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Everything posted by Bucoops

  1. For people on a watch-list?
  2. The bit you've redacted ;) Where I've posted I've changed the last digits to XXX.
  3. That's how I got mine - except the deposit was hiding hence my minor panic lol
  4. Yup! Wonder how I can get them onto expenses...
  5. They're certainly a lot cheaper than they used to be. Still spent (for work) £16k on them last year though 🤪
  6. More use than the HST set repainted entirely for 3 days of railtour then dumped.
  7. The exception being solid state discs and regular hard disks :D
  8. And just like that Patrick has confirmed A-OK. It was a deposit on an order in the ACC-5xxx range. The balance paid on an ACC-8xxx number and the second one all on ACC-24xxx range - I guess there's going to be a BIG gap between the two being sent. So. I feel I can legitimately ask. Is it Wednesday yet? /runs
  9. Now you've got me panicing - just spotted there's a paid amount difference between my two so have done a chat thing
  10. Just saw this - very nice. Oxblood though? Surely maroon sounds better :D
  11. After the lunch I had, me too. Been picking bogies today. Or rather rummaging for the bits needed to put them together. I have decided not to use the ones I previously completed for the Coronation set - for some reason, I would have to add quite a bit of packing to get them to be able to swivel at all. I'll have to use the 10ft ones but the rest will be MJT. Another order to Dart coming up!
  12. Not so much a dispute but I've been unlucky with a couple of packages going walkies recently so had to get refunded. First was a decent flatbed/negative scanner. Special Delivery tracking on it, yet the only scan was it at the post office. Not exactly a small thing to lose either! The other one was lost by Hermes. A Little Engines D16 kit - irritating but not especially rare. But also a Stelfox J17 kit. That would have exactly doubled the number I have ever seen. Absolutely gutted about that. Fortunately both sellers refunded without any issues.
  13. That's factory weathering? Looks like it's after the attendance of the fire service.
  14. Might not be hugely economical, but what value do you put on replacing damaged stock - Trainsporter sell their foam inserts separately: https://trainsporters.com/pages/oo-gauge-storage-box I have one of their complete boxes with foam and it's really good.
  15. Looks pretty accurate to me ;) It's not advertising, it's a progress update, with caveats. We are grateful for them as it means we can see how they are getting on, and knowledgable people can give constructive criticism and praise.
  16. Wondered what my ex had been up to, now I know.
  17. How on earth did that statement get past the profanity filter? Housework? Are you off your rocker?
  18. Agreed. I've used them twice in the last couple of years - curiously both orders have had issues - the previous one the picture and text said the pack included something that wasn't previously (Coach letters for the Silver Jubilee I think) - it turned up without them, but a quick email and they arrived very quickly. In the past I have used Modelmaster, but I think Fox will be my first port of call from now on.
  19. That's a good idea for a game - pin the postage label on the deltic.
  20. Snot fair. My hayfever is giving me plenty of reminders of what time of year it is. The doctor said I need to find something to do indoors. So, no pressure guys but medical orders, surely that puts me to the front of the queue? ;)
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