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Wickham Green too

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Everything posted by Wickham Green too

  1. You might well assume that - but you'd be wrong I'm afraid ! ...... a positioning move of some sort - 1005 reappeared shortly afterwards coupled behind set 1006 : - .... Yes, Bopeep Junction : -
  2. The last few 29s lasted long enough to get listed in the 'Combined Volume' dated Oct/Nov '71 - and they're still listed as Red Circle control.
  3. We've all see pictures of HST Power Car pairs .............. well, at least Hastings Unit1005 had some passenger accommodation : -
  4. Any competent signal engineer would interlock you out of that problem !
  5. Ever tried spilling half a bottle of Plastic Weld over one ? - interesting results ......... an' didn't do the Oxford brake van interior much good either !
  6. ........ and there were 'sideshows' in the goods yard too, not to mention Ludgershall !
  7. I hope there's a retention tank under there somewhere ........................................ or is that patch of ballast growing lush vegetation for a reason ?
  8. Ah - those were the days - nobody uses words like PANTECHNICON nowadays ! ( As pantechnicons go, I'd say it was quite a small one, actually ! )
  9. A new state-of-the-art self-propelled ballast delivery system is demonstrated to the public at Andover in 1986 : - ........... unfortunately, the loading arrangements have yet to be perfected.
  10. That information'll be on a 'need to know' basis .......... in case anyone strategically aims a cough at them.
  11. ........ and the structure of the bridge : a brick or stone arch will normally ( always ? ) have ballasted track - but it's more complex to keep ballast in place on a steel bridge ( and keep the steel accessible for maintenance ) so waybeams are often used.
  12. The first and second Southern coaches are definitely LSWR ( type ) "Ironclad" vehicles and the third looks to be an older LSWR panelled one - so they'd all have BS gangways as standard. ( Odd not to see any Maunsells in a 1939 Birkenhead- Bournemouth ! )
  13. Is there any reason to believe that diesel shunter belonged to any British Railways class ? .......... it could have been a classless military or industrial item !
  14. My VERY crude measurement of wheelbase, wheel diameter and headstock length on the screen suggests it's very close to 16'6" long .......... it has all the characteristics of a bog-standard Charles Roberts wagon so far as I can see ! ( No prizes for guessing who they got the transfers from ! )
  15. Unlikely - there were plenty of 'Company' wagons built to those dimensions ( and 10' WB later ) - but "conventional" 'Owners' wagons rarely exceeded 16'6''.
  16. Yes, the 'new' Airfix kit platform had to be put in a different place 'cos someone had laid a siding where the old one had been ! ( NOT typical Dales weather THAT day - a glorious day for a walk from Clapham with the S.& C. Friends. )
  17. The BR1 bogie was based on a GWR design - you MIGHT only have to change axleboxes ................ though there may be other differences, of course !
  18. Probably no meters involved unless it's electric ( four-wheeled tramcar p'raps ? ) ..... but to convert to metre multiply those dimensions by 0.3048.
  19. I'm sure none of us would say no to a substantial meal with our pints ..........there's only one problem, though - bubble trouble !
  20. '46 was allocated to Stockport and '48 to Springs Branch in the late '67 LocoShed Book ........ neither of which looks particularly promising !
  21. I thought even the Lima one was more convincing than that ................... from that angle !
  22. The only appropriate wheels are from Alan Gibson - but only available on eighth inch axles at present .................... if we all shout loudly enough Colin might hear our pleas !!?!
  23. Trouble is, the loading gauge is so small it makes the track gauge look bigger in comparison ! Is the new stock still clockwork, by the way ? - it doesn't look very orange !
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