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Everything posted by GreenGiraffe22

  1. Reading through Hornby's article about Brighton Works I'm amazed it wasn't saved for preservation, what a shame. I'd love Brighton Works in 1947 condition! A couples years late for my modelling era but who cares. Being Brighton born and bred I've always had a soft spot for it despite it being gone long before I was born.
  2. On the subject of wagons and liverys, their Madge Brighton wagon just released, they've put it in grey, a little research suggests it should be red...
  3. That's quite interesting, I was super impressed with my Hornby Terrier for running smoothly over point work that almost every other loco was stuttering on, I guess performance really does vary from model to model
  4. In no rush for my SR one over here, my layout lives at my parents so I haven't seen it in 4 months, hopefully by the time it arrives, and I'm safely able to visit my parents, some of the QC issues will be resolved...
  5. Always purchase to 'play' with =) I agree with the comments where it does seem a shame for all the design and work that goes into creating a moving scale model for it to spend its life in a cabinet / on a shelf / in its box. Perhaps there is a market for un motorised models? A venture for the Corgi brand maybe?
  6. A Hamleys I found in Prague a couple of years ago had a Hornby branded display layout. (prices for products there were eye watering too!)
  7. The only proof I have of them running on the line my layout is based on (Portsmouth-Brighton) is this photo but my layout is set during the war years and the 40s are so poorly documented with photos because of wartime restrictions that I just use "there was a war on" as an excuse to run unlikely Southern locos a little away from home :p
  8. Honestly, I can seldom be bothered to send anything back, the only times anything has gone back were Hornby's S15 because the side rods bent out of shape and both my Hattons Ps because they both deteriorated in performance so quickly over a few weeks they became unusable (one required a whole new chassis).
  9. Some earlier photos of different eras from my go-to source. This one could almost pass for a model railway :p Wartime black and Maunsell green for me! Those undulations look so sleek in plain black!
  10. Prototype for everything! Exhibit A Don't forget 00 RTR is for everyone, there's bound to be some owners running a layout with a terminus where the only viable option is to have it run around and pull the train out backwards!
  11. That is one of my favourite layouts I've ever seen at an exhibition, I never see many Southern grouping era layouts at exhibitions and it is SO atmospheric with all the sounds the layout has, could watch it for hours!
  12. At least with Terriers there are so many to do we hopefully won't get too many duplications =) I mean there were, what, 50 built? If each one wore an average of 6 liveries in its lifetime that's at least 300 variants to do.
  13. A long time ago in a thread about what models Rails might bring us, I jokingly said maybe Rails will be the ones to finally bring us newly tooled Terriers, and look at the drama I've caused! :p This project doesn't quite fit with my 1930s/40s Southern interests but good luck! =)
  14. So looking forward to this one! =D can't wait to see progress when it happens! Being able to run my layout entirely with exLBSCR RTR locos is fantastic!
  15. Oh my word what's the matter with everyone? I'm gonna assume lock down and / or key worker life has got everyone feeling super ratty. It's getting far too tense here. Breath.
  16. Goodness, things have got heated here, i look forward to having both Hornby & Rails SR variants side by side for comparison and I'm sure Graham Muz will be along with a detailed review in due course. I can understand why the coal rails are a big deal for someone like Gary, the man lives and breaths Terriers and his collection of improved early Dapol/Hornby models are stunning. Will it bother me? Probably not, I admit I was, regrettably, part of the Slagging Off Hornby brigade before I received my model but now I adore it and don't notice the wrong bits at all. Unless people point these things out on prototypes in photos on here, I'm none the wiser =) ignorance is bliss. As I said to Gary privately, knowing too much about a prototype seems to be a curse in this hobby sometimes :p Let's try not to be keyboard warriors, there's enough of them elsewhere on the Internet.
  17. Hopefully either Rails or Hornby will give us a sunshine liveried one in due course, Hornby produce most, if not all their southern locos in sunshine livery eventually.
  18. Very much looking forward to receiving 2644 =) as usual the best ones in Southern livery are being saved till last :p
  19. Not entirely sure why Rails are being singled out here for requiring an account, I thought that was normal? It's very useful for keeping track of my pre orders that's for sure!
  20. My Hornby S15 was about £70! While not the strongest locomotive it can handle quite difficult pointwork for a big loco!
  21. Nope, never did get an answer but no one else has mentioned it so perhaps it's correct? Anyone in the know wish to clarify?
  22. I've only been a member for a few years but the amount of knowledge I have gained from this site is huge! Other peoples' models are a constant source of inspiration and I have made some good friends in the model railway community from this site too =)
  23. I presume what ever fees Rails have to pay Dapol to commission the model are a pricing factor?
  24. Sunshine liveried ones still available at Rails for £62!!! I'm usually someone who defends model railway prices but the RRP of £200 for this latest C makes me scratch my head, if costs have become that high for them perhaps it is time to change manufacturer? If it's a "because we can" price tag then good luck to them, I think they're mad but I don't run a business! (I'll wait for the sale, I don't suspect it is going to fly off the shelves... )
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