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AY Mod

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Everything posted by AY Mod

  1. Gold users should see trade ads - unless that has been thrown out with the bathwater at some point. I'll investigate.
  2. You get quite a lot to be honest - https://www.world-of-railways.co.uk/membership and no Google Ads.
  3. That reads to me that you've removed it for your convenience rather than it being ineffective (which it isn't). You don't have to isolate now if pinged but you should get tested. If it is ineffective now it's because it's being disregarded, that applies to most other sensibilities too by a lot of people. In doing so you make yourself part of the problem rather than the solution.
  4. I don't know if there was a delay and, if so, why but I only got mine in yesterday's post. Hopefully it'll be with you soon Chris.
  5. Thank you Ric, I can't claim any credit and cannot explain why it's good for you today any more than I can when it's bad for some!
  6. I did illustrate a few days ago that the reverse is the case in the Midlands and North now.
  7. Now done thanks to another member (again) flagging it up!
  8. Not necessarily, they may not have known if they didn't have symptoms. Did you have a test within 48 hours before attending?
  9. I should have done that to your rant on here a few days ago. Rein it in please.
  10. I believe it is on Pocketmags platform John.
  11. It's not fair to say someone is a 'smart alec' just because they look at and comment upon factual data. Rein it in a bit again please.
  12. All login details and links to content etc all remain the same Don irrespective of membership level.
  13. You're starting to get a bit of a reputation and it's not a good one. I'm removing your access to the topic.
  14. Of course there is and that shows a lack of understanding of how online ads work. If we choose an ad aggregator to place their code blocks on a site they profile the site, its audience and geography (we choose to reject gambling or adult ads for instance) and open that up for their partners to place adverts at variable pricing. Meanwhile agencies work for advertisers to place ads on sites with the customer profile they're targeting. So you get average ads for average audiences unless your privacy settings allow customised ads for what you've recently been searching for (or targeted alternatives). We only get paid on what's been delivered, therefore no one is taking money under false pretences; if you choose to block ads you're making an active choice to not benefit the site owner rather than the advertiser.
  15. The review samples are now circulating and it's a stunner. I would expect it to start surfacing in a few weeks. There is a spare untyred wheelset included but as it comes out of the box I've had it pulling away and running around with 18 Mk1s. Very, very capable.
  16. If that position was ever reached then it's very simple - if they did what they should and everyone around them did too it's highly unlikely there would ever be another case. Smallpox - 1978.
  17. I want the opposite of that (freedom without risk) so please don't think I do but to get there certain things should be done and others not done. Nothing to do with bunkers.
  18. Revenue from trade advertising is insufficient to meet the costs so the alternative to giving irrelevant ads would be to shut the site and save some money.
  19. I'll just stick with my conclusion that, whatever the motivation, they're just monumental bell-ends that I wouldn't want to be anywhere near.
  20. I don't actually disagree with the tracking point you make but it's important to define that it's the advertisers that use any tracking and not us, we don't receive any data about the user or their behaviours - all we see is collated reports on performance. I think it's also fair to say that most who grumble about the ads are doing so on the basis of experience rather than any privacy aspects.
  21. Fine, they can accept the consequences for themselves but, not for one minute, are they prepared to accept the consequences of what they could do to others in the process and pay the actual cost of the systems used to treat them and others if they get ill. We reached a point early in the summer where there were no deaths reported, pretty much all the deaths since that point link back to those ignoring or being ignorant of sensibilities. At present people are dying at the rate of 50,000 p.a. because some individuals aren't happy to get vaccinated, keep a distance or mitigate the risks. Quite simply, they just don't care.
  22. I, too, completely agree with this. It's just common sense, courtesy and respect for others. The Far East adopt this behavioural trait far more widely. When visiting anyone, whether for work or leisure, I'll happily take a LFT (I know they're not foolproof) and when I say what I'm doing they often do too (that's how behaviours spread) and it gives both parties a degree of comfort. I've likened it to whether you wipe you wipe your feet when going in to someone else's home, most people do that to avoid treading dirt or worse inside and so it should be the same with this unwelcome visitor to a household. I was sent this yesterday, a discarded sign made from a mask. It would have been far better if they actually wore the mask than abuse it with their illiterate propaganda in their best handwriting. Maybe it's the same principle as the bad grammar and spelling of a Nigerian 419 email where it's designed to appeal to those similarly illiterate and naïve? They walk amongst us as they say, but this time they're stupidly dangerous.
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