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Everything posted by eldomtom2

  1. You mistake "Hornby did not plan their TT range with other companies" with "other companies did not find out Hornby was making a TT range and decided to make their own products". If the former was false, Heljan would have made different choices in terms of prototypes.
  2. I doubt there was any sort of planning between Hornby and other companies when it comes to TT - if there was Heljan presumably wouldn't be producing a 31... But bear in mind they probably aren't aiming at Joe Public here - more probably the existing rail enthusiast community on social media.
  3. I imagine the preserved railways that are the best candidates for a return to the national network are those that are not struggling...
  4. You have completely misinterpreted my point. None of what you have said is a denial to the fact that running an effective commuter service would place the ELR under a great many exemptions it is currently exempt from. That heritage railways are required to follow many general safety regulations does not mean they are not exempted from many specific regulations.
  5. My impression from what I've heard is that this is not the case - heritage railways may be required to have the same attitude to safety as the main line, but when it comes to specific regulations there are all sorts of exemptions.
  6. The page on the Hornby website about the benefits of TT is interesting. Benefits they list include: "Entire range DCC ready" "Internationally accepted track geometry" "Uses NEM standards on new models" "Regular new product announcements" They also admit no advantages to OO - how much of a future do Hornby see for it?
  7. Though I do note that the two sets are indeed just an oval of track with a siding, like their OO counterparts... I do think Hornby have continued to miss a trick by not broadening their horizons as to what a train set could be - I think if they made an Inglenook set and branded it as "The Hornby Model Railway Puzzle Game" or similar they could appeal to a lot of people outside the usual train set market...
  8. Hornby are doing about half of those.
  9. Are you saying you know the Hornby TT track to not be new?
  10. Plus the 08 and J94, which Heljan said they were looking at doing after the 31. And Peco's seven-plank wagon.
  11. Castle, 57XX, and Collett coaches coming later. See the brochure.
  12. I note that despite having pretty much the entirety of the British railway landscape to choose from, Hornby have chosen to duplicate every item of stock announced by other manufacturers. Also:
  13. My predictions (in no particular order): O range TT range Live steam range Big Bertha, or other unannounced prototype they have competition on
  14. How were these operated? Where they hauled by diesels from London, or did they switch from electric to diesel at some point? If so, where? And what locos were used?
  15. It may, but would such a position have the second lowest average pay, at 8s 2d a week, lower than cleaners, lad porters, gatekeepers, and P.W. labourers? Kingsford also does not list passenger or goods guards as part of the Goods Department.
  16. In P. W. Kingsford's Victorian Railwaymen there is a list of the average wages of LBSC employees in 1871. There are two positions listed, both in the Goods Department, where I am uncertain of what precisely the job was; Scotcher and Vanguard. Any insight would be appreciated.
  17. Interesting collection of late 60s/early 70s LU footage - including Standard Stock driving under its own power to the Isle of Wight.
  18. Appreciation for the past has always been a major part of railway enthusiasm - at the same time you were admiring electrification, others were scrambling to catch their last glimpse of mainline steam before it disappeared forever...
  19. Unfortunately now confirmed as a fatality.
  20. I note that these discussions always involve people speculating on what the youth are interested in...
  21. I've seen plenty of videos and photos, of course, but they don't provide broader context. If I time travelled back to early 1968, what lines and services would I have the best chance of seeing steam on?
  22. Strictly speaking any accident can be blamed on cultural issues if you go back far enough...
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