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Wickham Green too

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Everything posted by Wickham Green too

  1. Yes, Mike King's drawing does show 8-19-0 - but his photos show 8-16 ( 40610 ) & 8-14 ( 40358 ) ........... Tare weights did vary somewhat between theoretically identical vehicles - and tended to reduce over the years as they got knocked about !
  2. They did, though, have a major share in railway just a ferry ride away from one of their ports .................................. shame about the gauge difference !
  3. Maybe by 'Bloater' to Weymouth for a shorter crossing ?
  4. Certainly as late as '84 in Scotland - though I seem to recall this was 'new' at the time. ( This photo might qualify for the Prototype for Everything thread.)
  5. it's just a horrible angular thing in contrast the the curvaceous form Eastleigh crafted out of the American original.
  6. October '72 Rule H.7.4 appears to be the same as 1950 Rule 121 - though without any reference either to lamps incapable of showing white to the rear or to swivelling lamp irons.
  7. Yeah - but there not being a topic dedicated to the Well Tank on EFE, this is seems to be the logical place to continue discussing what is basically the same product just under a different badge ....................... and, for some unfathomable reason, now available in Adams lime green with Bulleid insignia.
  8. I suspect you're right ....... and we don't actually know how long they'd been sat there with no obvious train appearing - it might be very tempting after a while !
  9. Why did they stop filming just before the train - presumably - hit ? ............................. prudent to abandon ship before the tractor & trailer got catapulted onto them perhaps ?
  10. Local Defence Volunteers ............ or loco defence ? ......... apologies for the slightly grubby class 503 window in the foreground !
  11. Wrong on two counts - Mr.Bouch might disagree about the silvery Tay being calm as you imply ....... er- and Burntisland's on the other Firth, the Forth.
  12. Good job you chose the right K.& E.S.R. Yankee Tank - the other one's got some very major ( and in my opinion extremely ugly ) modifications to cab & bunker.
  13. C'mon ............. it'll be the S-Stock Replacement Stock ..... or the S-Stock Replacement Stock Replacement Stock ...........
  14. Presumably the designers deliberately avoided putting the handrails across the washout plugs - so that rather limited their choice of position.
  15. David Larkin's 'Working Wagons' 1968 - 1973 volume doesn't have a section on Cattle or Ale wagons ......... so one might conclude that the answer's 'NO'
  16. There's a cracking photo of the Newhaven train in 1949 in Mike King's Southern Coaches bible ..... yes it's a bit later than you want, it's hauled by a 'Hornby' and it's painted red and cream but it'll give you an idea of what was used : A 'Continental' Brake at the front then a 1935-type Corridor Third, two earlier Thirds, a high-window First, three coaches that look like they may be 'Nondescripts', Pullman Car, one more ( Brake ? ) coach and something without cream paint so probably a van. Only the Earlier Thirds and First - and probably the Pullman - are available from Hornby so you might have to resort to Rule 1.
  17. Unfortunately the CCTV didn't show where the couple were when they thought the lights weren't working ...................... must admit the Network Rail guy dismissing their claim as just a trick of the light was a little worrying - it was a right-side trick of the light in this instance but could be a wrong-side one next time ! Nice shot of a minimalist HST 'set' !
  18. Do we know that the guy DIDN'T phone up at some point ? ......... however many times I watch that video I can't see any train in the vicinity !
  19. No shortage of luggage space ............ though heading west through Maidenhead, it wasn't a lot of use for Gatwick traffic - nor Heathrow, for that matter !
  20. Thanks - I hadn't worked through that thread but it does answer some questions ...... though not why 'my' two coaches were in pseudo LNWR livery in 1985 - a couple of years before the Miss Marple 'Great Western' livery filming in 1987 !
  21. Rather depends on which half of the split you're talking about ................... maybe a split milk livery should be creamy-white upper panels with a pale wish-washy nondescript lack of colour below !!?!
  22. An' if you spill your split milk what colour is it then ??!? ( The debate over malachite rages on, too ! )
  23. "The classic LNWR livery is often referred to as 'plum and spilt milk' ..." according to David Jenkinson in his LNWR Carriages History ..... otherwise he refers to the upper panels as 'off white'. ( The exact colour probably depends what the milk was spilt onto ......... but that's splitting hairs. )
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