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Status Updates posted by DougN

  1. Watching "The Castle" again, ahh someone selling an over head projector... what's he want for it?

    1. bescotbeast


      "Tell im he's dreamin"

  2. If Australia is 31 and 1/3 the size of the uk... does that mean my micro layout is allowed to be 31 and 1/3 larger?

    1. Trebor


      its also upsidedown compared to the UK Doug !

    2. Horsetan


      Is your house 31-and-a third times larger?

    3. KalKat


      I prefer 33 1/3 myself

  3. Thoughts are with the family's impacted here in Melbourne by the nutter who drove a car through the malls and injured so many.

  4. Merry Christmas to all. It's getting hit here in Melbourne... 35d so santa was wearing his shorts!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Horsetan


      Security services / police activity?

    3. Mad McCann

      Mad McCann

      35? Commando weather, in my opinion!

    4. DougN


      Like a tomato on a pair of tooth picks?

  5. Ahh 5days away from work. What to do?

    1. Horsetan


      Is there anything left to do? Another kit?

    2. DougN


      Well the V2 has bits done on it. Today was collection information for my professional registration though 8-(

  6. Just wondering if a penalty shoot out will solve the Australian federal election?

    1. Horsetan


      I hear it's on a knife-edge.

    2. bgman


      Don't start ! :)

    3. DougN


      Unfortunately it started 8 weeks ago... I suspect there may be another election in no time. Groan..

  7. I have the Company ute. Do I go and buy baseboard material?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DougN


      Who said I needed to move it in the Holden? The ute can take 8ftx4ft sheets...

    3. Horsetan


      Eight by four. The builders' staple worldwide.

    4. Tim Dubya

      Tim Dubya

      ute is that like rte?

  8. A get fit program has started! Rowing 400 strokes per day... I think I won't get any modelling done, I'm stuffed

    1. Horsetan


      That Finney A1 will be wasted on you, then ;-)

    2. DougN


      Nah, if I get fitter there will be more years to build it in!

    3. chris p bacon

      chris p bacon

      Depends what you're "stroking"

  9. Kreshna is riding shot gun on the stage coach of my life!

  10. Still smiling after comedy festival performance of the Doug Anthony All Stars!

  11. There's going to be an earthquake at Ramsay st. Should I be worried only living 3km from there?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Horsetan


      ...ah, so it's a real earthquake rather than an unexpected twist?

    3. DonB


      don't run for the hills there could be avalanches and the beach ? expect tsunami, it looks like you are well stuffed!

    4. Horsetan


      An avalanche? In urban Victoria? In a southern hemispherical summer?

  12. Why is it when you cut a piece of wire it always ends up short?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Metr0Land


      Measure once, cut twice. That's right isn't it?

    3. Brian Harrap

      Brian Harrap

      Not in this house - measure twice cut three times

    4. The Blue Streak

      The Blue Streak

      It's only short at one end though.

  13. Why is there a similarity in Queen's under pressure and ice ice baby?

    1. Revolution Mike

      Revolution Mike

      Errr because Vanilla Ice nicked the bass line! And got done for it!

    2. bgman


      Always good in a mix !

  14. Rain for the first time in 4weeks while walking the dog.... Owner and dog saturated!

    1. Horsetan


      I didn't know you had a dog. What gauge is it?

    2. DougN


      It is a life support system for a nose really! Indiana is a crazy 2yr old beagle.

    3. Castle


      Saturated - rather than superheated? The superheated ones are more efficient...

  15. Picked up the new D16 what a lovely beast. Hornby at its best?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Horsetan


      I still think that the B1 is the best so far.

    3. Simon Moore

      Simon Moore

      I agree horsetan it's a beautiful model the B1

    4. DougN


      Well 45568 it was a local shop to me here in Melbourne!

  16. Had 2hrs modelling time today... Open fire on, CD on, trains running... Can every day be like this?

    1. Horsetan
    2. DougN


      spoil sport.. a really nice day yesterday! back at work now 8-(

  17. I've been on here for 7 years amazing

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DougN


      Now you mention it I might do some modelling too!

    3. bgman



    4. Huw Griffiths

      Huw Griffiths



      What's that?


      Wait a minute - it's that enjoyable / frustrating / satisfying hobby we'd all like to find time for - if and when we manage to complete all those chores.


      Only joking - of course!!!

  18. My boy's performing with the Melb symphony orchestra and national boys choir! We're very proud!

    1. Mallard60022


      XLNT...what's he play?

    2. DougN


      No, sing in NBC, he's only 11 brittens War requiem so the Latin is challenging. Singing second soprano!

    3. Mallard60022


      Lovely piece but challenging as you say. Enjoy.

  19. Started a Bradwell J27....Kit building again... a nice feeling

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. DougN


      Of course! Need a couple of J27's and Q6's for what I have in mind!

    3. Horsetan


      Any plans for a Q7 to provide some variety?

    4. DougN


      Nah... May be a Q5

  20. Its my birthday..Do I want work to know about it?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Horsetan


      Hopefully Dave Bradwell will send you a kit as a present....

    3. bgman


      They'll probably guess when they see the big badge and funny hat !

    4. DougN


      Nope... No one guessed until I was giving the boss a lift and asked what are you up too for the weekend? Having a birthday was the answer.

  21. Wondering if they will miss me tomorrow to say home and do more modelling?

  22. Watching Life of Brian... He's a very naughty bo!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Metr0Land


      I have his gourd!

    3. DougN


      On free to air tv here in melbourne!


    4. Horsetan


      Romanes eunt Domus?!?

  23. Finally the loco chassis has given in and is now running 2months of frustrations come to an end! Hurrah!

  24. Finally the loco chassis has given in and is now running 2months of frustrations come to an end! Hurrah

  25. Ummm Back to do some modelling this arvo!

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