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Everything posted by polybear

  1. Heard a story about some modellers going round to the house of a deceased modeller in order to purchase some very nice s/h 0 Gauge locos from the widow. She said: "I put the wagons and boxes in the dustbin, as I don't think anyone will want them..." Only......"wagons" = loco tenders. Yes, the bin man had long gone.....
  2. Let's hope that Mike Russell's excellent range of DMR kits don't go the same way, now that they've been taken over by Pheonix.....
  3. In the "Modelling Musings & Miscellany" section of RMWeb there is a topic entitled "A Borchester Market Appreciation Topic"; Post #150 (on page 6) may be of interest to followers of 00-SF I'd post a direct link, but this stupid PC won't play ball.... polybear
  4. And another...surely not http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/pentroller-hand-held-controller-in-mint-condition-/121764785948?hash=item1c59bf2f1c
  5. Ha Ha dream on..... http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/TRAINS-PRAIRIE-TANK-AIRFIX-00-MODEL-KIT-DJ-/190452184356?hash=item2c57d5b524
  6. DOGA go so far as to state a minimum B2B of 14.8mm for the Fine Standard on their website - aimed at replacement/kit wheels such as Gibson/Markits maybe? Regards, Brian
  7. Some ratfink outbid me :(

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Horsetan


      It's not fun anymore.

    3. DougN


      Well there is nothing like a ratfink

    4. polybear


      Not saying what I was bidding on, just in case the ratfink is on RMWeb and takes offence.....[i learned that lesson the hard way :) ]

  8. Not me - I'm still in the 00-SF camp, just without using flexitrack If that should upset any oversensitive 00 follower then that's unfortunate, but it sure won't keep me awake at night Brian
  9. Hi Gordon, If you say Eastwood Town is 00-SF, then it most definitely is 00-SF Your exploits on RMWeb with E.T. have, to my mind, been possibly the most beneficial thing to happen regarding the much wider acceptance of 16.2mm since the glorious days of the early gauge wars Now then, if you were to finish ET then perhaps you could convince the remaining handful of dissenters (or should that be Trolls...). Cheers, Brian
  10. For me (and I stress that point, since others may have other views - fair enough) it always has been so. Though gauge widening may be used as appropriate using 3-point gauges - it's still 00-SF, in the same way that EM (or P4) are still EM/P4 if similar gauge widening has been incorporated. If the use of 16.5mm flexitrack has been used (for practical purposes, such as on Eastwood Town, or simply thru' personal choice) then is the layout still correctly described as being 00-SF? Good question - one which probably doesn't have a "correct" answer - each will have their own opinion. However, if you were to build EM turnouts and use them with P4 flexitrack (not that I'm suggesting for a moment that such a thing would be sensible/would work) then do you have an EM or P4 layout? Now there's a question....I'm off. Cheers, Brian
  11. I've always wondered who got me the sack. Now I know.... Cheers, Brian
  12. Snap - please don't go . You'll make me :cry: In the years since I've been involved with (and reading posts about) 00-SF I've yet to read anything which has made me doubt that 00-SF is correct for me. And I, like many others I'm sure, have learned an awful lot thru' reading about your exploits on Eastwood Town. Though if traffic doesn't increase soon the line could well be at risk from a certain Dr. Beeching Regards, Brian
  13. Hi John/Gordon, Bearing in mind E.T. currently has 322 "official" followers (not to mention all the unofficial ones...), then I'm sure you can't be doing too much wrong p.s. We're all eagerly awaiting the next instalment, by the way Cheers, Brian
  14. Ah, but Martin has only changed it within Templot. So my forthcoming layout should be 4-SF when it exists in the Templot virtual world of a pile of 1's and 0's, magically transforming to 00-SF when it's a stack of copperclad and C&L Code 75.........
  15. Funny you should say that Martin. I have noticed there's an option for 0-SF. Should this not be 7-SF? Regards, Brian
  16. Hi Dave, So let me get this right. For some of the layout you have 16.2mm plain trackwork. And for other parts you have 16.5mm plain trackwork. So (and according to some other posters/threads) you are neither one nor the other. I feel for you mate..... Brian
  17. Next thing we'll know, is that someone decides that using EM wheels on P4 trackwork is a good idea. Hang on a minute, someone already has.........
  18. :nono: :nono: Not sure where the idea that 00-SF is intended for 16.2mm turnouts with 16.5mm plain trackwork suddenly appears from? Yes, you can do that (and many do/will). Others use 16.2mm 00-SF throughout, with all trackwork being hand-laid. And 00-SF has been that way since at least 2008 (when I began supplying 00-SF Gauges) and quite probably a lot earlier than that, when Martin was hand - building & supplying track commercially. The term "4-SF" has exactly the same gauge dimensions & standards as 00-SF, just with a different name used within Templot for reasons Martin has already discussed elsewhere. Until a couple of days ago the "4-SF" didn't even exist, except perhaps within Martin's head ..... Brian
  19. Hi Richard, For me at least, the term "Gauge Flare" isn't helpful/may mislead. 00-SF has a track gauge of 16.2mm, which may subsequently incorporate gauge widening on curves as required (using well-proven tools such as 3-point track gauges) , depending on factors such as minimum radius and locos/stock used. Ultimately this gauge widening could result in a track gauge dimension of 16.5mm, for example. To me it's 00-SF (or 4-SF in Templot). However, some (e.g. Gordon's excellent Eastwood Town layout) may choose to incorporate Gauge widening where not actually required, such as on plain trackwork of little or gentle radius. This may be due to several factors, such as a big layout is being constructed by one or two modellers and therefore the practicalities of building lots of trackwork isn't viable/isn't favoured. Therefore (as on Eastwood Town) the modeller favours the use of 16.5mm RTR trackwork where suitable. For me at least it could be argued (pointlessly IMHO) that the layout isn't a "true" 00-SF layout. So what? It works for them and they're happy with it. For me I intend on my next layout to use 16.2mm 00-SF throught, using handbuilt trackwork only; it doesn't make it any better or worse, just more suitable/practical for my own personal circumstances and desires. Brian
  20. Why not stand up at the next S4Soc. AGM and mention that. Good luck - we'll send flowers :jester:
  21. Hi Richard, I'd suggest clarifying the term "RTR Wheels" a little more - in general (there will be exceptions no doubt) 00-SF is suitable for recent RTR wheels, not older "steamroller" wheel profiles. HTH Brian
  22. Confused - what is 00-DN? I've checked Templot for dimensions but can find no reference as yet (though of course that doesn't mean that it doesn't exist). Thanks. Brian
  23. Careful Martin....you could be accused of bringing racism, politics and religion all into the same thread. You'll get it locked down :jester:
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