it had that functionality either!! Thanks, Neil
  13. I use Route Setting on the Z21. That maybe might offer you a solution. Thanks, Neil
  14. Sorry I should have read your question properly, the older 751’s have Zimo chips with ARTOL sound, I run 219 as “silent” everything else noisy!!! More recently I have been using ESU chips with their 751 sounds, but I add drive hold to them. The ESU chips have a sugar cube speakers the Zimo ones have flat speakers in them. I have a slight preference for ESU chips as I have a Lokprogrammer, where as the Zimo files are uploaded by the Roco Z21. I’m going to fit Stayalive’s to a couple of the ESU chips to make them completely built proof in time the layouts exhibition in December. Thanks, Neil
  15. Hello Bradley, I’ve not done anything with any of my railcars yet they are on the list to do…. Out of interest which decoder and sound file did you use? With regard to 751004 I’m not sure whose sound it is it came fitted when I got it. In fairness I do like a bit of notch 8 action!!! Cheers, Neil
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