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AY Mod

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Everything posted by AY Mod

  1. AY Mod

    Panic buying

    Well you won't get Zuckerchops keeping everyone up to date, not like RMweb.
  2. I hope your driver's got a better sense of direction than the one on the 115. He may need this to find his way back from Smelly Oak.
  3. A lot of progress there Laurie since I last saw it; you've spent the last couple of years more productively than I have. It's all looking excellent.
  4. My thanks to Mark for one of the most enjoyable days photographing and filming a layout I've had in a long time. The amount of work on the OLE is quite something!
  5. It should be noted this happened on 21 September.
  6. AY Mod

    Panic buying

    The time to worry is when they can't get pickers for the finest tips on the slopes of the Yorkshire Wolds.
  7. It seems to affect some but not all. Which browser are you using?
  8. I'd say that's a sensible move. Anyone who's behind such a table knows the propensity for a visitor to plonk their knuckles on the table and deliver their greeting all over you.
  9. AY Mod

    Panic buying

    Apologies, it's a vegan wot makes me rubbish tea when we visit. I tell him it's rank; he just laughs.
  10. AY Mod

    Panic buying

    I find any of the vegan options taste, to me, as though the milk has gone off. Not my cup of tea at all.
  11. I am sorry I missed the initial post. My condolences to Graham's family and friends. A lovely and enthusiastic gent who happily engaged with all at shows. Doubly sorry to hear the reason too.
  12. AY Mod

    Panic buying

    It seems we're wrong, there are no problems; it is a "period of adjustment".
  13. AY Mod

    Panic buying

    Do they? I've been in retail too in management and ownership (non-grocery). In the world of publishing mags have to pay extra to Smith's to have prominence and/or POS on the shelf if you want to push sales and/or not get relegated to the back rack. The consumer isn't directly paying for that but it will show in the p+l and eventually have an effect.
  14. AY Mod

    Panic buying

    I know a lot was staged or constructed for effect but I think 'Clarkson's Farm' has done more for awareness (love him or hate him) than any other campaign. I know Jezza's not going to suffer for one minute but it ably demonstrated why many do suffer.
  15. AY Mod

    Panic buying

    No, that's t the real price. The promotional offer is likely to have arisen from the retailer seeing which of their suppliers is prepared to have a loss leader or low margin price by dangling a future business carrot. It happens. That's the 'stick it to da man' mindset which goes back to the lowest price ambitions. Someone may have lost out but it's not likely to be your friendly salesman.
  16. AY Mod

    Panic buying

    You only have to read price moans on here to endorse that perspective. It's happening everywhere, every day to virtually everyone, right under our noses but the first point overrides this in the subconscious of the vast majority. Just remember, out in the wider world, when you see 2 for 1, 3 for 2 etc that someone, somewhere feels the pain of that offer - mostly it's not the retailer who's offering it.
  17. Please refer to the existing Advertising topic rather than yet another topc/status update.
  18. Why dismiss caution and sensibility? It looks like you place your satisfaction and personal freedoms above the concerns others may have. Wind it in please.
  19. The heat Maps show the 35-50 age groups getting higher lagging behind the 5-19 age groups by about 2 weeks so there's some indications to the contrary.
  20. AY Mod

    Panic buying

    That was landing weeks and months ago, not last week. The same with a iot of Christmas decorative stuff. However, if some gift and toy stuff hasn't landed yet it may well miss the Christmas season. Nothing to do with prioritises.
  21. Thank you very much indeed for that! Andy
  22. The original Gold was a lower rate than WoR+ when the extra mags were added in but we had a one-off special price on one of the virtual show weekends. If you chose to pay monthly DD or annual DD when it was taken out your renewal will be at the price you signed up at. HTH.
  23. I believe it will be the standard privacy/cookie popup. I have had someone else contact me off-forum with similar symptoms. I believe it may be caused by a browser update conflicting with previously stored cookies. I suggest clearing any RMweb cookies from the browser and starting afresh with acceptances and then login.
  24. AY Mod

    Panic buying

    Jeez, it's like the Last night of the Proms in here.
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