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Gary H

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Everything posted by Gary H

  1. Gary H

    EBay madness

    Knowing my luck I'd win the bloody rubbish!
  2. He already had one of those before his starring role on Channel 5! Nice to see my big boss on there to! (a few episode's back I hasten to add) A very fine old school railwayman if ever there was.
  3. Crikey! A ped assisting an HST, has it got there yet or still en-route?!
  4. Absolutely incredible modelling!! One of the finest layouts and collection of rolling stock I've laid eye's on in a very long time!
  5. That pic with the 33's is a corker, Kevin. Looks like all the taps are open for certain!
  6. Who's bought it, Mick? Any idea? 670's claim to fame was ofcourse its use on the very final booked Burngullow to Irvine silver bullets in 95, nearly 20 years ago!!!! Where the hell does the time go!
  7. Could we assume the 16 tonner was provided as a barrier wagon to protect the loco incase that steel moved perhaps? There is also a 16T on the train again ahead of steel hauled by the Class 25 at the top of post 226. I stopped off at York in October for a loco change on a tour. Not quite so interesting there these days is it?!
  8. Aye, they are indeed very good books! I've not got the Scottish one either funnily enough. All I gota do now is find one on how to make a time machine.
  9. It was Jim's picture above that has just made me dig some old books out the garage. They comprise of 'Diesels and electrics on shed by Rex Kennedy and 'BR diesels on shed'. Ive had them since 1981 and toyed with the idea of selling them on a while back, but being as its now the end of the BR TMD as we knew it, Im so glad I held on to them!
  10. Have a look at post 1601, Rob. Phil pretty much covers the question well. http://www.rmweb.co.uk/community/index.php?/topic/70783-jims-down-by-the-tracks-with-colas-thread/page-65
  11. A little scene I've been meandering along with for the last few weeks! The Bachmann sub station with some modifications plus the "Michigan Avenue tower" kit. Its only taken me 7 years to fill this area with something!
  12. I just done a quick search and the Metal Box factory closed very recently, in July 2013! I assume it lost its rail connection back in the late 80's? Google earth shows the factory car parks and yards deserted.
  13. Now the Worcester pics are especially poignant to me. It was 1979 to about 84 my late gran parents lived there and I would get a train from Padd to visit them for a week or so in the school holidays. Hopefully it was 50 hauled and more often than not it was ofcourse. I spent a fair few hours on that station back then spotting and watching the comings & goings in the yard. I also remember a short siding at the south end that could be seen from the train on the way in. Was this the Metal Box factory? I can remember seeing 16 tonners loaded with swarf on occasions. Keep em coming Kev, superb stuff!!
  14. That incident and its outcome was way off balance when we remember a certain incident at Stafford where a cowboy "driver" (I use the term loosely) drove a 47 like he stole it, exceeding the limit of a LE by 20 mph, DSD isolated, faulty under reading speedo and promptly SPAD'ed! And that plank didn't even have a mainline license and got off scot free!
  15. Those Pullman Car Company built coaches are also still about in mainline use with WCRC! Atleast one of them at any rate! Very rough now though!
  16. Gary H

    EBay madness

    Who's gonna tell him!! Errrrm, actually mate.................
  17. Gary H

    EBay madness

    They also sell lots of American outline stuff, some of it 3x over retail! Check out this Alco Big Boy, normally about £350 - 400. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Athearn-Genesis-HO-4-8-8-4-Big-Boy-w-DCC-Sound-UP-4005-/381032475010?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item58b74e2982 This is a non sound GP9 and very nice highly detailed model but sound versions of these can be picked up for less than this non sound one- http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Athearn-Genesis-HO-GP9-EL-1260-/311147626983?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item4871d801e7 I cant imagine anyone buying any of these unless they are very stupid in the extreme!
  18. Crikey, New Street and 'Brute's'! Those were the days! Im sure they were always left down the platform ends for the benefit of basher's to put their sarnies and cups of tea on!
  19. I do recall it but it was not a wide spread term as I recall. They seemed to be fairly widely loathed by bashers in the early 80's around the Western though for obvious reasons. Isn't it funny how things change!
  20. If I can offer another alternative to the lift out section- don't have one! I use a duck under and after having it for the last 8 years, it really is no big deal to 'duck under'. Even at the corner of the layout where its probably 3 feet wide.
  21. Gary H

    EBay madness

    Back to our old mate again.......... Please please please help me restrain from getting my wallet out!!! http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/TRIANG-Hornby-R751-SPARES-REPAIR-Ks-KIT-BUILT-BR-BLUE-CLASS-50-LOCO-50010-na/371000329809?_trksid=p2047675.c100005.m1851&_trkparms=aid%3D222007%26algo%3DSIC.MBE%26ao%3D1%26asc%3D27550%26meid%3De309cf632615462e96af09d7493401f8%26pid%3D100005%26prg%3D11355%26rk%3D4%26rkt%3D6%26sd%3D201166991269&rt=nc
  22. Gary H

    EBay madness

    And learn to bloody spell! "Nightfall"
  23. Yet another Iconic depot bites the dust! Such a shame. All in the name of progress. RIP BS.
  24. Scrap an Alco?! That would be sacrilege! I do wonder why and how they came to acquire it though!
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