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Everything posted by polybear

  1. Mention the words "Clayton Class17" and "Heljan" to Mike and you'll see him do a magnificent impression of the Incredible Hulk....
  2. If that's the real thing (and it certainly looks it) then it's a BS4. Only 10 built, with 7 surviving. If it were mine then I'd be securing it with a bit more than a chain thru' the back wheel. Why? Cos' the last (very scruffy and incomplete) example sold for a cool third of a million in April '16: https://www.bonhams.com/press_release/21670/ Jeez.... Update: The bike sold in the Bonhams Auction has some history, which may/may not influence the price paid: "Following the Four's debut at the Olympia Motor Cycle Show, George Brough's friend Hubert Chantrey rode the show model, as a solo, in the London-Exeter Trial in December '31, an account of which appeared in Motor Cycling (13th January 1932 edition). At the end of the article, Chantrey stated that he had ordered one of the Brough Fours". https://www.bonhams.com/auctions/23600/lot/296/
  3. .....today's headline on the front page of the Metro newspaper Offered by Southern bosses (and accepted by ASLEF members); the company has also promised a second worker will be on all services unless there are "exceptional circumstances" such as staff calling in sick. Pay rise to be implemented over 5 years; drivers could end up on nearly 80K incl. overtime. (63K basic, over 4 days) However, RMT remain in dispute with Southern regarding Guards.
  4. Well worth watching: http://www.hmsedinburgh.co.uk/gold_video.php
  5. It's surprising just how many items such as Diabetic Blood Testing Strips appear on Ebay being sold by individuals.... I'd hazard a guess that they test their blood at less regular intervals and therefore sell off the "spare" testing strips paid for by the NHS...
  6. Completely lost on me I'm afraid , which is probably why I can't take piccies even remotely close to Tony's quality. Please keep them coming Tony
  7. So if your parent's Estate is already over the IHT and then they inherit your estate on top, that would mean that 40% of your Estate could subsequently be lost to the tax man when the whole estate passes to your siblings Assuming, of course, that the whole lot hasn't disappeared into care home fees.
  8. Depositing a Will with the Probate Office in London is one option: https://www.gov.uk/make-will/writing-your-will - which also helps guard against fraud (e.g. he never had a Will, so I get the lot....)
  9. One reason for making a Will would be to minimise any effects of IHT on your Estate. For example, if it all went to your parents first (potentially incurring IHT in the process) and from there to your siblings (maybe more IHT, but on your parent's estate) then it's bad news. Whereas if you divi it up between parents and siblings from the outset then potentially only one lot of IHT to pay. Also, consider care home costs. If it all went to your parents and then one or both of them needed to go into care then bye bye inheritance. But if you split it at the outset then at least some will be protected, hopefully. The trouble with Wills is there are so many possible future scenarios that it's nigh on impossible to cater for them all, which is why I suspect so many of us do an Ostrich impression....
  10. Here's the rules: https://www.gov.uk/inherits-someone-dies-without-will
  11. It may well be safer to leave the residue to a Charity, rather than a fixed amount. That way all other beneficiaries get fixed sums/percentages, items etc. and the Charity gets the dross that's left (where the "dross" may of course be well worth having....)
  12. Ultimately your estate could well end up with some never-heard of distant half-uncle living in Uagadoogoo (haven't a clue if that's spelled correctly!) - TV programmes such as "Heir Hunters" feature such cases. Or worse, into the Government's pocket..... Plus, if your Estate is worth over £325,000 it will attract IHT at 40%. Though leaving money to Charities (and Political Parties!!) is exempt, but then you'd need a Will to do so.
  13. The problem is that funerals etc. are often arranged and completed well before a will is even read.......
  14. I was a bit miffed with this little article: https://www.aol.co.uk/money/2017/10/12/duke-of-westminster-avoided-billions-inheritance-tax/
  15. It's even less fun being an unpaid Executor.... Often the hard part is trying to decide who should get what, especially with treasured possessions that you'd quite like to be looked after even when you're gone
  16. This month is WillAid month: https://www.willaid.org.uk/will-makers - get in quick, cos' appointments disappear very quickly. HTH Brian
  17. Has anyone ever managed to dry their hands in 10 seconds using a Dyson Airblade? Thought not....

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. nigelb


      the good news is when 2 of them are going next to each other its over 85 decibels so in theory you should have hearing protection on ,, just saying


    3. Ozexpatriate


      Dr. Dyson's patented germ spreader?

  18. I have a dead basic (think a tenner...) clam-shell style Samsung mobile phone. No camera, no Bluetooth, no internet..... Anyway, whenever I'm abroad (I was in France last week) it'll make & receive calls, and receive texts. But I can't send texts, which is a pain at times. Any wizzkids out there know why please? I did try the phone company last time it happened (ASDA, which uses the EE network) but got no joy. Many thanks. Brian
  19. I'd make sure it has free lifetime map updates, UK & Europe maps are nice, traffic updates and lane assist. I use a Garmin, which is fine. You can also load up points of interest and regular speed camera location database updates from websites such as pocketgpsworld.com for an annual subscription
  20. I did actually see a punch up at an exhibition once, about 15 years ago. A guy in his 40's (?) set about a younger guy in his 20's (?) for no apparent reason. Location? Worthing, of all places......
  21. My Uncle was a big Jazz Fan - he had "Mournful Blues" on the way in, "Shout for Joy" on the way out. The Vicar asked for one in the middle too - the tune from the James Bond Film in New Orleans, where they top someone whilst the band is walking down the street.
  22. Minories featured a lever frame locking mechanism that was a work of art - anyone got any photos by any chance? I also saw Tim V having his levers pulled by a young blonde lady - she certainly managed to ring his bell....
  23. I believe the layout "Maindee East" (I think) uses smoke effects to very good effect (IIRC there is an article in MRJ some time ago about how it is done - message me if you need a copy). One thing to bear in mind is potential damage to layout & stock though. HTH Brian
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