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Everything posted by polybear

  1. I, like many others I'm sure, stocked up on Alan Gibson wheels just prior to the "real" Alan Gibson's retirement (at that time he didn't have a buyer, and it looked as though there was a real risk that the range would be lost. Would I be right in thinking that the ones I purchased may be problematic? Morgan - I (and I'm sure many others too) would be very interested if you could do a more detailed photo feature on the method you use to lock the wheels to the axle. Any possibility please? Many thanks Brian
  2. Oh delightful.....thanks for that little nuggett.... So when someone says they "chucked their guts up last night" they weren't kidding.....
  3. Am I: (a) Missing something, or: ( B) Just thick, or: © Is this Guy trying his luck/taking the p*ss http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Locomotive-Kit-Chassis-Construction-in-4mm-by-Iain-Rice-Illustrated-1993-/361270404186?hash=item541d64e45a - It's a used book, and apparently a "Scarce Title". At that price maybe..... Currently available from Wild Swan at £16-95 posted...... p.s. If you want the Ebay variant be quick - his kind offer ends in a little over 2 days. Then the price goes up another twelve quid....
  4. :danced: :danced: :danced: Many thanks Boss!!
  5. If all modellers with similarly affected locos were to contact Hornby and inform them that they are rejecting the goods as "unfit for purpose" (and therefore expect a full refund/replacement) then that may focus their attention a little..... (Though I do realise that such action should, under the Sale Of Goods Act, technically be directed at the retailer and not the manufacturer). polybear
  6. I saw the Kitson at S4um yesterday - yes please...... Brian
  7. Hi Martin, Thanks for the post; in case you felt that a previous posting of mine was mis-placed I have removed said posting. I've decided (long overdue) that Master Dave's (dasatcopthorne) philosophy of not bothering spending time reading some posts is entirely correct. Master Dave - I humbly implore you to consider accepting me as a humble disciple into your Temple of Enlightenment and reduced Blood Pressure; I can supply my own Sandals and Finger Bells:
  8. Three Posts in a row. I really am getting sad... Bvgger. That's now four Posts
  9. Hi Gordon, Small world....Ray Hammond lives (literally) just down the hill from me; I have'nt seen him for a while (I only know him to say hello to, no more unfortunately). A friend at work used to help exhibit "Buntingham" on the exhibition circuit, built by Ray to S4 (not P4) track standards, just to prove to non-believers that it could be done. Complete with working point rodding and interlocking....
  10. Now we all know what Martin looks like...the black coat is very fetching..... :jester: (Only kidding of course Martin - I do know what you look like - I'm sure I've got a copy of a certain Mr. Wynne standing next to a Bridgeport somewhere.....)
  11. At ExpoEM perhaps a couple of years ago (or thereabouts) a certain ex.Chairman of the EMGS admitted to me that, if he were to start again, he'd probably adopt 00. Now if you were to mix EM & 00 perhaps you'd get.....EM-2....... = 00-sf. Now I'm starting to understand the point of all those boring Algebra lessons at school ....
  12. Message to Andy Y: Can we have a "What a load of Drivel" voting button please?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. muddys-blues
    3. cornamuse


      oh no! my wife would demand one!

    4. Crisis Rail

      Crisis Rail

      deffo for Muddy's drivel.....

  13. I don't see any relevance whatsoever as to how many 00-sf layouts there are on the exhibition circuit. Perhaps modellers are quite happy to build and operate layouts in the comfort of their own homes. Which in no way is a disrespect to those who do wish to build and operate exhibition layouts, of whatever scale or gauge, for their own enjoyment and for the enjoyment of others - and long may it continue. I do recall Gordon's excellent layout "Eastwood Town" featuring in Model Rail Magazine - I believe it was the Centenary Edition if my memory serves correctly? Does that count for anything?
  14. I would humbly suggest that if there were "no user base for them" then the whole subject of 00-sf wouldn't exist, nor would this thread...
  15. Agreed - I'm a member of both the EMGS and S4 Societies. Given a perfect world (and a preference for Diesels rather than Steamers) I'd adopt EM Gauge. But the thought, expense and risk of re-gauging my growing collection of RTR Steam Locos (with the odd Green Diesel thrown in) make this a no-no. For me , 00-sf offers the most attractive alternative; others may have different preferences and that's absolutely fine too.
  16. I'm definitely a long way off 65.....and all three of "those things" on the go....
  17. Makes sense to at least examine it and give a test run before the OH squirrels it away for 3 months though. Otherwise phoning up Hattons 3 months after delivery to report damage/defects/poor running probably won't get you very far....
  18. Two screws in a nearly new tyre. Sh1t:(

    1. Metr0Land


      I know, every time I buy 4 new tyres you can GUARANTEE one will be written off in under 5,000 miles :(

    2. Mallard60022


      I got some new ones a few months back and for a few quid extra I bought a little insurance against this. I've suffered the same thing several times and so it seems like a good idea.

    3. polybear


      At least it's a forty quid tyre, not a 200 notes one...

  19. Nice video....but I think you need a few more wagons....
  20. Maybe Hornby have been looking at past sales figures (and profit margins) for Railroad & Super-Detailed variants of previous loco releases. Perhaps they may be of the view that the increasing prices of locos cannot be sustained forever and have therefore decided to release the Crosti as a Railroad version, slightly souped up in places in the hope that it would keep the majority happy? It'd be interesting to know if Hornby have any plans to do a SD version in the future... One idea - perhaps Hornby could consider doing locos as Railroad variants (but with all "difficult" bits such as paintwork & especially lining) fully finished. And then offer a "Super Detailing Accessory Pack" to give serious enthusiasts the option of upgrading the Railroad version to a highly detailed model. Just an idea.
  21. An in-depth step-by-step "how to" feature as a separate thread would go down a storm....pretty please?
  22. Maybe you have a relation/friend/neighbour/workmate that can send a cheque on your behalf?
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