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Sir TophamHatt

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Everything posted by Sir TophamHatt

  1. And advice like this is why I hate just "trying it and see". One at a time then! Thank you all
  2. Some good advice here, especially in the first two posts. I hard wired nearly 100% of my DC trains because in many, there simply wasn't space. I also figured out fairly late that I could have wired in a socket but after relooking at some of the photos I took, I see there was barely space as they were. The trains won't have lights or sound so there's little chance of me wanting to swap the decoder. I don't plan on selling them either, and don't reckon they'll go wrong. I used a mix of Zimo and Lenz decoders, which have all been fine. I did use a couple of Digitrax ones because there were two (Hornby Stepney and Bachmann Thomas Emily) that could barely fit those tiny ones, let alone something bigger. Out of about 10 trains, 10 have worked fine. I had to swap the polarity on a few but that's not much hassle. I'm a little annoyed that Bachmann is re-tooling their 170. I can't particluarly fault the current model but after fitting Express Models lights and chipped (hardwired) mine, I'll feel a bit down-beat if the new one is loads better. From the release so far, I think I'm safe. But that's why I'm holding out on a 158 - I want the new tooled one (although the £229 price I saw puts me off!).
  3. Just double checking. If I need to re-program a couple of CV values to about 10 locos at once, can I just stick them all on the main track and do it at the same time? Surely the controller won't care what trains are on the track and just send the new CV value to whatever is on the track at that point? Cheerio
  4. Without meaning to keep steering this off topic, the main draw for me and DCC is: > I started with a brand new layout. > It's the way trains are going. Most, if not all trains you buy these days are DCC Ready at least. Like TVs, soon enough, they'll all be DCC Fitted. > I like ot be able to control individual trains without having different power districts or whatever. If you have a half well established layout and a whole bunch of trains, I can see why DCC would put you off. It has significant advantages and some disadvantages, but anyone starting a layout now, from scratch would be foolish to go for DC.
  5. Ha ha - true! I'm still struggling to get my main PC to "see" and be cable to read/write to my HTPC. It sees some hard drives, not others, can't write to it either. A lot of hassle.
  6. Do adjusting CV 3 and 4 give it a smoother start and finish? I have one train that almost coasts to a stop, yet another that stops pretty quick.
  7. I'm surprised they don't upgrade their trains to be DCC ready. I bet there isn't that much difference in manufacturing costs, if at all.
  8. Sorry - I'll try and change them when I get home. Don't have a YouTube account (and don't want one) and MP4 uploads aren't allowed here (even though the videos are under 32Mb limit). Will have to find another way.
  9. Are there any tweaks you seemingly automatically make to decoders? What make/type of decoder is it? The only one I blanket do on all is turn DC running off; mainly because I'm a bit OCD about that sort of thing. I heard there was a standard tweak for most Zimo MX range that you should change: CV9=51 and CV56=133 but I haven't done those to any of mine. Discuss
  10. Thanks for the pointers so far. I'll take a look on the Railbus for yet more oil. The springs and brushes are very fragile though. I guess they're not particularly a set standard - IE, I can't just buy any and they'll fit? The Lima diesel, I guess I was just making sure the sparking is okay?
  11. Just picking up the point of Hornby vs Bachmann: Hornby Edward: Actual Edward: Or click here for better picture Bachmann Edward: Yes, Bachmann have a bit more of a gloss toy-like finish, but I'd never choose Hornby over Bachmann. Hornby simply repainted existing tooling of the closest engine they had in the tool room.
  12. Not sure if this is going to work. Can anyone help me with these two trains and what I should do next? Both OO HO gauge, DC (at the moment) and old. Video 1: https://ufile.io/vn7de It's a Fleischmann 4400 Rail bus. Took it apart to tidy up the motor. The springs are still slightly oily. Video 2: https://ufile.io/1ldfb It's a Lima Swiss SBB brown loco. Runs okay, but needs help with traction. It has tyres, which I guess are smooth as a babies bottom. Also has a large weight so I'll struggle to add more. Can add photos if needed?
  13. Many don't like it as it's a little unreliable working with the loco. Thanks for info
  14. Hmm. MIght be the first one that's beaten me as I don't particularly want to damage it :/
  15. I don't know the answer but half my range is Bachmann Thomas so would be interested to follow this.
  16. I've seen it on a few before but not quite worked out what it is, or what it does. On the bottom loco, the silver almost screw type "button" on the right hand side in the middle of the wheels. Cheerio
  17. Does anyone know how I can get into this? Want to chip it but never seen a motor quite like this before. Cheers
  18. You do realise the majority of faults are "user error"...
  19. I seriously don't understand why people bother with this sort of stuff. Yes, the odd person may have been caught out in the past by someone who took offence but those examples are far and few between. I mean, how many times have you lent someone a video/DVD/Bluray, or how many youth groups put them on a big screen to watch? How many times have you copied something out of a book, or shared a photo of a piece of art? People on a model railway forum are hardly going to be taken to court after sharing an image. It's like those people who share an image of a random train, btu watermark it with a huge C, date and their name. I mean, it's an image. Of a train. Nobody is going to use it and get any profit from using it. Once on the internet, you somewhat forfit most copyright rules.
  20. Does anyone sell a pack of "things" found around the track? I'm thinking a selection of: Speed limit signs AWS ramps TPWS ramps cabinets Other signs A few tyres, or other misc bits Or do I just have to purchase seperately? Thanks
  21. I use the clips on my programming track as it's just a medium straight so I can sort out chips. I use clips on a temporary piece of long straight when testing DC locos. These are the only two applications I use clips for.
  22. I still have an on-going problem with a point motor. I've checked, double checked, re-checked and it still doesn't want to work. Me thinks it might be the motor itself - but a pain to replace as it's in the tightest spot ever. Might be easier just ti take it out all together :/
  23. I've just been advising a friend to pass on to her friend about this. I said there's so many variables, like what gauge, dcc non dcc, whether it has sound, what sort of controller(s), this and that, it's hard to give good advice. But at least it's got the cogs thinking. I offered to take a look as that would be better for me to give advice. Plus, if there's anything I am interested in, I'd be able to buy it at the going rate before anyone else gets a look in, hopefully - a win win for both parties. I'm a bit of a snob though. All my trains have their own original boxes.
  24. To be fair, I only had one message asking for a bit more detail; nothing since. Please don't get me wrong, it's not the magazine or you, it's Bauer Media and their service. All their responses missed what the complaint was about. The three emails I've had that haven't been "we'll investigate" have all said the same thing, nearly word for word. Even the email from the Customer Services Team Leader didn't go further than what I had been told before. The email even stated all discount codes couldn't be used together. I pointed out that they could and gave them an example. The complaint is that when clicking from the Model Rail website, on the banner (that currently has 35% off), no where does it state there is a discount code that is automatically applied, and no where does it show that discount code. Hence, confusion when the "choosing yoour payment options" page offers a discount code in the run up to Christmas, and almost encourages use. It's not about getting something for free, it's about making things clear for the customer, so I know one discount code will cancel out another. I even pointed out the Thompson and Morgan website where any discount codes show as a product in the basket. If you choose to add more, you can see which ones are taken out. I called the Peterborough office and spoke to the Customer Services Manager who "was aware" but chose not to get involved. I asked the Press Office for a statement to try and post objectively; that was also ignored. However, after laying it all out on the phone I think she understood where I was coming from and by the end of the conversation, I was almost apologetic I had taken her time with it all - so good rep for her on that! I did say on the phone I appreciated your unofficial involvement here and appreciated many of the magazine articles, but it's just disappointing how long it has taken for someone to understand the confusion and disappointment it's caused. 8-10 emails and nearly 2 months for something that isn't that complicated isn't a great SLA time. I've edited my first post (again), and although it's left a bit of a sour taste in my mouth, I'm sure my faith will be restored over the coming days and months.
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