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Wickham Green too

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Everything posted by Wickham Green too

  1. Sorry - forgot the MkIIs - yes, technically Pullmans ( like the Blues ) but they don't readily come to mind when I think about Umber and Cream luxury ! ........... and I'd forgotten that the Devon Belle Cars had run in north Wales before transfer to Scotland. Former Pullman Cars 211-213 had been built for Great Eastern services but were remodelled for LMS Scottish use in 1927 and sold to the company six years later. I'm not sure what the LMR would have numbered 214-221 as those Pullman Schedule Numbers tally with Cars running elsewhere ! The only Pullmans running on Gresley bogies - prior to VSOE rebuilds - were the 1951 'Golden Arrow' 'U-type' Cars, one of which ( formerly "Pegasus" but running as M310E 'Nightcap Bar' ) DID run on the LMR. So far as I know there were never any Pullman Car oddities with any connection to Swindon ! ( except a handful of other ambulance car conversions )
  2. The BR Coaching Stock Steward might be able to track down details that went into the Mk1 Coaches Bible ...... unfortunately the Multiple Units Steward's position is vacant at present.
  3. By that date all parcels vans were effectively common user and the first available vehicles would have been loaded to the far-flung reaches of the Empire - ESPECIALLY if they were 'foreign' vehicles so an assumption of WR origin may be a long way off the mark. ......... and they could be 'adopted' for internal use a long way from home rails too ! ( Wick 15/4/80 )
  4. ..... and, obviously the different colour ! ............. How many tampers have I ever photographed ? - TWO : and they both turn out to be the same ONE !
  5. Maybe thinking about 4,000 holes in Blackburn, Lancashire ......... ?
  6. Pullmans were never common on the 'Midland' though the very first in Britain actually ran on the Midland Railway ! - by '48 The Western's pre-war experiment with Pullmans was long gone and Pullman operations were restricted to the Southern and Eastern. A number of former Pullman Cars were operating in Scotland - having been purchased by the LMS on termination of the contract - but the only other time Pullman Cars MIGHT have been seen anywhere near LMR metals would have been horse race specials. ( FORMER Pullman Camping Coaches were deployed all around the country - there are still a couple (?) at Ravenglass ! )
  7. Spot the difference time : - .... Oxted 9/9/06 & Bangor 9/5/10 erspetively.
  8. While a few pre-grouping railways adopted 9'6'', 9'3'' or other intermediate wheelbases the 'big four' standardised on 9'0'' and jumped straight to 10'0'' in the thirties ......... apart from coal wagons and longer 'specials' ( small 's' ).
  9. I guess EVERYBODY - other than the tourist industry - uses the 'Parental Guidance' abbreviation !!?!
  10. Cans full of of fresh air in one direction - then returned full of polluted carbon dioxide,I guess !
  11. The Bromley town centre bypass bridge ( Kentish Way ), built in 1991 has 'Brick-look' concrete parapets cast in sections and - somehow - they've managed to get exactly the same colouring*, as well as texture, in each panel. ( The inside of the parapets are lined with real bricks ! ) * including identical blemishes in the London yellow stock brick 'infill' !
  12. I first, knowingly, came across the wonders of English ( etc.) place names when on a family holiday in north Devon when we passed a turning signposted to Woolfardsiworthy - but the next turning was for Woolsery and the third for Woolfardsiworthy again. In this neck of the woods, we have the delights of Meopham, Wrotham, Trottiscliffe - shame THAT never had a station - Wateringbury and Teston ( Crossing ) to catch out the unwary ....... I once heard an announcement at Waterloo East for a train calling at Higgam ( between Gravesend and Strood ) !
  13. I'm still reeling from that guy Nighy on Channel Five suggesting that you could change trains for Snowdon Summit at Rid Doo ....... AAAAAAGH ! But - back to topic ( well, nowhere near Polmadie ) .... concerning the Welsh word 'y' I just found this on the InterWeb : The small words, y, yr, yn, dy and fy are pronounced uh, urr, un, duh and vuh. Just learn them. ! Meanwhile, has anyone mentioned Leeds station announcements for trans Pennine services calling at - among other places - Slay Thwaite ?
  14. Indeed ...... but for some specific purpose that seems to have been lost in the mists of time !
  15. Yeeeeah ? ............. b-but the conspicuous attachment is totally unlike anything I've ever seen hooked onto a wagon !
  16. I'm not sure we should be criticising the P.O. wagon liveries offered by the model trade - some of which are extremely good - when the rectangular plastic boxes most are applied to bear little resemblance to whatever wagons they purport to be ............... even a manufacturer with a choice of nicely detailed seven- or eight-plank 1923 mineral wagons seems unable to count at times.
  17. Wainwright was still investigating the use of 4-6-0s in March 1913 - so to get the 'L' class off the drawing board and into traffic by August the next year was pretty good going ( How long would that take with today's tendering procedures ? ). Contemporary press coverage might have been tinged with just a smidgen of anti-German feeling, of course.
  18. I DID consider putting that shot on the Bridge Bashing Thread ............... actually, wouldn't have done as much damage as you'd have thought : https://www.google.com/search?q=double+deck+bus+tube+train+supercar&rlz=1C1GCEA_enGB775GB775&tbm=isch&source=iu&ictx=1&fir=KyOANDwfSyrdIM%2Cci9SwIi8vywWfM%2C_&vet=1&usg=AI4_-kTteOJYCPng-Kq-__sumLVLbBUvpQ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwisi8jhktXqAhUZiFwKHYFFA8oQ9QEwAHoECAYQBQ&biw=1280&bih=913#imgrc=KyOANDwfSyrdIM
  19. Anyone remember the warren of tunnels under Brighton Station .. ... open for tours during the 150th anniversary weekend, September 1991.
  20. Just a long enough section to display a replica wagon and horse to confuse the neigh-bours !
  21. Ah ...... the unicycling lion - who seems to have lost his cycle !
  22. Would make a good stunt for a James Bond Film - though the ramp needs to be a little higher.
  23. I'd bet my shirt on it saying 'Van Heusen' ...... https://www.somersetheritage.org.uk/record/14701
  24. Clearly we have problems among the staff here ..... the driver's sneakily uncoupled himself from the rest of the train 'cos he didn't get on with the guard.
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