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Gary H

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Everything posted by Gary H

  1. We could certainly do with it down this end that's for sure, its like the Gobi Desert. Keep the pics coming Jim!
  2. Crikey, RAIN!!!! Seems always to be evading us down here and everything's dying off!!
  3. Oh the Fellsman 2!! I was on that!! 1988!! What are the 2 locations of your shots Phil??
  4. Yes, very much so. mine has been great and very satisfying for the best part of the last 7 years and its all but finished but Ive been really struggling to keep it in one piece the last few months or so. I often find myself thinking "I must go in and do that tomorrow, or I could do such and such" but tomorrow never comes! I'm now wondering what the average life span of a layout is?
  5. Happy days! Wish we could go back to them for sure.
  6. LOL. Any good ones that particularly stood out at the time Nidge??
  7. That's abit of a shame in some ways as they'll get that nice livery that suits them so well absolutely plastered in filth. Still, its all good work that keeps them employed, that's the main thing.
  8. It used to be 'Findus' but the F fell off. Some interesting stats on the MTS Indus- http://www.mtsgroupltd.com/vessels/tugs-towage/mts-indus-specification
  9. Parcel tape comes as standard on French cars to hold them together!
  10. For some reason best known to myself, he looks abit like a 1980's band member!
  11. Now you mention it, I didn't notice that one, good spot!! Are the first 2 vehicles ex LMS?? The 3rd looks like a BR CCT.
  12. Now that's nostalgia, thanks for sharing a great photo, David! Nothing I like more than late 60's, early 70's stuff.
  13. I suspect it would have taken all this time since Feb for the insurance to sort itself out!
  14. 004 at Bath Road. 025 at Reading. This was taken a couple of weeks before its demise at Ealing. One of my very early efforts with a camera! Was a 110 Kodak thing IIRC. Warts un'all. I was behind 039 coming into one of the stations between Wolvercote Junction and Evesham whilst unrefurbished 027 with all the taps open comes the other way! Must have been about 1982.
  15. Crikey! That 380 makes a 150 look pretty!! The curse of the interconnecting doors.
  16. It seems abit 'off the wall' but that's the first thing that came into my head too!
  17. Willy waving is the term your looking for I think! With respect though, it is precisely because we have professional people working under exacting demands that our own railway is as good as it is Simon.
  18. Titan, JJB1970 and Mike have pretty much summed up what I was thinking but, we in the UK now have the safest rail network in Europe.- official statistics indicate that between 2007 and 2011 there were just 2.6 passenger and workforce fatalities per billion train kilometres- the lowest in the EU, and well ahead of Germany (12.3), France (17.3) and Italy (31.3) We also have the highest passenger satisfaction figures of any major European railway apparently. The above figures were taken from a recent news article.
  19. Nice to see you again albeit very briefly Don! That'll be the final visit from me for a while too.
  20. A very valid point there, air leak off can happen on anything but its made me wonder. Do these shortline railroads / class 2's (call them what you will) have any kind of regulation in the fitness to run and general conformity of their locomotives? I do get the impression that any 'outfit' can buy a locomotive that barely runs and stops and then get paid to haul a train from A to B without any safety case. All of the power involved in this disaster were hand-me-downs of 4 or 5 times and were well past their best! The old C30-7's especially were not that good 20 years ago!! I wonder how they would fair with a Network Rail traction inspector!! It reminds me of a cowboy operator buying a scrap line locomotive, putting a set of battery's on it, checking some levels and going to work!
  21. Gary H

    EBay madness

    On the destroyed Peak, QUOTE: if I was running this on my layout I'd want to neaten the weathering in places.
  22. Gary H

    EBay madness

    Oh dear oh dear! What a waste of a nice model! Quote: The weathering is generally ok. No mate, it is far from OK, its basically wrecked and needs a complete re spray.
  23. Gary H

    EBay madness

    That's it in a nutshell. Sniping program or not (ive used one in the past myself) it makes no dam difference. What is dafter is the numpties that sit by the PC upto 4 days before the end of the auction, bidding, bidding, bidding, bidding again, getting into bidding wars whilst all the time they are inflating the price much to the joy of the seller and then moan when they get out bid! Just bang in your absolute max a few secs from the end, you either get it or you don't. And yeah, it is really that simple!
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