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Everything posted by AndrewC

  1. 55,000+ people following https://twitter.com/#!/Riotcleanup Sort of restores a bit of faith in people. Maybe its time to take back the streets.
  2. Had to drive though Catford last night. A bit surreal. Although that area is so crap there isn't anything apart from the JD Sports worth looting. Nothing has spread to the boring borough yet but who knows what will happen tonight. Bexleyheath would be a soft target. I was reading about some force in the US that was considering using modified paintball guns in these situations. Tag the b*stards with the same dye used in security dyepacks then round up anyone that looks like a Smurf over the following days. To me this whole thing proves a couple of points. The Met isn't fit for purpose. Social engineering has failed Politicians will use anything to score points
  3. Seems to me the big European clubs were threatening a breakaway league about 7 or 8 years ago. They got what they wanted from EUEFA & FIFA and teddy went back into the pram. No doubt the same thing will happen again in 2014.
  4. Not enough custard to go around for everyone I'd like to pie. However to keep the list down to less than 3Tb, I'd start with that smug **** Charles Horton the MD of Southeastern trains. He's managed to make the franchise worse than when it was Connex.
  5. I wish. My GP thinks that Chiro is in league with leeches and blood letting. She refused point blank to issue a referral so I have to pay for my chiro instead of getting it on BUPA. (the sour b*tch)
  6. Having survived a Winter Olympics, I'm not looking forward to the chaos that's going to be coming to London. Our train service is going to be ****ed up for the duration. Our plan is to take the time off, unplug the telly and hibernate. We've already sent word to family and friends that we're doing serious renovations so won't have any space for visitors. I agree with Robert that its become a willy waving contest for corporate sponsorshp. However, if done right the legacy of the games can be enormous. 23 years later and Calgary still benefits from the 88 games.
  7. Morning all from the boring boring borough. I'm breathing and have a pulse. Thats about the extent of things. Yawn. Wish I could go back to bed for a week.
  8. Those don't look like any Soo Line locos I've ever seen. :yahoo: Seriously nice work though.
  9. Everyone has pretty much filled my list of things I'd like to see jettisoned into the sun. My personal fave for extermination and it won't be missed by anyone: SouthEastern Trains.
  10. Wow a real life gangster. My last ticket was in Washington State way back in 97. Never paid it, never will. Got a nice letter from them telling me my WA driver's license was suspended. Too funny.
  11. Then again Mercedes was named after Karl Benz's daughter, according to legend.
  12. I should put my copy up for sale. I wonder if it being soaked in cat p*ss would raise the value.
  13. Its a Monday. Blergh! Bit o sun, bit o cloud here in the boring borough. Quiet weekend. Hopefully a quiet week ahead. Minimal work done on either the layout or club modules in the past few days. The shed needs a good cleaning but I really can't be ar*ed at the moment. Suffering a lack of coffee this morning. (can you tell?)
  14. Thats what I thought but for some reason the consumer unit has 5 breakers. lights up, lights main which aren't on the RCD. sockets main, sockets up, sockets kitchen which are on the RCD. Strange thing is there are 3 feeds into the downstairs socket's breaker but only 1 into the upstairs, and for some strange reason a 6mm cable into the "kitchen Socket" breaker. We switched that one off and can't find any socket or light in the house that is wired to it. Oh well at least the new RCD is doing what its supposed to and we aren't tripping out everytime someone switches on more than 2 elements on the hob at the same time as the washing machine is running.
  15. Have you considered shining a big spotlight onto the panels to keep them going, then power the spotlight from the panels? Sorry, couldn't resist. We had our own leccie headaches last week. The RCD kept tripping for no apparent reason and at random. Turns out its gone bad and was having a fit at about 20a load instead of 64. We also found the breaker for the kitchen was wired to a big fat wire that wasn't connected to anything anywhere else. The kitchen in fact is connected to the ground floor ring main. Dodgy Moben b*stards. (previous owner had a whole new kitchen fitted 3 years before we bought the place) When we finally get around to moving the kitchen we're going to have to factor in a full house rewiring.
  16. Simple answer: TV broadcast. It was very common in the 60s for movies and programmes to be copied into B&W for broadcast purposes. Colour film on a B&W telecine always looked crap. It was also a lot cheaper to make B&W film copies for distribution than colour. Waste of money shipping a colour copy only for it to be broadcast in B&W. Most likely the copy you viewed originated at the CBC or NFB. Semi-related to this are the "lost" Dr. Who episodes that were found on B&W 16mm film in Australia.
  17. Happy Canada Day. The Maple Leaf is flying over this part of the boring borough this morning. XL Radio streaming through the house and its time for a Stampede breakfast. We're giving the festivities in Trafalgar Square a miss this year as we've got to be on the Eurostar tomorrow morning at stupid-o-clock. http://youtu.be/BRI-A3vakVg
  18. He also toured with Weller last year. Saw them at Wembley Arena last Dec. Its Buckler that will never forgive and forget.
  19. According to several websites there is a movie in the works.
  20. There is also Cherio' Charlton. Which is O trams running along Woolwich Road. Never exhibited in the UK was my Moore Street, Northern Line / Sarf Lunndun (innit) layout in OO.
  21. dum dum dum dum dum dum dum dum.... Flash, Ahh ahhh !!!!! Another fun filled exciting morning in the boring boring borough, errr not. Basically I'm sitting around waiting for the washer delivery. Woo hoo, be still my beating heart. On the subject of appliances and things that you plug into the wall. When we bought the house just over 3 years ago it came with everything. The kitchen was only a couple of years old and had a full set of Neff appliances. We condemned the fridge the day we moved in. It was beyond vile even after cleaning. A massive Samsung American sized one replaced it. The oven and hob went within a year for a matched set of Hoover gear..... The only thing left is the dishwasher and I think we'll be lucky if that survives another year. On the other hand apart from the coffee maker every electrical we brought from Canada is still working just fine 8 years later. Most of them are at least 10. Even all my DCC gear and many of my tools are still running off a 110vac input power supply.
  22. Sounds like the Kenmore brand from Sears. Those things were built to withstand a nuclear attack.
  23. Well £850+ later a new washer & separate dryer are on their way. Ouch!! SWMBO has had enough of those crappy washer/dryer combos that don't dry, and tiny little machines. 9kg wash, 9kg dry. Beyond generous of MIL to pay for the lot though. WOW! They even threw in the delivery, installation, and hauling away the old one. Having spent most of my life more than 4000' above sea level and around 600 miles to the nearest large body of water, I never had much of an interest in boats or things nautical.
  24. Morning all from the boring boring borough. Sunny at the moment. Someone's karma ran over my dogma yesterday. After insulting UK washing machines for being p*ssy small on ER the other day, ours decided to end it all last night in a blaze of glory. It didn't just go boom though, nooooo that would have been too easy. One of the springs snapped as well, lodging in the drum and ripping up several shirts before finally sticking its tongue out at me with an E30 code. (dead motor) The inside of the unit is black as the brushes went poof into a cloud of carbon dust. Off to Comet this morning for its replacement. I'm also going to have to empty several gallons of soapy water from the old one before its hauled away. No feedback yet on yesterday's interview . Lets hope its a non-starter as it turned out to be worse than I had been lead to believe.
  25. Off to Basingrad later this morning for what amounts to an interview. Tis a strange company I work for. Getting on to existing projects is regarded as a competitive sport. In other words I have to go up against others to apply for open project positions. In this case I hope I don't get it. Don't fancy a 160 mile, 5 hour round trip commute every day. On the other hand billable hours = bonus pool so there is incentive.
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